Sunday, May 31, 2015

Coconut Flour Almond Meal Pancakes Recipe

Date Published: 3/16/2015 | 4228 views

Pancakes are generally one of the worst breakfast foods you can eat… but the recipe below, from MindBodyGreen,1 is an exception, if you choose to eat breakfast. Made with coconut flour and almond meal, these pancakes are entirely grain-free.
Even better, they contain healthy ingredients like eggs, coconut oil, and grass-fed butter, which means you can indulge without feeling guilty. You can make these pancakes ahead of time and eat them as a snack, too, just be careful with the maple syrup. Either skip it or use just a light drizzle for flavor.
Did You Know?
  • Made with coconut flour and almond meal, these pancakes are entirely grain-free
  • Coconut flour is gluten free and contains 14 percent coconut oil and 58 percent dietary fiber
  • For optimal nutrition and health, make the almond meal fresh at home and swap the maple syrup topping for butter, cinnamon, and fresh berries

Coconut Flour Almond Meal Pancakes2
Makes about 16 small pancakes
  • ½ cup coconut flour
  • 1/3 cup almond meal
  • 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
  • 4 organic, pastured eggs
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted
  • 1/3 cup milk (raw cow's or coconut)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • a pinch of sea salt
  • 1-2 tablespoons organic, raw grass-fed butter + more for serving
  • pure maple syrup to drizzle (optional)
  1. In a large bow, mix all the dry ingredients: the coconut flour, almond meal, baking powder, and salt.
  2. Slowly whisk in the wet ingredients: the eggs, coconut oil, milk, and vanilla. Mix until the batter is smooth. (If it feels a little dry, add more milk until it reaches the consistency you're after).
  3. Heat a large skillet over medium high heat. Add the butter and allow it to melt, then add scoops of batter (about a ¼ cup each) for silver dollar pancakes. Cook for about a minute on each side until golden brown. Slather with butter and drizzle maple syrup as desired.

