Massive quake expected off Boso Peninsula

Japanese researchers say a massive earthquake could occur off a peninsula to the east of Tokyo, in an area separate from the one that triggered the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923.

The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan reported to a government panel on Wednesday that analysis of global positioning system data shows that the tip of the Boso Peninsula has been moving about 3 centimeters north each year since 1997.

The authority says quake-causing strain may be building up in the area, where a marine tectonic plate slides under a continental plate.

The situation is similar around the Miura Peninsula to the south of Tokyo, near Yokohama.

Pressure there was released in the 1923 earthquake, but the area off Boso Peninsula has not had a major quake for at least 300 years.

Researcher Takuya Nishimura says an earthquake occurring in this zone could have a magnitude of around 8. He says the authority will continue its analysis to increase the accuracy of its estimations.
May 31, 2012 - Updated 00:55 UTC (09:55 JST)

Vitamin K2 May Help Shaky Nerves and Parkinson’s

Vitamin K2 May Help Shaky Nerves and Parkinson’s

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

A new study shows that vitamin K2 is able to recover energy compromised nerves and restore their function to normal. While the research is in its initial phases, it could be a major breakthrough for some Parkinson’s patients as well as many people who have shaky or trembly nerves.
“It appears from our research that administering vitamin K2 could possibly help patients with Parkinson’s,” says study author and neuroscientist Patrik Verstreken.
In my opinion the study actually means much more. It breaks new ground in the relationship of vitamin K status and energy production. On the one hand, it means optimizing vitamin K intake could support a better energy level in just about anyone, especially those who have ongoing fatigue issues. On the other hand, it means that taking a vitamin K blocking drug such as Coumadin could cause fatigue and nerve problems, and possibly even contribute to the onset of Parkinson’s.
In this study the researchers looked into gene mutations involving PINK1 and Parkin, mutations that are common in Parkinson’s patients. These mutations reduce the efficiency in which nerve cells produce energy and place a person at risk for developing Parkinson’s. It is important to understand that the dopamine nerve transmission occurring in the substantia nigra region of your brain requires extremely high energy output to function normally. Various pesticides as well as high stress or other issues may injure these nerves over time. If there are also gene mutations, then such a combination of issues may manifest as Parkinson’s. On a lesser scale such issues may simply manifest as shaky nerves. Plus, the risk for such issues manifesting would be more likely in a person suffering from ongoing fatigue.
In the new study researchers created PINK1 and Parkin mutations in fruit flies. These flies did not have the energy to fly. Detailed analysis found that their cellular engines (mitochondria Organelle found in cells that produce ATP or chemical energy. Also involved with cell signaling, cellular differentiation, cell death, cell growth, along with heme and steroid synthesis. ) were highly inefficient. The researchers then fed vitamin K2 to the fruit flies. This restored their mitochondrial energy production to normal, despite having the mutations. Flies treated with vitamin K2 could then fly. Since virtually the same gene mutations and energy malfunction occur in Parkinson’s patients the researchers were quite pleased with their findings. At this time it is unknown what dose of vitamin K2 may help nerve problems or Parkinson’s patients.
This study fascinated me because of the mechanism of correction, which has implications of benefit for just about any person, especially if under high stress and/or developing any type of nerve transmission problem in the arms or legs. The researchers found that vitamin K2 acted as an electron carrier, which is a new discovery for vitamin K2. When your cells make energy then electrons must be passed along a chain of events using electron carriers. If all goes well then a molecule of fuel (carbohydrate or fat) can be converted into 33 molecules of energy (ATP). Many factors can interfere with this process, including basic deficiencies of B vitamins and antioxidants. However, vitamin K2 was able to offset a major breakdown in this system, actually restoring normal electron transport. While this may or may not make a lot of sense to you, please take my word for it, restoring electron transport while under conditions of stress is a really big deal.
In situations of compromised electron transport, trash builds up inside of cells, which in turn triggers death signals to cells. In other words, once the process of nerve injury and compromised energy production gets rolling, at some point it can cross a line that rapidly increases death of nerve cells. Rather unbelievably, vitamin K2, in this fruit fly study, stopped that adverse process while returning energy production to normal.
I wrote extensively on the subject of vitamin K2 in the article, Vitamin K2: Bones, Cardiovascular Health, Blood Sugar Control & Cancer Prevention. It makes sense that doses of vitamin K2 proven to help bones in humans may be helpful for nerves; possibly even trying twice that dose would be fine. The highest dietary source of vitamin K2 is in cheese. In smaller amounts it is in milk, yogurt, eggs, and beef. It is also naturally produced by the bacteria in your large intestine (meaning you need good GI health). In comparison, about 90 percent of dietary vitamin K comes from vitamin K1 in the green leafy vegetables I hope you eat. Vitamin K1 can be converted by your cells to vitamin K2, thus all vitamin K is good for you.
Previous to this study the best known electron transport nutrient was coenzyme Enzyme in its most active form that assists with biochemical transport and is considered an active constituent. Q10. Several human studies have shown that high doses of Q10 can help Parkinson’s patients, although it is not a cure. The bottom line for any person is to have adequate energy support and stress busting nutrients like B vitamins, Q10, pantethine, and magnesium, among others. A person should also have adequate antioxidants to help guard against wear and tear to nerves. As part of that program a person could try higher doses of vitamin K2 to see if it helps improve nerves. Give it a few months to see if it is useful to you.

Why I Believe Over Half of Your Diet Should Be Made Up of This

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Story at-a-glance

  • Crisco changed the way Americans cooked and ate, and it has taken 90 years to debunk the myth that hydrogenated vegetable oil (trans fat) is healthier than animal fats (saturated fat)—a myth created and maintained primarily through wildly successful marketing and one seriously flawed hypothesis
  • In more recent years, numerous studies have confirmed that saturated fat consumption is not associated with heart disease. On the contrary, it appears to be associated with improved heart health and decreased risk of heart disease
  • I and other nutritional experts believe most people need upwards of 50-70 percent healthful fats in their diet for optimal health

Why I Believe Over Half of Your Diet Should Be Made Up of This

May 31 2012 | 100,132 views | + Add to Favorites
By Dr. Mercola
A little over 100 years ago a German scientist wrote a letter to a company that made soap, and in so doing changed the way the world cooks its food. The soap company, Procter & Gamble, bought the scientist's idea—and Crisco was born.
At this time in history, people used animal fats for cooking in the form of lard and butter. And while Crisco was purposely formulated to resemble lard and cook like lard, it was nothing like lard. The rest of the story, as related in The Atlantic, is a tale of marketing successi.

When Marketing Alters Dietary Recommendations...

Recipe in hand, Procter & Gamble launched a massive sales strategy for Crisco that rivals even some of the biggest sales pitches today, and won over the cooks of the world. According to The Atlantic:
"Never before had Procter & Gamble -- or any company for that matter -- put so much marketing support or advertising dollars behind a product. They hired the J. Walter Thompson Agency, America's first full service advertising agency staffed by real artists and professional writers.
Samples of Crisco were mailed to grocers, restaurants, nutritionists, and home economists. Eight alternative marketing strategies were tested in different cities and their impacts calculated and compared. Doughnuts were fried in Crisco and handed out in the streets. Women who purchased the new industrial fat got a free cookbook of Crisco recipes. It opened with the line, "The culinary world is revising its entire cookbook on account of the advent of Crisco, a new and altogether different cooking fat." Recipes for asparagus soup, baked salmon with Colbert sauce, stuffed beets, curried cauliflower, and tomato sandwiches all called for three to four tablespoons of Crisco."
Since advertising claims back then were unregulated, Procter and Gamble sold this plant-based product (known today as hydrogenated vegetable oil) as being healthier than animal fats, and consumers believed it. It took 90 years before researchers finally discovered that this new, "better-for-you" compound, which we call trans fat today, actually increases your risk of getting heart disease. As stated in the featured Atlantic article:
"It is estimated that for every two percent increase in consumption of trans fat (still found in many processed and fast foods) the risk of heart disease increases by 23 percent. As surprising as it might be to hear, the fact that animal fats pose this same risk is not supported by science."
Not only that; research has also found that trans fats contribute to cancer, bone problems, hormonal imbalance and skin disease; infertility, difficulties in pregnancy and problems with lactation; low birth weight, growth problems, and learning disabilities in children. It's so bad for your health that one U.S. government panel of scientists determined that man-made trans fats are unsafe at any level...

What History Can Teach Us

The article in The Atlantic, which is excerpted from the book The Happiness Diet by Drew Ramsey, MD and Tyler Graham, is a fascinating piece of history, and well worth reading in its entirety. It adeptly describes the cultural backdrop that led to this "fake lard" being accepted and embraced, not to mention the sheer power of aggressive marketing. Here's just a short excerpt of this excellent piece. For more, please see the original article, or the book, The Happiness Diet:
"... Thanks to Procter & Gamble the United States boosted the production of a waste product of cotton farming, cottonseed oil... Before processing, cottonseed oil is cloudy red and bitter to the taste because of a natural phytochemical called gossypol... and is toxic to most animals, causing dangerous spikes in the body's potassium levels, organ damage, and paralysis. An issue of Popular Science from the era sums up the evolution of cottonseed nicely: "What was garbage in 1860 was fertilizer in 1870, cattle feed in 1880, and table food and many things else in 1890."
But it entered our food supply slowly. It wasn't until a new food-processing invention of hydrogenation that cottonseed oil found its way into the kitchens of America's restaurants and homes.
Edwin Kayser, a German chemist, wrote to Procter & Gamble on October 18, 1907, about a new chemical process that could create a solid fat from a liquid. The company's researchers had been interested in producing a solid form of cottonseed oil for years, and Kayser described his new process as "of the greatest possible importance to soap manufacturers." The company purchased US rights to the patents and created a lab on the Procter & Gamble campus, known as Ivorydale, to experiment with the new technology. Soon the company's scientists produced a new creamy, pearly white substance out of cottonseed oil. It looked a lot like the most popular cooking fat of the day: lard. Before long, Procter & Gamble sold this new substance (known today as hydrogenated vegetable oil) to home cooks as a replacement for animal fats."

The Saturated Fat Myth

The myth that saturated fat causes heart disease has undoubtedly harmed an incalculable number of lives over the past several decades. While it may have begun as an unsupported marketing strategy for Crisco, this mistaken belief began solidifying in the mid-1950's when Dr. Ancel Keys published a paper comparing saturated fat intake and heart disease mortality. Keys based his theory on a study of six countries, in which higher saturated fat intake equated to higher rates of heart disease. However, he conveniently ignored data from 16 other countries that did not fit his theory.
Had he chosen a different set of countries, the data would have shown that increasing the percent of calories from fat reduces the number of deaths from coronary heart disease. And, if all 22 countries for which data was available at the time of his study are included, you find that those who consume the highest percentage of saturated fat have the lowest risk of heart disease.
Unfortunately, the idea that saturated fat is bad for your heart has become so ingrained in the medical and health community that it's very difficult to break through that misinformation barrier. Still, the fact of the matter is that the saturated fat-heart disease link was a hypothesis that did not stand up to further scrutiny. Gary Taubes discussed this lack of evidence in an interview I did with him last year.
Total Video Length: 1:22:58
Download Interview Transcript

Less Saturated Fat in Your Diet = Higher Risk of Heart Disease

Since the introduction of low-fat foods, heart disease rates have progressively climbed, even as studies kept debunking Keys research—repeatedly finding that saturated fats in fact support heart health. For example:
  • A meta-analysis published two years agoii, which pooled data from 21 studies and included nearly 348,000 adults, found no difference in the risks of heart disease and stroke between people with the lowest and highest intakes of saturated fat.
  • In a 1992 editorial published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, Dr. William Castelli, a former director of the Framingham Heart study, statediii:
    "In Framingham, Mass., the more saturated fat one ate, the more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower the person's serum cholesterol. The opposite of what… Keys et al would predict…We found that the people who ate the most cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, ate the most calories, weighed the least and were the most physically active."
  • Another 2010 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a reduction in saturated fat intake must be evaluated in the context of replacement by other macronutrients, such as carbohydratesiv. When you replace saturated fat with a higher carbohydrate intake, particularly refined carbohydrate, you exacerbate insulin resistance and obesity, increase triglycerides and small LDL particles, and reduce beneficial HDL cholesterol. The authors state that dietary efforts to improve your cardiovascular disease risk should primarily emphasize the limitation of refined carbohydrate intake, and weight reduction.

The Cholesterol Myth

Another example of tragically incorrect diet advice is the idea that dietary cholesterol is bad for your heart. Just as the saturated fat myth created an entire industry of harmful low-fat products, the cholesterol myth has given rise to a similar industry of highly processed fake foods posing as healthier alternatives. Take Egg Beaters for example. Introduced in 1972, Egg Beaters has been hailed as a healthy substitute for whole chicken eggs. It basically contains egg whites with added flavorings, vitamins and gum thickeners, providing you with no or low saturated fat and cholesterol, and fewer calories than regular eggs.
This is a tragedy, considering how nutritious whole eggs are—provided they're from organically raised free-ranging hens. For example, egg yolks have one of the highest concentrations of biotin found in nature. So for 40 years, many Americans have deprived themselves of one of the most nutritious foods on the planet, while epidemiological studies repeatedly show that dietary cholesterol is not related to coronary heart disease incidence or mortality, so there's no reason to fear eggs!