New to Coconut Flour? Why It’s a Healthy Alternative
For starters, coconut flour is 14 percent coconut oil. Around 50 percent of the fat in coconut oil is lauric acid, which your body converts into monolaurin, a monoglyceride that can actually destroy lipid-coated viruses such as HIV and herpes, influenza, measles, gram-negative bacteria, and protozoa such as giardia lamblia.
Coconut oil is also comprised of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that are easily digested and readily cross cell membranes. MCFAs are immediately converted by your liver into energy rather than being stored as fat. This is in part why I recommend coconut oil as an ideal replacement for non-vegetable carbohydrates.
Coconut flour also contains a whopping 58 percent dietary fiber, which is the highest of any flour. For comparison, wheat bran is only 27 percent fiber. Coconut flour is very low in digestible carbohydrates—even lower than some vegetables.
Coconut flour has no gluten either, which is a very good thing. Unfortunately, many people, physicians included, still believe that if you don't have celiac disease, gluten is fair game and you can eat as much of it as you like.
In reality, gluten sensitivity may actually affect as much as 30 to 40 percent of all people, and according to Dr. Alessio Fasano at Massachusetts General Hospital, virtually all of us are affected to some degree.
This is because we all create something called zonulin in the intestine in response to gluten. This protein, found in wheat, barley, and rye, makes your gut more permeable, which allows proteins to get into your bloodstream that would otherwise have been excluded.
That then sensitizes your immune system and promotes inflammation and autoimmunity. Once gluten sensitizes your gut, it then becomes more permeable and all manner of previously excluded proteins—including casein and other dairy proteins—have direct access to your bloodstream, thereby challenging your immune system.
According to Dr. David Perlmutter, much of our current disease burden stems from the fact that we are contaminating our immune systems with proteins to which the human immune system has never, in the history of humankind, been previously exposed to. So a gluten-free flour like coconut flour is an ideal replacement for wheat flour.
What Makes the Eggs in This Recipe So Important
Eggs are an incredible source of high-quality protein and fat—nutrients that many are deficient in. They’re also an excellent source of antioxidants, including lutein and zeaxanthin. However, they serve another important purpose in this recipe – acting as “glue” to hold the pancakes together.
When cooking with coconut flour, baked goods will just fall apart if you substitute it 100 percent for regular flour. However, you can use 100 percent coconut flour if you add eggs. The secret is to add one egg per ounce of coconut flour, on average. Why eggs? Since coconut flour has no gluten, the eggs take its place by helping your ingredients stick together.
Feel Free to Slather on the Butter
This recipe calls for a small amount of butter in the batter, however, you can also smother your pancakes in more for serving. This is actually a far healthier choice than maple syrup.
Refined carbs, sugar, and processed foods are the real enemy—not the saturated fats found in foods such as butter, lard, or eggs. In addition, butter may have both short-term and long-term benefits for your health. One Swedish study found that fat levels in your blood are lower after eating a meal rich in butter than after eating one rich in olive oil, canola oil, or flaxseed oil.3
The scientists' main explanation is that about 20 percent of butterfat consists of short- and medium-chain fatty acids, which are used right away for quick energy and therefore don't contribute to fat levels in your blood. Therefore, a significant portion of the butter you consume is used immediately for energy—similar to a carbohydrate.
The other oils (olive oil, canola, flax, etc.) contain only long-chain fatty acids. The primary nutrients found in butter are outlined in the table below. As you can see, butter contains a wealth of nutrients, making it a veritable health food.
The very best quality butter is raw (unpasteurized) from grass-pastured cows, preferably certified organic. (One option is to make your own butter from raw milk.) The next best is pasteurized butter from grass-fed or pastured organic cows, followed by regular pasteurized butter common in supermarkets.
Nutrients in Butter
*Vitamin A in the most absorbable form
Lauric acid
Lecithin (necessary for cholesterol metabolism and nerve health)
*Vitamin E
Wulzen factor: hormone-like substance known to prevent arthritis and joint stiffness (destroyed by pasteurization)
*Fatty acids, especially short- and medium-chain in the perfect omega-3 to omega-6 balance
*CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid): anti-cancer agent, muscle builder, and immunity booster
Minerals, including selenium, manganese, chromium, zinc, and copper
Iodine in a highly absorbable form
Arachidonic Acid (AA): brain function and healthy cell membranes
Glycospingolipids: fatty acids that protect against GI infections
*The highest amounts of CLA and omega-3 fats come from cows raised on grass pastures. Their butter is also 50 percent higher in vitamins A and E, and 400 percent higher in beta-carotene, giving grass-fed butter its deeper yellow color.
How to Make Your Own Almond Meal
This recipe calls for almond meal, which you can purchase pre-made or easily make at home. I suggest the latter, because this allows you to choose what type of almonds to use. Many store-bought almond meals are made with blanched almonds, which have the skins removed. However, one of the healthiest aspects of almonds appears to be their skins, as they are rich in antioxidants including phenols, flavonoids, and phenolic acids. In addition to leaving the skins on, you can seek out organic and raw almonds, which have not been irradiated or pasteurized. Be aware that pasteurized almonds sold in North America can still be labeled "raw" even though they've been subjected to one of the following pasteurization methods:
  • Oil roasting, dry roasting, or blanching
  • Steam processing
  • Propylene Oxide (PPO) treatment (PPO is a highly toxic flammable chemical compound, once used as a racing fuel before it was prohibited for safety reasons)
There are generally no truly "raw" almonds sold in North America, so don't be misled. It is possible to purchase raw almonds in the US, but it has to be done very carefully from vendors selling small quantities that have a waiver from the pasteurization requirement. The key is to find a company with the waiver that is not pasteurizing them. Once you’ve selected your almonds, making almond meal is simple. Almond meal is highly perishable and prone to becoming rancid, so it’s best to make only as much as the recipe calls for.
  • Soak the almonds for at least eight to 12 hours. This will help to get rid of the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors, which can interfere with the function of your own digestive and metabolic enzymes, in the nuts. Enzyme inhibitors in nuts (and seeds) help protect the nut as it grows, helping to decrease enzyme activity and prevent premature sprouting. When nuts are soaked, the germination process begins, allowing the enzyme inhibitors to be deactivated and increasing the nutrition of the nut significantly, as well as making them much easier to digest.
  • Place almonds in a food processor, coffee grinder, or blender.
  • Pulse the nuts until they reach a medium/fine texture. (Avoid processing for too long, as your almond meal will turn into almond butter).
Healthy Toppings for Your Pancakes

Maple syrup is the go-to pancake topping for many, but even though it’s natural, it’s still high in fructose. One tablespoon of maple syrup contains 12 grams of sugar, about 6 grams of which are fructose. I recommend restricting the level of fructose you consume to no more than 25 grams per day if you’re healthy and no more than 15 grams per day if you’re overweight or have a chronic disease like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure or cancer. An even healthier option is to forgo the maple syrup altogether and top your healthy coconut almond meal pancakes with butter, a generous sprinkling of cinnamon and/or fresh blueberries and raspberries.

Liver Detox Juice Recipe


The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. It plays a role in digestion, immunity, metabolism and the storage of nutrients. Because of this, it’s essential that you give your liver a healthy boost! This will not only have beneficial effects on your liver, but the rest of your body as a whole! Try this delicious Liver Detox Juice recipe and experience the amazing benefits of juicing!

Liver Detox Juice Recipe
Total Time: 5 minutes Serves: 2
  • 1 beet (medium size)
  • 6 celery stalks
  • 1 cup fresh cilantro
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 knob ginger

  1. Add all ingredients to vegetable juicer. Gently stir juice and consume immediately.

What Attracts Mosquitoes and How to Repel Them

August 23, 2014 | 837,648 views


By Dr. Mercola
Summertime calls most of us to spend time outdoors, but this means we must share our space with mosquitoes. Scientists say that about one in five people are especially appetizing targets for the little bloodsuckers... are you one of them?
Of the 3,000 species of mosquitoes in the world, roughly 200 can be found in the US, which all differ in their persistence, biting habits, and ability to transmit disease.
Protecting yourself from mosquito bites not only prevents that horrid itching but can also lessen your chances of contracting several mosquito-borne illnesses, such as encephalitis, yellow fever, malaria, West Nile virus, or dengue.
It is estimated that between one and two million people worldwide die each year from mosquito-borne illnesses, the most common being malaria.1
Most commercial insect repellants contain a chemical called DEET, which should be used with caution, if at all. Many studies have found DEET to have harmful effects.
Fortunately, there are plenty of tricks for keeping biting bugs at bay, and they don't involve applying toxic chemicals to your skin. There are also several natural remedies that can help take the sting out of your insect bites, should your preventative efforts fail.
Although the above video is highly informative, it is dangerously wrong at the end as it states that insect repellants with DEET are the only ones that work. That is simply untrue as there are many safer and effective alternatives, like the bug spray we have in our store.
Mosquitoes Plan Their Attack from Behind the 50-Yard-Line
Mosquitoes are attracted to a number of chemical compounds that they can detect from an impressive 50 yards away. The males are not interested in your blood, but the females are a different story, thirsting after the protein and iron in your blood to produce their eggs.
At this point in our scientific knowledge base, we know that mosquitoes are attracted to the following:
  • Bacteria: One trillion microbes live on your skin and create your body odor. Humans have only about 10 percent of these microbes in common—the rest vary between individuals. Some of us have a collection of microbes that are particularly irresistible to mosquitoes.
  • Chemical compounds: When they are sniffing us out, mosquitoes home in on a wide variety of chemicals—277 were isolated as potential mosquito attractants from human hand odors in one 2000 study.2
  • Some of their favorites are lactic acid, ammonia, carboxylic acid, and octenol (present in human breath and sweat). Mosquitoes are especially drawn to carbon dioxide.
    The more you emit, the more attractive you are to them. Larger people naturally emit more carbon dioxide than smaller people, which is one of the reasons adults seem to be bitten more often than children. 
  • Movement and heat: Mosquitoes are drawn to both movement and heat. So if you're exercising outside on a warm summer evening, you're the perfect target—especially if you're short of breath!
Mosquitoes Like OLD Sweat, Not Fresh Sweat
It was once believed that mosquitoes were attracted to human sweat, but science has disproven that the sweat itself attracts them. Instead, they are drawn by the chemical changes produced by bacteria in your sweat.3, 4
Sweat itself is odorless until bacteria act upon it. Although mosquitoes are not attracted to fresh sweat, if you offer them up some "fermented sweat," they'll be all over you.
A 1999 study5 found that human sweat was attractive to malarial mosquitoes after one to two days of incubation. During this time, bacteria in the sweat multiplied, which changed its pH from acidic to alkaline as sweat components decomposed into ammonia.
They also found that malarial mosquitoes flock to foot odor—they will even bite a pair of smelly socks if you hang them up after wearing them for a few days.
Not only do mosquitoes find some odors irresistible, but others have been found to impair their ability to find their hosts—and some of these compounds are secreted by your body. One of these compounds is 1-methylpiperzine, which blocks mosquitoes' sense of smell so effectively that they are rendered oblivious to the presence of a juicy human hand nearby.6
Insect sprays containing 1-methylpiperzine are in the works, but thus far scientists have not been able to determine how to keep the substance from evaporating off your skin, as naturally occurs over time.
Certain people seem to secrete more of these natural substances than others, making them essentially invisible to mosquitoes, which may help explain why some folks seem to be bitten more than others.
Steer Clear of Chemical Repellants, Especially DEET
Currently, DEET (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) is used in hundreds of products, in concentrations of up to an astounding 100 percent. If a chemical melts plastic or fishing line, it's not wise to apply it to your skin—and that is exactly what DEET does. Children are particularly at risk for subtle neurological changes because their skin more readily absorbs chemicals in the environment, and chemicals exert more potent effects on their developing nervous systems. Based on 30 years of clinical studies, DEET exposure can potentially cause the following adverse health effects:7
Memory loss
Muscle weakness, muscle and joint pain
Impaired brain cell function, neurotoxicity8, 9
Skin irritation, hives, blistering
Nausea and vomiting
Shortness of breath
Pain, irritation, and watering eyes
Another potentially harmful chemical found in many bug sprays is permethrin. This chemical is a member of the synthetic pyrethroid family, which is known to be neurotoxic. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has also deemed permethrin carcinogenic—capable of causing lung tumors, liver tumors, immune system problems, and chromosomal abnormalities. Pyrethroids have recently been linked to behavior problems in children as well.
Permethrin is very toxic to the environment—especially to bees and aquatic life—and is extremely toxic to cats.10 Even a few drops can be lethal to your feline companion. It is used as an ingredient in some topical flea products, so when you see "for dogs only" on the label, it likely contains permethrin. For more information, please refer to the Environmental Working Group's (EWG) extensive 2013 review of bug repellant ingredients.11