Your Body NEEDS Saturated Fat

But let's get back to the issue of saturated fats versus trans fats found in Crisco and other vegetable oils. Foods containing saturated fats include:
  • Meat
  • Dairy products
  • Tropical oils like coconut and palm oil
These (saturated) fats from animal and vegetable sources provide a concentrated source of energy in your diet, and they provide the building blocks for cell membranes and a variety of hormones and hormone-like substances. When eaten as part of your meal, they increase satiety by slowing down absorption. In addition, they act as carriers for important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Dietary fats are also needed for the conversion of carotene to vitamin A, for mineral absorption, and for a host of other biological processes.
Saturated fats are the preferred fuel for your heart, and are also used as a source of fuel during energy expenditure. Furthermore, saturated fats:
Provide building blocks for cell membranes, hormones, and hormone-like substances Act as carriers for important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K Are required for the conversion of carotene to vitamin A, and for mineral absorption
Act as antiviral agents (caprylic acid) Help lower cholesterol levels (palmitic and stearic acids) Modulate genetic regulation and help prevent cancer (butyric acid)

Trans Fat and Sugar are the True Culprits of Heart Disease

Now, some research still suggests there is an association between fat and heart disease. The problem is that most such studies make the crucial error of not differentiating between saturated fat and trans fat. Additionally, the other primary ingredient in processed food that plays a role in heart disease is sugar, specifically fructose. Most researchers have failed to control for these variables. If researchers were to more carefully evaluate the risks of heart disease by measuring the levels of fructose, trans fat, and saturated fat, they would likely validate what I've been teaching for decades.
Both fructose and trans fat are known to increase your LDL levels, or "bad" cholesterol, while lowering your levels of HDL, known as "good" cholesterol, which, of course is the complete opposite of what you need in order to maintain good heart health.
It can also cause major clogging of arteries, type 2 diabetes and other serious health problems. It's important to realize that it's virtually impossible to achieve a nutritionally adequate diet that has no saturated fat. What you don't need, however, are trans fats and fructose in excess of 15 grams per day. Since the average adolescent is now consuming in the neighborhood of 75 grams of fructose per day, one can begin to understand why we obesity and heart disease are at epidemic levels.

Healthy Fat Tips to Live By

Remember, you do need a certain amount of healthy fat, while at the same time you'll want to avoid the unhealthy varieties. The easiest way to accomplish this is to simply eliminate processed foods, which are high in all things detrimental to your health: sugar, carbs, and dangerous types of fats. And don't fall for labeling tricks designed to hide trans fat content.
In recent years many food manufacturers have removed trans fats from their products. However, the FDA allows food manufacturers to round to zero any ingredient that accounts for less than 0.5 grams per serving. So while a product may claim that it does not contain trans fats, it may actually contain up to 0.5 grams per serving. If you eat a few servings, you're quickly ingesting a harmful amount of this deadly fat. So to truly avoid trans fats, you need to read the label and look for more than just 0 grams of trans fat. Check the ingredients and look for partially hydrogenated oil. If the product lists this ingredient, it contains trans fat.
After that, these tips can help ensure you're eating the right fats for your health:
  • Use organic butter (preferably made from raw milk) instead of margarines and vegetable oil spreads. Butter is a healthy whole food that has received an unwarranted bad rap.
  • Use coconut oil for cooking. It is far superior to any other cooking oil and is loaded with health benefits. (Remember that olive oil should be used COLD, drizzled over salad or fish, for example, not to cook with.)
  • Following my nutrition plan will automatically reduce your modified fat intake, as it will teach you to focus on healthy whole foods instead of processed junk food.
  • To round out your healthy fat intake, be sure to eat raw fats, such as those from avocados, raw dairy products, and olive oil, and also take a high-quality source of animal-based omega-3 fat, such as krill oil.
As for how much fat you might need, government guidelines are sorely in need of reconsideration. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends between 20-35 percent for adults, and 25-35 percent for children between the ages of four and 18. The US Department of Agriculture's dietary guidelinesv are even more ill-advised, recommending you to consume less than 10 percent of calories from saturated fats.
As I and other nutritional experts have warned, most people actually need upwards of 50-70 percent healthful fats in their diet for optimal health! My personal diet is about 60-70 percent healthy fat, and both Paul Jaminet, PhD., author of Perfect Health Diet, and Dr. Ron Rosedale, M.D., an expert on treating diabetes through diet, agree that the ideal diet includes somewhere between 50-70 percent fat.

Volume 5, Issue 22 May 31, 2012 First case of vitamin D toxicity As you may know, I'm a huge proponent of taking vitamin D supplements. Everyone I've ever test for vitamin D deficiency has been deficient. Most of them were severely deficient. So I recommend that everyone take 5,000 IU daily. Of course, I frequently hear from my patients that some doctor has told them that it is not safe to take more than 5,000 units of vitamin D per day. But I have yet to see any validation of this statement. Of course, vitamin D is toxic — if you take enough. But you could say that of just about anything. I had never seen a case of vitamin D toxicity — until recently. Why I call this "natural body armor" against inflammatory fires... Not only does it contain 9 of the best nutrients for taming inflammation, it includes them at levels up to three times higher than other supplements. Plus, it's the only one to include a remarkable discovery that quenches the fire in every part of your body-so you get fast relief. Learn more Before I tell you about this case, though, you might think it will prove me wrong and that everyone should take less vitamin D. Quite the contrary. This case provides brand new evidence of just how much vitamin D someone would have to take in order to become toxic. And it's a lot more than 5,000 units. The doctor reported this case just last month. A 67-year-old woman went to the hospital with a history of lethargy, memory impairment, confusion, loss of appetite, and loss of equilibrium for two-weeks duration. Her routine biochemistry showed elevated blood calcium at 14 mg/dl. This is dangerously high. The doctors then checked her vitamin D level and it was also extremely high at 254 ng/ml. The upper limit of the normal range for vitamin D is 100ng/ml. The hospital aggressively treated the woman with intravenous fluids for two weeks until her calcium level was out of the danger range. At which point she immediately recovered. So where did she get all that vitamin D? From her orthopedist. Apparently she had broken her hip a few months before. Her orthopedist had started giving her vitamin D injections once a week to strengthen her bones. The amount was 600,000 units per week, and she had been getting this dose for four months. This is the equivalent of more than 85,000 units of vitamin D per day! I think this case should make it clear that vitamin D in the doses that are needed to achieve optimum blood levels is extremely safe. Rarely do I find it necessary to use more than 20,000 units per day. And I have never found it necessary to use more than that. On the other hand, this woman was receiving 85,000 units per day. And even at that astronomically high dose, it still took four months for her to show any signs of toxicity. Furthermore, even at an extremely high blood level of 254 ng/ml, all of this woman's lab tests including her liver tests, lipids, thyroid panel, and blood counts were completely normal. Apparently, the only significant source of toxicity from vitamin D centers around the fact that it can raise calcium levels. Specifically, her liver and immune parameters were normal. As I have said before, doctors who prescribe vitamin D should check the blood levels and the calcium levels routinely for the first six months. Calcium levels should always be kept within the acceptable range. And vitamin D levels should always be less than 100 ng/ml. The optimum levels are around 70 ng/ml. Anything higher than that is just not needed. One other thing. Your body stores vitamin D very effectively. Once this woman was off the vitamin D supplementation, she still had so much of the vitamin in her body that it took a full six months for her levels to come down to 66 ng/ml. So it is not necessary to take it every day in a spread out fashion. Taking it once a week or even once a month will work just as well. So, keep taking your 5,000 IU of vitamin D. If you notice any symptoms of calcium overload (extreme tiredness, bone and muscle pain, an