Simple Preventative Measures to Avoid Mosquito Bites
Naturally, the best way to avoid mosquito bites is to prevent coming into contact with them in the first place. You can avoid insect bites by staying inside between dusk and dawn, which is when they are most active. Mosquitoes are also thicker in shrubby areas and near standing water. The American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA) has a helpful factsheet12 of things you can do to prevent mosquito breeding on your property. Their "Three Ds" of protection are the following:
  • Drain—Mosquitoes require water in which to breed, so carefully drain any and all sources of standing water around your house and yard, including pet bowls, gutters, garbage and recycling bins, spare tires, bird baths, etc.
  • Dress—Wear light colored, loose fitting clothing—long sleeved shirts and long pants, hats, and socks
  • Defend—While the AMCA recommends using commercial repellents, I highly recommend avoiding most chemical repellents for the reasons already discussed; try some of the natural alternatives instead
Bat houses are becoming increasingly popular since bats are voracious consumers of insects, especially mosquitoes. For more on buying a bat house or constructing one yourself, visit the Organization for Bat Conservation.13 Planting marigolds around your yard also works as a bug repellent because the flowers give off a fragrance that bugs dislike. A simple house fan may also help keep mosquitoes at bay if you're having a get-together in your backyard. Dragonflies are also very useful. I have literally thousands of them flying in my backyard. They are the two-inch variety and I haven't had a problem with mosquitoes as they are nearly as effective as bats at reducing the mosquitoes.
Plants Hold the Key to Repelling Mosquitoes Safely
Fortunately, there are highly effective mosquito repellents on the market comprising natural botanical oils and extracts that are every bit as effective as DEET, but with none of the potentially harmful effects. You can also make your own repellent using:
  • Cinnamon leaf oil (one study found it was more effective at killing mosquitoes than DEET)
  • Clear vanilla oil14 mixed with olive oil
  • Wash with citronella soap, and then put some 100 percent pure citronella essential oil on your skin. Java Citronella is considered the highest quality citronella on the market
  • Catnip oil (according to one study, this oil is 10 times more effective than DEET)15
  • Lemon eucalyptus was found very effective in a 2014 Australian study;16 a mixture of 32 percent lemon eucalyptus oil provided more than 95 percent protection for three hours, compared to a 40 percent DEET repellent that gave 100 percent protection for seven hours
Use a natural formula  that contains a combination of citronella, lemongrass oil, peppermint oil and vanillin to repel mosquitoes, fleas, chiggers, ticks, and other biting insects,which is recommended in a June 2014 article on AlterNet.17.
Extra Thiamine May Make Mosquitoes Think You Stink
A study back in the 1960s indicated that taking vitamin B1 (thiamine) may be effective in discouraging mosquitoes from biting. However, studies since then have been inconclusive.18 The theory is, taking more vitamin B1 than your body requires causes the excess to be excreted through your urine, skin, and sweat. Vitamin B1 produces a skin odor that female mosquitoes seem to find offensive.
This vitamin is water-soluble, and there is no danger of toxicity—even at high doses—so it is a safe measure to try. Dr. Janet Starr Hull recommends taking one vitamin B1 tablet a day from April through October, and then adding 100 mg of B1 to a B100 Complex daily during the mosquito season to make you less attractive to mosquitoes. You may also want to forgo bananas during mosquito season, as something about how they are metabolized appears attract mosquitoes. Research also suggests that regularly consuming garlic or garlic capsules may help protect against both mosquito and tick bites.
Treating Bites and Stings with Herbs and Natural Agents
Once you've been bitten, the objective changes from repelling to treating the itch and inflammation caused by the bite. Fortunately, a variety of herbs and other natural agents are soothing to the skin, and many have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. So, for your occasional mosquito bites, try some of the following:
Aloe Vera: Contains more than 130 active compounds and 34 amino acids that are beneficial to your skin
Calendula: An herb with soothing, moisturizing, and rejuvenating properties
Chamomile: The most soothing herb of all, whether used in a tea or applied to the skin; rich in the bioflavonoids apigenin, luteolin, and quercetin
Cinnamon: In addition to possibly repelling mosquitoes, cinnamon has antibacterial and antifungal properties
Cucumbers: Helpful for reducing swelling
Raw organic honey: An especially powerful variety is Manuka honey from New Zealand, made from bees that feed on flowers of the Manuka bush, also known as the "Tea Tree"
Lavender: One of the most popular essential oils for its calming scent, lavender is soothing and antimicrobial
Neem oil: Effective against fungal conditions, boils, eczema, and ringworm, and it would undoubtedly help an insect bite as well
Tea Tree oil: Helpful for healing cuts, burns, infections, and a multitude of other skin afflictions; also a good antimicrobial and antifungal
Basil: Contains camphor and thymol, two compounds that can relieve itching; crush up some fresh herb and apply directly to the bite, or buy the essential oil
Lemon and lime: Both have anti-itch, antibacterial, and antimicrobial actions; avoid applying citrus juices to your skin when outdoors, however, as blistering can occur when exposed to sunlight
Peppermint: The cooling sensation can block other sensations, such as itching, and provide temporary relief; either crushed fresh leaves or the essential oil will do
Jewelweed: A wildflower that grows throughout in the Eastern US, helpful for reducing itching from many types of skin ailments, including poison oak and ivy19, 20
Tea bags: Swiping a cooled tea bag over your bites can help, as the tannins in the tea act as an astringent, to reduce swelling
Apple cider vinegar: Add two to three cups to your bath and soak for 30 minutes; the acidity helps relieve itching
Baking soda: Dissolve in your bath and soak for 30 minutes
Witch hazel: Make a paste out of witch hazel and baking soda, and apply directly to your bite to reduce swelling

Hot or Cold Therapies Can Take the Sting Out of a Bug Bite
You can also use either ice or heat to ease the discomfort from bug bites. An article in Scientific American21 recommends using a simple ice pack to treat painful insect bites in lieu of analgesics. According to an article published in the Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin,22 there is little evidence supporting the efficacy of commercial preparations for insect bites, including antihistamines and topical corticosteroids. The authors conclude that the best course of action for mild local reactions is to simply clean the area and apply a cold compress.
Alternatively, applying heat directly to the bite also appears to relieve itchiness, which was confirmed by a 2011 German study.23 One simple way is to apply a heated spoon directly to the area, as demonstrated by Just hold the spoon under hot tap water for about a minute to heat the metal, then press it against the bite for a couple of minutes. Naturally, make sure the spoon is not too hot. It shouldn't be scalding enough to actually hurt, so please use some common sense, and make sure to test it on your own skin before applying the heated utensil to a child.
A higher-tech version of a heated spoon is the Therapik—a handheld wand that provides targeted heat for the treatment of itchy bites. Gizmodo25 tested it and concluded that it works as advertised, giving it four out of five stars. The receptors that respond to heat are the same ones that respond to cold, so you will likely achieve the same benefits with a metal spoon taken from your freezer, or simply rubbing ice cubes on it. I have also found that simply covering your bite with tape works really well to suppress the itch.
How to Enjoy the Outdoors Without the Buzzkill
With a little planning and preparation, you should be able to enjoy the outdoors without getting eaten alive. Remember the Three Ds of protection from mosquitoes: drain, dress, and defend. Eliminating the breeding grounds for mosquitoes is the first step to limiting their numbers. Planting marigolds around your yard and maybe installing a bat box or two can also go a long way toward preventing them in the first place. When it comes to defense, I recommend avoiding harsh chemical concoctions and experimenting with some natural alternatives instead.

Some may work better than others for each individual, as mosquitoes in particular are attracted to certain biochemical components in your skin, and different types of mosquitoes have different attractions and aversions. Should your preventive measures fail, there are well over a dozen different home remedies that can help, from herbs to baking soda to ice packs or heat, whether in the form of a heated or cold spoon, compress, or electronic gadget, or maybe even just a piece of tape.

Freezing blueberries increases availability of antioxidants – here are 8 ways this superfood benefits health

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(NaturalNews) Just when you thought that the health benefits of blueberries couldn’t be any more plentiful, new research has found that freezing the superfood actually increases the berry’s nutritional content.
Graduate student Marin Plumb, a food science major at South Dakota State University, found that frozen blueberries are equally nutritious as fresh blueberries, even after six months of freezing.

Plumb’s experiment involved observing antioxidant levels in blueberries frozen for one, three and five months. After comparing the antioxidant content of frozen berries to fresh berries, she found no decrease in the nutritional value of the frozen berries.

In fact, Plumb noted that freezing actually increased the anthocyanin concentration.

“The ice crystals that form during freezing disrupt the structure of the plant tissue, making the anthocyanins more available,” Plumb explained.

Anthocyanins are a group of antioxidant compounds that provide various systems in the human body with protection.

Blueberries may be the world’s healthiest food

“Blueberries go head to head with strawberries and pomegranates in antioxidant capacity,” said Plumb’s research adviser, professor Basil Dalaly, who teaches a course on phytochemicals, the naturally occurring chemical compounds in fruits and vegetables.

When it comes to eating healthy foods, “the greener or redder, the better,” added Dalaly.

It’s no coincidence that people associate bright color with nutrition. Anthocyanin, which works wonders in our bodies, is also the colorful pigment that gives many foods their color.

Organic blueberries have higher nutritional content than conventional berries

Don’t believe industry studies that claim organic food is equal in nutrition to conventional; it’s simply not true.

A study directly compared the total antioxidant capacity of organically grown versus non-organically grown blueberries and found that the organic blueberries had significantly higher concentrations of phenol antioxidants and total anthocyanin antioxidants than conventional berries.

Below are 8 reasons to consume blueberries daily:

Improving memory/motor function – One study found that older adults (average age 76) fed blueberries daily for 12 weeks (2-2.5 cups per day) performed better on two different cognitive function tests, which included memory, than those who hadn’t consumed the superfood.