Volume 5, Issue 22
May 31, 2012

First case of vitamin D toxicity
As you may know, I'm a huge proponent of taking vitamin D supplements. Everyone I've ever test for vitamin D deficiency has been deficient. Most of them were severely deficient. So I recommend that everyone take 5,000 IU daily.
Of course, I frequently hear from my patients that some doctor has told them that it is not safe to take more than 5,000 units of vitamin D per day. But I have yet to see any validation of this statement. Of course, vitamin D is toxic — if you take enough. But you could say that of just about anything. I had never seen a case of vitamin D toxicity — until recently.
Why I call this "natural body armor" against inflammatory fires...
Not only does it contain 9 of the best nutrients for taming inflammation, it includes them at levels up to three times higher than other supplements.
Plus, it's the only one to include a remarkable discovery that quenches the fire in every part of your body-so you get fast relief.
Before I tell you about this case, though, you might think it will prove me wrong and that everyone should take less vitamin D. Quite the contrary. This case provides brand new evidence of just how much vitamin D someone would have to take in order to become toxic. And it's a lot more than 5,000 units.
The doctor reported this case just last month. A 67-year-old woman went to the hospital with a history of lethargy, memory impairment, confusion, loss of appetite, and loss of equilibrium for two-weeks duration. Her routine biochemistry showed elevated blood calcium at 14 mg/dl. This is dangerously high. The doctors then checked her vitamin D level and it was also extremely high at 254 ng/ml. The upper limit of the normal range for vitamin D is 100ng/ml.
The hospital aggressively treated the woman with intravenous fluids for two weeks until her calcium level was out of the danger range. At which point she immediately recovered.
So where did she get all that vitamin D? From her orthopedist. Apparently she had broken her hip a few months before. Her orthopedist had started giving her vitamin D injections once a week to strengthen her bones. The amount was 600,000 units per week, and she had been getting this dose for four months. This is the equivalent of more than 85,000 units of vitamin D per day!
I think this case should make it clear that vitamin D in the doses that are needed to achieve optimum blood levels is extremely safe. Rarely do I find it necessary to use more than 20,000 units per day. And I have never found it necessary to use more than that. On the other hand, this woman was receiving 85,000 units per day. And even at that astronomically high dose, it still took four months for her to show any signs of toxicity.
Furthermore, even at an extremely high blood level of 254 ng/ml, all of this woman's lab tests including her liver tests, lipids, thyroid panel, and blood counts were completely normal. Apparently, the only significant source of toxicity from vitamin D centers around the fact that it can raise calcium levels. Specifically, her liver and immune parameters were normal.
As I have said before, doctors who prescribe vitamin D should check the blood levels and the calcium levels routinely for the first six months. Calcium levels should always be kept within the acceptable range. And vitamin D levels should always be less than 100 ng/ml. The optimum levels are around 70 ng/ml. Anything higher than that is just not needed.

One other thing. Your body stores vitamin D very effectively. Once this woman was off the vitamin D supplementation, she still had so much of the vitamin in her body that it took a full six months for her levels to come down to 66 ng/ml. So it is not necessary to take it every day in a spread out fashion. Taking it once a week or even once a month will work just as well.
So, keep taking your 5,000 IU of vitamin D. If you notice any symptoms of calcium overload (extreme tiredness, bone and muscle pain, and increased thirst), cut back on how often you take it. You'll soon be back to normal.
Finding your Real Cures,
Frank Shallenberger, MD
REF: Maji, D. "Vitamin D toxicity." Indian J Endocrinol Metab." 2012 Mar;16(2):295-6.


No More Fake

by Jon Rappoport
May 30, 2012

Since I've been investigating, researching, and writing about what manipulators and controllers have been doing to the population, it may SEEM as if I'm saying you and I and everybody else are, at bottom, victims. You could read it that way if you were predisposed to. But you would be wrong.

Becoming more deeply aware of what the Matrix is and what it entails is highly important. But it's really only important if the individual already has a strong foundation of responsibility.

I'm talking about making up your own mind about your own life and your own profound objectives and your own deep desires. And acting on that. And taking responsibility for all this in a very natural and final way. What ideas do you buy? What ideas do you reject? What will you create for the next 50 years? Your decision. Your choice. Your action.

We all fall into the victim trap now and then. The question is, do we dig ourselves out of it? Or do we wallow in it?

Freedom is such a basic thing because, in that space, you make your own most important decisions privately and finally, and you alone take the consequences. You, I, everybody. That's not a theory. It's the way it is. In a sense, it's proof that freedom exists.

Now, when a nation or a world sinks to the point where so many individuals are so unaware of what's happening around them, what decisions are being made on their behalf, it looks like we're all victims forever. It looks like we never had a choice about anything important. We're all slaves and we have no power. And this is where a lot of people stop and settle on a picture of what reality is. And that picture is: THE CONTROLLERS ARE DOING BAD THINGS TO ME AND I CAN'T STOP IT. I HAVE NO WAY OUT.

AND WITH THAT PICTURE IN PLACE, the individual will embark on a project of finding the worst thing that's being done to him, the thing he couldn't possibly fix, and he'll say: "You see? That's proof! That shows I'm helpless. We're all helpless."

So be it. If that's where a person wants to stop and make his home and set up shop, that's his choice. But that's not just a choice about chemtrails or radiation from Japan or war or the global bankers, that's his BASIC choice. That's what it becomes: his basic choice about his own life and his own power.

As in: he doesn't have any. He doesn't have any choice and he doesn't have any power and he doesn't have any imagination he could use to make his life far, far different. That's a hell of a conclusion. But so be it.