Eye protection – Blueberries have been proven to protect the retina from unwanted sunlight and oxygen damage.

Heart – Consuming blueberries significantly lowers your risk of developing heart disease by regulating and relaxing arterial elasticity in the vascular wall. They also improve blood flow.

Reduces risk of Alzheimer’s disease/dementia – Anthocyanin improves memory and mental fluidity, and can help protect against brain cell loss. Blueberries also stimulate nerve cell growth and facilitate better communication between nerve cell processes, in turn slowing the aging process.

Digestion – Blueberries offer antioxidant protection of the digestive tract by combating free radicals, some of which can cause cancer. This superfood plays a significant role in combating colon cancer.

Protection from toxic heavy metals – Romanian chemists from the University of Bucharest discovered that blueberries protect against heavy metals. Blueberry extract created a force field that acted as a barrier against cadmium, protecting cells from toxic heavy metal damage.

Blood sugar – Blueberries have a favorable impact on blood sugar, even for diabetics. Those who consumed at least three servings of blueberries a day saw significant improvement in their regulation of blood sugar.

Nervous system – Blueberries contain a range of different antioxidants, all of which are beneficial to the human body. This range of nutrients provides nerve cells with protection from oxygen damage. Nerve cells are persistently at risk for oxygen damage, thus requiring continuous protection.

Blueberries are one of our body’s greatest allies. Their ability to eliminate free radicals protects us from every day exposure to various forms of pollution, including pesticides, sun exposure and heavy metals.

The United States is responsible for the world’s supply of blueberries, growing 84 percent of the superfood in 2012.

Additional sources:

- See more at:

Black Herbal Salve

Black Herbal Salve 

Ancient medicine grounded in good science

Historically, Blood Root was used by the Native Americans to heal many aliments such as stomach problems, respiratory issues and removal of superficial tumors, skin tags and warts.

Established research in PubMed, science direct and Medline suggest that the alkaloids in Blood Root are good candidates as chemo-therapeutic regimes and successful immune therapies. In fact, positive effects have been shown in laboratory studies for prostate, breast, pancreatic plus many other types of cancer.

How does Blood Root kill cancer cells?

There are numerous studies that detail the effects of Sanguinarine and cellular reproduction. The bottom line is that it causes cancer cell apoptosis meaning that it causes cancer cells to die. The beauty of Blood Root is that it does not harm healthy cells, but only kills the cancer cells. How wonderful is that?!
However, like any other form of treatment, whether it is botanical or chemical in nature, the treatment may kill the cancer cells, but it does not correct the root cause of any particular cancer.

Cancer is the symptom and not the cause. You must address what allowed the cancer to develop in the first place.

There are multiple reasons that cancer develops in the body:

1. Poor nutritional habits.
2. Toxicity from the home environment.
3. Toxicity from the external environment.
4. Stress and a body that is out of balance energetically.
5. Unresolved emotional issues that have been buried.
6. Dental issues from toxic amalgams and root canals.
7. A compromised immune system.

There are literally hundreds of herbal plants that have anti-cancer properties. Blood Root is one of many that shows promise for strengthening the immune system and healing cancer.

To remove skin tags, apply the salve on the skin tag and keep it there for 20 to 30 minutes then wash off completely. Repeat this process daily until the skin tag drops off.

You may want to look at my 'Blog' page to read Bill O'Leary's Skin Cancer Story and this Black Salve article by Natural News.

Includes full dosage instructions.

Ingredients: Bloodroot, Graviola (Soursop), Chaparral, Galangal, Zinc Chloride, Coconut Oil, DMSO.                                                

Toxic Tooth—How a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick

May 31, 2015 | 97,211 views


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By Dr. Mercola
Root canal is a commonly performed procedure in most adults. But is it a wise one? Dr. Robert Kulacz, a dentist, has spent a significant portion of his professional career trying to answer this question.
What he discovered profoundly changed his life, and led him to write a book about his findings called, The Toxic Tooth: How a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick, which I think is among the best available on this subject.
Dr. Kulacz began practicing dentistry in Brewster, New York. After six years as an associate, he opened his own practice in Somers, New York in 1992, where he performed all the conventional procedures of dentistry, from restorations to extractions and root canals.
"I did a lot of root canals for many years," he says. "Everything was going smoothly until one day, a patient of mine said to me, 'You know, I heard from my physician that root canals may be bad; that root canals may cause or contribute to other diseases in the body.'
And I said, 'You're crazy. Who is telling you this? That's impossible.' He said, 'You got to look at this information.' He gave me websites of organizations like the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) to look at.
I went on to explore this topic so I could come back to him and say, 'Here is where you're wrong, here's where your physician is wrong, and here is where the American Dental Association (ADA) is right.'
Lo and behold, I found out they're right; I was wrong.
I looked at Weston Price's work, the work of Rosenow, and others. I decided to go to an IAOMT meeting... Dr. Boyd Haley's lecture on root canals and how toxic they are changed my life. I realized I was wrong... From that day on, I changed my practice."
The Importance of Informed Consent
Dr. Kulacz stopped performing root canals in 1995. He doesn't promote a ban on root canals across the board, but stresses the importance of informed consent.
The American Dental Association states that root canals are a safe procedure that cannot cause any systemic diseases, and according to Dr. Kulacz and others who have spent time investigating the matter, that's simply not true.
"If a patient is informed that these root canal teeth remain infected; that bacteria can indeed travel to other sites in the body, and that bacteria in root canal teeth and the surrounding bone release potent toxins, then the patient can decide to have a root canal or not," he says.
Many dentists believe they can sterilize a root canal tooth and that the act of instrumenting and irrigating the canal will eliminate all the bacteria, but that's not the case.
“I’ve done biopsies on every root canal tooth that I have extracted. Almost all of them have remnants of necrotic debris still in that canal meaning that they were not thoroughly cleaned. Microbiological cultures of the surrounding bone showed infection almost 100% of the time.” Dr. Kulacz says.
According to the ADA, any remaining bacteria will be "entombed" within that tooth, but that's not true either. The gutta-percha, the filling material used to seal the canal, is not getting into the tiny lateral canals that branch off the main canal, so leakage is almost always possible, especially since the tooth is porous.
And even a perfectly sealed root canal cannot prevent the small molecule exotoxins produced by the bacteria inside the root canal tooth from easily migrating out of the tooth and into the body.
The bulk of the tooth structure is composed of dentinal tubules, hollow structures that run from the main canal outward. If you were to put these tubules end to end from just a single rooted tooth, they would stretch for about three miles.
But they’re big enough to harbor bacteria three across, which you can never remove or sterilize. A tooth is more like a sponge than a solid structure.
“If you had a solid tooth structure that was like steel or a metal, you were able to clear out the main canal of that tooth, there were no tributaries, and you can perfectly seal it, and eliminate the residual infection in the surrounding jaw bone a root canal would be great. But we can’t do that,” he says.
"Now, it doesn't mean that all root canal teeth are going to cause disease. It depends upon the type of bacteria that are in there, what kind of toxins they produce, and the immune system health of the individual.
But with 25 to 30 million root canals done per year, multiply that by how many years a person is alive, there's a lot of root canals out there. And a lot of them are not good."
Bacteria from Root Canals May Worsen Other Diseases
Since root canal teeth are chronically infected, they may contribute to a number of different health problems, including heart disease. While the ADA insists bacteria from root canal teeth can never travel to distant sites in your body, Dr. Kulacz disagrees, explaining:
"Heart disease is caused by the damage to the inside lining of the blood vessel (the cholesterol is a secondary byproduct). The primary cause of heart disease is the damage of the intima lining of the blood vessel and migration of macrophages and cholesterol inside that artery.
Inflammation causes plaque to rupture into the lumen, into the space of the blood vessel, causing a blood clot and a heart attack. [A] study done in 2013... compared the bacterial DNA in blood clots and arterial plaque in heart attack patients to the DNA of the bacteria in the mouth.
The same bacteria found in the root canal teeth and in gum disease are found in the plaques in coronary arteries and in the blood clots that caused the heart attack.
These bacteria move from the mouth into other sites of the body like the arterial plaques. They've also found the same bacteria in the pericardial fluid or the fluid that surrounds the heart... In heart disease you don't want infection and inflammation in an arterial plaque.
The presence of oral bacteria from root canal teeth and gum disease in the arterial plaque and blood clots of heart attack patients points to direct causation, rather than correlation between oral infection and cardiovascular disease.”
All Root Canal Teeth Will Become More Infected Over Time
Because root canal teeth no longer have a blood supply, the bacteria remaining inside all root canal teeth are effectively “hidden” from the immune system. To make matters worse, the root canal tooth becomes more infected over time due to the influx of bacteria from the gum tissue surrounding the tooth.
Other research has shown pathogenic bacteria from infected root canals destroy or kill the white blood cells designed to eliminate them, which is why the surrounding jaw bone can harbor such chronic infection. The bacteria can also evade your immune system by:
  • Bacterial mimicry; mimicking your body's own bacteria, which your white blood cells will not attack
  • Disabling your antibodies and white blood cells
  • Forming sticky biofilms
Decisions... Decisions...

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The video above was recorded about four years ago. In it, I discuss some of the health effects I suffered from an infected tooth, which were resolved after having the tooth extracted. It's important to recognize that the reason you get cavities and/or infected teeth in the first place is related to your diet—primarily eating too much sugar.
If your diet is inadequate, your immune function will be compromised, and if your immune system is weakened, the bacteria's ability to wreak havoc is magnified. So does this mean you have to extract all of your root canal teeth? No, Dr. Kulacz says.
"We can't become so closed-minded that we ignore mainstream dentistry or mainstream medicine just because we don't believe one part of it. Just saying that we're going to extract all root canal teeth and we're going to cure all disease is not valid. That's as bad as saying that root canal teeth can't cause any problems. We have to find the balance... we have to evaluate objectively and then come to a reasonable conclusion and protocol on what to do with these root canal teeth."
If you’re considering having a root canal done, evaluate the data and your personal situation, such as your health risks, before making your decision. I would also suggest considering ozone therapy prior to root canal or tooth extraction. Ozone therapy is typically administered through a syringe, right into or around to the base of the tooth. Multiple visits are usually needed to address the infection. Ozone is directly toxic to infectious material, and it also stimulates your immune system.
I was able to prevent a root canal by using ozone therapy not too long ago. However if the pulp tissue has completely died due to infection, nothing, including ozone, will bring the tooth back to life. It took about five treatments. It's safe, non-toxic, and relatively inexpensive, so it may be worth considering before taking more drastic measures.