Of course, our esteemed leaders try to cultivate and create more victims, because more victims are the building blocks of the world they want to make. But that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the space of freedom, within which an INDIVIDUAL DECIDES TO PLAY A HOLE CARD AND BLAME SOMEBODY ELSE FOR HIS OWN CHOICES AND HIS OWN FAILURES AND HIS OWN INACTION.

You see, when it comes right down to it, that's his version of power. That's his best version of power. And if he wants to fight that war and lose and destroy himself, that's his choice. And it turns out there is nothing you or I can do about it, even if we wanted to do something.

And this victim situation I'm describing? You can find it in the street thug, you can find it in academia, you can find it all the way up to the boardrooms of the most powerful corporations on Earth. That's right.

Let's sweep out the room. Let's clear out the confusion. No one exits the Matrix thinking he's a victim. Doesn't happen. The premise that ANYONE is the kind of authority who can tell you what to do is based on a lie. The lie of your submission and surrender, which is followed by regret.

For the person who is strong, being deceived by an authority through misjudgment is a vital lesson. It shows you what fascism is really all about, on whatever stage it played out. You learn. You see. You react. You bought the con. You were drawn in one step at a time. You paid the price. You took the bait. You didn't notice the strings being pulled. It's a joke. In fact, it's a cosmic joke, because if you look at human history, you see all the ways authorities of one kind or another have been propped up and sold.

Political authorities, religious authorities, money authorities, business authorities, psychological authorities, esthetic authorities, personal authorities, cultural authorities, "universal" authorities, the authority of the one space and one time and one energy and one continuum. All packaged and sold and delivered.

It was all invented through somebody else's imagination, and we bought that imagination instead of finding our own.


The victim ALWAYS buys somebody else's imagination. He keeps buying and buying until he's broke, and then he wants to blame somebody for his own habit, his own addiction.

When you offload enough of other people's imagination and find enough of your own, you discover that reality can be far, far, far, far different than you supposed. There is actually no limit on what imagination can create and bring into being. With work.

It takes strength to go on that road. It's not a little party with doilies and ribbons and balloons and cartoons. It's certainly not a party where somebody cries and gets mad because the cake fell apart and somebody else has to be blamed.

If you think what I'm doing here is ULTIMATELY about BLAMING the shapers of this fake consensus Reality, stop. That isn't it. I'm talking to intelligent strong individuals who want both knowledge and power. Power that comes from living an intense creative life, a life of imagining and inventing new unprecedented realities. ON THEIR OWN. Period.

Do I care what Rockefeller and global bankers and CFR and Trilateralists and Bilderberg and the Vatican and mega-corporations and governments and intelligence agencies and fake scientists and fake media are all doing? OF COURSE I CARE. But that's step one. That's something that is a prelude to the INDIVIDUAL AND HIS POWER, HIS IMAGINATION, HIS INFINITE CREATIONS.


Jon Rappoport
The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.

Jon Rappoport

How to kill flesh-eating bacteria fast

May 30, 2012

How to kill flesh-eating bacteria fast
You may have heard about the recent tragedy of Aimee Copeland. This beautiful Georgia graduate student recently went on a zip line adventure. During the activity, the zip line broke and she fell in the water below the line. During the fall, the line cut her leg. It was a minor injury. But, she became infected with flesh-eating bacteria. Doctors treated her with antibiotics, which failed. Now, the bacteria have claimed both hands, both feet, and one leg. What's incredible is that she didn't have to lose any of her limbs. Let me tell you why.
After the antibiotics failed, the doctors were afraid the bacteria were going to take her life. So they finally wised up and belatedly turned to hyperbaric oxygen (HBO). Now, she is making a slow recovery. Any doctor who understands this infection should have instantly applied hyperbaric oxygen. Why? These bacteria destroy tissue; hence blood supply and oxygen delivery. With no oxygen, there's no immune system to fight the infection! It effectively shuts out the immune system, allowing it to take over your entire body and eventually take your life.
Undo years of damage
to your heart, brain,
joints and nerves
Scientists have discovered one simple nutrient can improve your cholesterol, boost circulation, enhance memory and mental sharpness, and even help you sleep better.
This powerful antioxidant is a veritable electron-trapping, free-radical killing machine!
So what is this amazing discovery?
Aimee's story really saddens my heart. I think it's maximum gross negligence NOT to give either hyperbaric oxygen, oxidation, or both to save a life threatened by infection. We know that when faced with infection, your immune cells require up to 100-times more oxygen to respond than when things are normal. Yet infection creates inflammation and tissue death which reduces oxygen delivery. Oxygen therapies can renew the oxygen delivery and kill the infection in almost every single case! Aimee didn't have to lose any of her limbs.
But here's the problem: The FDA has approved HBO only for limited conditions like carbon monoxide poisoning and osteomyelitis. Well, if it can help osteomyelitis, which is a bone infection, where oxygen tensions are low, it makes sense to use it in most any serious infection, since all of them will reduce oxygen availability and raise oxygen demands. More oxygen will help all infections. You don't need to be a nuclear scientist to figure that one out. You just need to not fear for your livelihood (regulatory agencies) or bank account (malpractice). (Even cancers are less aggressive when there is more oxygen).
As for other oxidation therapies, such as "ozone" and "ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy," reports on these therapies are plentiful in the current worldwide literature. Just go to and type in the words. You'll be shocked at what you find.
And I can tell you this: They work! I recently treated a woman with MRSA, the deadly infection that is often antibiotic resistant. I gave her one treatment and it almost completely healed her in one session. Another woman I treated had a rapidly progressing cellulitis after a tick bite. One single ozone treatment totally healed her in only a few hours. Imagine what we'd see in hospitals if they would only use these treatments.
You don't have to suffer from infection. Make sure you have access to a doctor who uses oxidation therapy. You can find a list of doctors at If you come down with an infection, go straight to your doctor's office, not the hospital. Like Aimee, your life may depend on it.
Yours for better health and medical freedom,

Robert J. Rowen, MD

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Why does the World Shadow Government destroy its own home (planet)?

Why does the World Shadow Government destroy its own home (planet)?

Don’t these people live on the same planet, work in the same world, and play on the same turf as the rest of us?!
Don’t they drink the same water, eat the same food, breathe the same air?
Truly, the leaders of the World Shadow Government (WSG) have soiled their own nest in ways that are forever irremediable and irreversible. Sounds totally crazy, does’t it? That’s because it is! However, the question still remains —–>
Why? … WHY?! … … WHY ?!
If ever there was a 64,000 dollar question, THIS IS IT.
Why would TPTW (The Powers That Were) destroy their own home … ruin their own living environments … spoil their own stretches of beautiful and pristine beaches, and mar their mountaintop enclaves. Does acid rain somehow avoid their hidden chalets? Do oil spills decide not to wash up on their private shorelines? Do the different vectors of dissemination of radioactvity conveniently discriminate in their favor?
If there is one question which permeates every nook and cranny of the alternative internet culture and is asked more than any other, this is the one in 2012. Why do those who populate the peak of the New World Order hierarchy pursue an agenda of relentless planetary destruction?

There are three primary reasons why the World Shadow Government has permitted the unmitigated and ongoing destruction of the planetary environment … on every level … in every sphere of life … on every continent … in every ocean. There are in fact more than just these 3 reasons, but these are the prime movers. These are the underlying, overarching explanations, which simply cannot be refuted.
For those who want the short story, it is as follows:
I. End-Time Madness prevails around the world during the end of the Kali Yuga
II. The Kali Yuga is always known for a proliferation of mind-altering drugs and chemicals coupled with genetic mutation and years of inbreeding among the ruling families.
III. The end days of Kali Yuga are always defined by technospheric breakdown, environmental destruction and societal degeneration
How do these three statements inform the previously stated fact of life on Planet Earth in 2012? That those who reside at the pinnacle of worldly power have clearly allowed, and even encouraged, the systematic destruction of the entire earth realm.
I.End-Time Madness prevails around the world during the end of the Kali Yuga
Those who operate at the peak of the Global Control Matrix (GCM) are subject to all the same daily influences that you and we are. They suffer the same ailments, eat the same food, and grow old in the same ways. Since they are vulnerable to the same environmental risks and dangers, health-undermining co-factors and variables of living life in the 3rd density as the rest of us, they do get sick just like everyone else. The many life-threatening diseases and chronic illnesses, which abound throughout the world, are not safely avoided by them.
In fact, the stresses that exist at their level of planetary administration are many and diverse. The pressure is pretty darn high … all the time. When you’re so challenged mentally, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually, and you’re in the driver seat within the GCM, you can imagine the degree of stress. No, you really can’t. We’re talking LOTS of stress, which always serves as the number one trigger for all that ails us here on earth.
What’s the point? Once these folks are captured by their fancy version of the healthcare system, their physical health and mental faculties will deteriorate. Just as the rest of society experiences physical degradation after being regularly exposed to the health- destroying toxicities associated with the medical-pharmaceutical complex.
Because they do have privileged access to the best and the brightest throughout science and medicine, they are vulnerable to all of the flawed approaches that the ‘best’ science/medicine can buy. The same medical complex, which has forever captured them, also has ways of ensuring that no one ever leaves the reservation, especially at their level of involvement. Therefore, you can imagine how being locked in for life can feel rather suffocating, particularly for those who have a more refined code of ethics and are independent thinkers.
When one is born into the upper echelons of the GCM or WSG, and nothing but your last name keeps you imprisoned in such a system of leadership over global management and control, the experience will inevitably become oppressive. And so it does! To the point where each individual is trapped in a crucible of sorts which has its own set of trials and tribulations. Of course, these positions also come with awesome perqs which are illusory at best, personally destructive at worst.

The End of Kali Yuga: When the craziest among us are running the asylum
How deeply do we have to explore this subject to adequately answer the question in the title?
As we retrospectively view the history of the planet over the past 100, 1000 or 5000 years, we see a landscape littered with the ravages of war, conflict and awesome oppression. There are so many examples of mass murder and theft of resources on such a grand scale that one sometimes wonders if this place might be hell. Of course, it is only a hell for those who created it and surely those who run the place have always played a major role in the tragedy side of life. But not without many of us acting as accomplices, wittingly or unwittingly.
In any event, we only need to visit an oft-repeated definition for insanity to really understand who's been in charge of the realm for all these years.
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.”
Sounds pretty familiar to us, as it looks very familiar throughout this new millennium, everywhere we look. As follows:
Environmental Chaos:
BP Gulf oil spill 2010, Chinese oil spills 2010 & 2011, Nigeria oil spill 2011, North Sea oil spill 2011, New Zealand oil spill 2012, Brazil oil spill 2012, Fukushima nuclear disaster, Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, Alberta tar sands, USA nationwide fracking
Wars of Aggression:
Iraq War, Afghanistan War, Syrian civil war, Libyan war, Lebanon War, Palestinian battles, Undeclared war on Pakistan, Columbian drug wars, Threats against Iran, Mexican drug wars, War in Darfur, Attacks on Somalia, Drone attacks in Yemen
State-sponsored Terrorism:
9/11 bombings of NYC, DC & PA; Moscow theatre siege-2002; Beslan school attack 2004; 3/11 Madrid train bombings; 7/7 London bombings, 2005 Bali bombings, 2008 Mumbai attacks; 2009 Jakarta bombings; 2011 Norway attacks
These three lists are by no means exhaustive, but each is illustrative of just how much crazy mischief TPTW can make in a fairly short period of time. This conduct, however, is exactly what we’re talking about when we say insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again. When will these controller types ever get with a new program? Perhaps not in our lifetime, they’ve been in power for so long.
We assume that you now more fully comprehend the notion of End-Time Madness. While it does come in many shapes and sizes, TPTW usually exhibit very similar symptoms which can be observed in their handiwork as listed above. Hopefully we all agree that the behavior delineated above qualifies as full blown madness, clear cut insanity and downright craziness, whichever you prefer.
II.The Kali Yuga is always known for a proliferation of mind-altering drugs and chemicals. Environmental radioactivity and electro-pollution also pervade the global habitat. This status quo is coupled with an epidemic of genetic mutation, as well as inbreeding among the ruling class.
In his book entitled “When The Gods Play” Alain Danielou perceptively pointed out the following dynamic that occurs throughout and especially at the end of the Kali Yuga:
“When the gods wish to destroy a wicked tyrant, they inspire the madness in him to lose himself. Drugs are among their armaments. Their irrational and immoderate intrusion signals the imminent end of the species at the end of Kali Yuga.”
With an ever-increasing exposure to myriad manmade chemicals, especially through the ingestion of countless pharmaceutical medications and synthetic food additives, we see a derangement of mind, body and soul which threatens the entire civilization. Recreational drugs, such as caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, LSD, amphetamine, as well as the many new synthetic versions, have become a permanent fixture in our society. All taken together, their aggregate use puts the entire order at great risk.
The unbridled proliferation and use of chemicals throughout the entire civilization has likewise put the health and life of the global population in great danger. The human body was simply not designed to process and detoxify such a steady onslaught of chemical assaults. As these chemicals and compounds, pollutants and contaminants, toxins and poisons begin to bio-accumululate over generations, the gene pool becomes degraded, as the quality of life precipitously declines.
Eventually, the people (especially the leaders) become so inundated with chemical exposures that their ability to respond to life and its challenges becomes short-circuited. Three very significant and profound developments occur in the process of societal devolution. Each of these inevitable outcomes applies particularly to those who staff the World Shadow Government.
• The capacity to apply the faculty of reason begins to flee humankind
Common sense becomes very rare and a thing of the past
Irrationality and unreasonableness start to rule the day everywhere, all the time
As these three societal phenomena become amplified, the manifestations of their presence can hardly be overlooked. Particularly when the masses are so easily influenced that they can be:
(i) stampeded into war,
(ii) corralled into a drug culture,
(iii) compelled to tattoo their bodies,
(iv) convinced of the propriety of sexual perversions,
(v) boxed into a thoroughly corrupt two-party political system,
(vi) persuaded to vote against their very own interest,
(vii) coerced to vaccinate their children on a regular basis,
(viii) forced into drinking fluoridated water,
(ix) transfixed by the TV — the ultimate weapon of mass deception,
(x) duped into paying taxes to rogue, criminal governments,
(xi) defrauded out of their life savings and retirement accounts,
(xii) deceived into worshipping the Almighty Dollar, instead of an Almighty God
Certainly the overlay of the Pharmaceutical Culture has gone a long way toward addicting and compromising every aspect of the human body and mind. This whole process of taking over each person is a rather complicated plot and will be taken up in a future essay entitled:
First They get Your Body; Then They Get Your Mind; Finally They Get Your Soul

This upcoming essay will thoroughly elucidate the multi-decade plan to create a drug culture so entrenched that it functions, in and of itself, to ensure that the orders of the World Shadow Government are always carried out. Willingly and without complaint is how a great majority of people go about their day, because of how they have been sufficiently anesthetized, desensitized and chemically lobotomized.
For additional insight into this major co-factor, you may want to consult a previous article published at this site entitled:
Global Population Explosion Marks The End Of The Iron Age
III.The end days of Kali Yuga are always defined by technospheric breakdown, environmental destruction and societal degeneration
This third and last answer to the question in the title is as causal in nature as it is an effect of the very nature of the Kali Yuga. You see, the Kali Yuga is the final age of an epoch punctuated by this current Age of Quarrel (aka Kali Yuga). This grand epoch is composed of four yugas and includes the three yugas preceding the Kali Yuga. Each of these progressively shorter yugas descends into times of greater chaos and disorder. Ultimately, the epoch reaches completion with the end of the Kali Yuga, culminating with the appearance of Lord Kalki. Yes, He has come and gone, and only a very few knew of his earthly incarnation.
The obvious political anarchy, social pandemonium and economic/financial mayhem which exists everywhere around the globe is a reflection of this Age of Conflict. The longer the status quo is allowed to continue, and the more the global population increases, the greater the magnitude of problems on every front. Competition for scarcer resources coupled with unparalleled earth changes only serve to magnify the awesome challenges we face as a world community.
More than ever, humankind is being compelled to live in harmony and peace to address these obstacles. Instead many are moving in the opposite direction. This is the result of man’s inhumanity to man as witnessed throughout so much of today’s ‘civilization’. When the human race loses it ability to think and act rationally and ethically, what else could be expected. The inexorable densification of spirit and matter over the course of the Kali Yuga is designed to produce the hapless outcomes we see all around us.
Given the densifying nature of the Iron Age (iron is much more dense than gold, as well as silver and bronze) the only possible scenarios are those which we have experienced since we took birth on this blue orb. Just as the Golden Age of Satya Yuga was known for its cultural refinement and sublime spirituality, our current Age of Iron is now famous for popularizing that which is truly coarse, crude and crass. The longer these societal qualities persist, the more the civilization will degenerate into outright cruelty devoid of compassion. And so it has.
How does this relate to “technospheric breakdown and environmental destruction”? Social degeneration inevitably sets the stage for the degradation of the planetary environment. Likewise, lack of conscience and unsound science will guarantee an eventual technospheric breakdown. The pervasive lack of respect for life and planet will always devolve into wanton environmental devastation and the consequential ecological apocalypse. Technospheric breakdown is of course also the product of perceived existential threats to the human race, and the many defective scientific endeavors pursued and technological innovations implemented to address them.
Desperation to live at all costs, in the face of insurmountable challenges, will always drive the left brain, linear-oriented, egocentric mind to try and do anything possible to survive. This attitude has produced numerous technological developments and industrial enterprises which are profoundly and fundamentally deficient. Whereas most of the foundational paradigms throughout modern civilization are inherently flawed, each contains the seeds of its own destruction. One need only review the disasters directly resulting from the Nuclear Energy Paradigm to grasp this critical point. A glimpse into the planetary consequences of the Hydrocarbon Fuel Paradigm will likewise reveal the unfolding technospheric breakdown within that realm of operation.
Yes, but how does all this relate to the WSG? They do have access to all the information that LOTS of money can buy. They control the observatories and laboratories alike. Every university and research institution operates under their umbrella with the exception of a very few. Therefore, they have access to a tremendous amount of empirical data and authoritative information which tells the true state of the planet and solar system.
For instance, they know exactly where Planet Earth is relative to rapidly escalating Global Climate Change. They know all about the never-seen-before changes within the earth’s core. TPTW are aware of the many consequential astrological alignments which have been stacking up, and what kind of societal cataclysms to expect. They are fully cognizant of the power of the internet and how it has awakened many to their (TPTW) multi-millennial agenda.

Something to consider:
If you were in their shoes right now, what would you do? What could you do?! All of the financial schemes and political plots are in full cyberspace view. Much of what anyone might want to know about how we ever got into this global condition is already plastered all over a world wide web. The proverbial cat is out of the bag, never to be re-bagged.
What might we expect in light of their (WSG) previous history and future expectations for massive planetary transformation?
Well, here’s their MO going forward. It revolves around one very practical matter where it concerns their ‘running’ of the world. They seek to create their own version of order out of chaos, which is all they’ve ever done for thousands of years. Also, as previously discussed, they are quite proficient at doing the very same thing over and over with catastrophic results (aka insanity).
Furthermore, one thing they are not and that is clueless about just what would happen if everyone knew what they know. They have never been about sharing the truth or disseminating the facts regarding anything. It’s just not in their blood to do so. But much more significantly for themselves, they do know what would transpire all across the planet should the common man/woman become acquainted with certain eventualities.
Please bear in mind that their supreme management goal has always been about control. That’s why we call it the Global Control Matrix. Ergo, the last thing TPTW wants to deal with, particularly during a predictably tumultuous end-time scenario, is uncontrollable chaos. Truly, it is visceral and widespread panic which they always seek to prevent. This has driven their agenda from time immemorial, just as it has driven them crazy.
Question For The Reader:
If you were the top boss and knew everything that they know, would you use the worldwide media to inform the masses about the true state of affairs? It’s actually an unfair question since you don’t have a hint concerning some of the most grave and formidable obstacles facing the human race. The real serious stuff is always hidden under the cover of all the apparently ‘bad’ news you see on the front pages and evening news.
From our seat, we do not in any way justify their actions. However, we do understand the pickle they are in, especially as we approach the end of the Kali Yuga.
Also, we are well aware that they cannot proceed with any plan or course of action unless allowed to do so by the Highest Power — spiritual power, that is.
Macrocosmic Perspective:
The good news here is that the Kali Yuga is always manifesting according to the destiny of each individual … as it manifests according to the destiny of each nation and every other earthbound collective. Nothing can go wrong here, or at any time. What we are experiencing 24/7 is but a never-ending sport of Consciousness. Karma, and in some cases instant karma, is coming at us fast and furiously during the end-time. And the WSG is merely the instrument of the outworking of that karma, especially that which manifests as the destiny of nations. (i.e. The WSG is not destroying the planet, Kali is. The WSG is simply the unwitting instrument by which all things shall come to pass at the end of Kali* Yuga.)
*Kali, the Goddess of Hindu spirituality is also known as the Destroyer of false consciousness.
Sometimes this play is a comedy, other times a tragedy; nevertheless, each act, each performance contains its own perfection. The lessons which can be learned throughout the Kali Yuga can only be learned during a Kali Yuga. Just as life during the Golden Age offered the perfect setting for those souls who needed to receive the experience of a golden age. The Bronze Age preceding our current era was also defined by a gradual degeneration of the natural order and declining adherence to scriptural truths. Which is exactly what every soul incarnation experienced during the Dwapara Yuga (aka the Bronze Age).
Every civilization sits on an undergirding philosophical foundation of sorts. Therefore, the extent to which the integral systems of philosophy, religious paradigms, and schools of spirituality are unsound will be reflected in all the institutions and structures which society builds. Likewise, the degree to which those institutional blueprints are inherently flawed will also show up in the functioning, or rather dysfunctioning, of the society.
When the foundations are laid by individuals whose thinking is skewed toward self-interest or is fear-based, we see the results all around us. Conversely, when the necessary systems and institutions are constructed on the basis of egocentricity, instead of respect for all life and reverence for the immanent Divine, we again can plainly see the consequences.

Hopefully, you can now better apprehend the various subtleties and nuances around the answers to the question:
Why does the World Shadow Government permit the ruination of its own living environment?
Cosmic Convergence Research Group
Submitted: May 28, 2012
Author’s Note:
Conspicuously absent from this WSG revelation is the obvious inevitability of things to occur on Planet Earth by virtue of paths chosen at the outset of the Industrial Revolution. Unknown to many, the Industrial Revolution (IR) was completely engineered by the WSG. It exerted as much control then as it does today; albeit in a much broader and more sophisticated way in 2012. The decisions taken at the inception of the industrialization of the world set the stage for all that we experience today.
In other words, once the Oil & Gas Industry was given its place of prominance to fuel this worldwide enterprise (IR), the global infrastructure and superstructure were constructed to accommodate that decision. Hence, the Hydrocarbon Fuel Paradigm is now the predominant energy source across the planet.
In light of this reality, what can be done at this late date to free the planet from such a destructive energy paradigm? Particularly in the midst of a global economic depression, such a necessary transition away from oil and gas would surely deal a death blow to all the fragile economies that rely on petrodollar revenues. The WSG knows this of course, and also relies on the very same revenues to grease many of their many covert operations.
This same assessment is applicable to the Nuclear Fuel Paradigm, as well as other basic societal paradigms. Many of these other paths to which the WSG overly committed the civilization also cannot be undone without tremendous hardship and sacrifices for every resident of Planet Earth.
Now many are saying let’s just transition to free energy, and we say go for it. Everywhere it can be done, just make it happen. Getting off their energy grid — forever — is certainly the best and quickest way to take back our power … individually and collectively … literally and figuratively.
Compelling Anecdotal Evidence:
The BP Gulf oil spill was a defining moment throughout the current and unprecedented revelatory period of how the WSG actually works. Many of us worked on the remediation of the Gulf and we were shocked to see the apathy and lack of involvement on the part of the rich and famous who own extensive beachfront real estate and expensive mansions along the entire coastline of Florida. Bear in mind that the stretch of shoreline from Stuart to Miami is considered by insiders to be the stomping grounds for many of the world’s richest and most influential power families. And yet their response was mute throughout the course of the spill, as it is up to this very day.
In the end, many of us determined that the coordinated BP and US Government response to this oil spill disaster was taken at the behest of these very same powerbrokers who basically own the peninsula of Florida. They’re all about the pharmaceutical culture, so why not just disappear the oil with Corexit. That way it won’t wash up on the beaches and bring down the property values. Nor will it foul the waters on the surface with slicks. Again, just sink the oil no matter that it will kill off the marine life; just as long as it does’t show up on the beach or on the hulls of the fancy yachts parked in the marinas up and down the coast of Florida.
Never have the intentions and modus operandi of the WSG been so transparent with regard to grave environmental concerns than during the BP oil spill. Owning a $45 million island home off the coast of Miami in the middle of the largest oil spill in North American history becomes a radically altered investment, doesn’t it?
We did not take up the topics of genetic mutation or inbreeding among the ruling class because each is worthy of its own separate essay.
We all know what multi-generational inbreeding will cause to the progeny. The many ruling families of the plutocracy/oligarchy have been fastidious about keeping it all in the family for many centuries. This policy has been pursued with dire consequences to the mental, emotional and psychological health of entire bloodlines. The physical and constitutional health has likewise suffered greatly.
It’s therefore much easier to view their circumstances with understanding and compassion. Any one of us could have been born into any one of these Illuminati families. Actually, some of us were, and that’s why they write and reveal this type of esoteric and long-kept secret information!
As for the genetic mutation component of this story, it’s not difficult to comprehend how generations of under-the-radar genetic mutations and their subclinical symptomatology will eventually translate to fuzzy thinking and fuddled feelings. Among the masses, we see evidence everyday in the outpicturing of this hidden dynamic in the form of some wild and crazy behavior. Therefore, it is quite easy to deduce that when the same phenomena occur throughout the WSG, all hell can break loose, at any time, in any place. And so it does, with increasing regularity.
“When a real big cog in a real big machine moves just a little, all the smaller cogs connected to it “down the line” are set off into their own frenzied orbits, sometimes spinning completely out of control for fear of what the biggest cog might do. Or not do.”
©2012 Cosmic Convergence 2012®. All rights reserved
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