If you decide to have the tooth extracted rather than doing a root canal, there are several options on how to restore that missing tooth. The first and least expensive option is with a removable appliance or partial denture. You need to take it out at night, put it back in in the morning, and keep it clean. It's the least invasive way to restore missing teeth.
The second and considerably more expensive alternative is to do a bridge. The teeth on either side of the missing tooth are prepared for caps or crowns, and the missing tooth is attached to those two abutment teeth. The bridge is permanently put in as one unit. The problem is you have to cut down a lot of the enamel on the adjacent teeth, which causes trauma to those teeth, potentially risking the need for another root canal over time.
What You Need to Know About Dental Implants
The third option is a dental implant, where a screw is inserted into your jawbone after a healing time of between three and six months to ensure a base of solid, healthy bone in the jaw. Then a tooth is built upon the top of the implant. The implant functions as your root would have and you have a permanent crown that functions like your real tooth. While that may sound ideal, there potential problems to consider.

First, if you use a titanium implant, you're placing metal into your jawbone, which can cause a galvanic or battery response with other metals in your mouth. There are reports in the literature of allergy and tissue toxicity to the metal used in dental implants that can also negatively impact health. At the very least, if you are considering a titanium dental implant, have an allergy test to all the metals present in that implant. This is especially true if you have a known sensitivity to metals.
Dr. Kulacz prefers zirconium implants, as they do not have metallic ions found in titanium implants. However, if an implant is placed into the bone where a previous root canal was done, and the bone was insufficiently cleaned out when the tooth was extracted, then your bone may still be infected. In such a case, you're placing an implant into a chronically infected bone, which is inadvisable.
"It's critical when you extract the root canal tooth that you remove the periodontal ligament (the little sling that holds the tooth to the jawbone), the lamina dura or socket bone (the only purpose of that socket bone is to support the tooth), and then a small amount of bone outside that space. That's done with a slow-speed, round dental bur with copious or lots of sterile sealing and irrigation to keep the bone healthy.
If you do that, you remove the infection, you induce good blood flow into the jawbone – without blood, there is no healing – and you have a non-infected, healthy, and healed bone to which you can then place your dental implant," he says. “Bacterial cultures and tissue biopsy of the surrounding bone after thorough socket cleaning can uncover any residual infection that may remain. This is why I do not favor immediate placement of a dental implant into the socket of a root canal tooth, preferring to wait for the results of the cultures and biopsy as well as adequate bone healing.”
Gum disease is also a common problem associated with implants. An infection or an inflammation in the gums is very similar to having an infection or inflammation in the bone or the root canal tooth. Natural teeth have a barrier against the migration of bacteria into the surrounding bone.
They are full of fibers that insert from the gum into the root of the tooth and the bone, which prevents the bacteria from getting in to the bone area. Dental implants don't have that. They rely on a sticky coating secreted by the gum around the cuff of the collar of the post that supports the crown.
That cuff of tissue has to be maintained with good oral hygiene to prevent inflammation that might otherwise loosen the tissue around the tooth. If you have gum disease and don't clean the implant post thoroughly, the gum disease around implants will progress much more rapidly than around a natural tooth. If you have a dental implant, it's imperative to follow strict oral hygiene, or you may quickly end up with gum problems.
A Root Canal Tooth Is Dead, and Necrotic Tissue Tends to Cause Problems
A root canal tooth is no longer alive. It's dead tissue, which should never be left in your body. If you have appendicitis, the surgeon just doesn't isolate it and leave it in there. He has to remove it. Yet when it comes to teeth, this rule is ignored.
According to Dr. Kulacz, many people who came to see him—often as a last resort—were able to resolve chronic health issues once their severely infected root canal teeth were extracted and/or the infection properly treated. Interestingly, Dr. Weston A. Price was even able to reproduce people's diseases in rabbits simply by implanting the person's root canal tooth beneath the rabbit's skin.1
"The ADA tries to refute Price's work, saying it lacks adequate controls and they used too much bacteria when they inoculated the bacteria into these rabbits. Well, that's not true. They took the actual root canal tooth and they implanted the same root canal tooth with no more bacteria than would have been found in the person from which it came.
That same tooth was implanted under the skin of rabbits. Lo and behold, they would find the same disease occur in the rabbits. The ADA says they repeated Price's work and found it to be invalid. Well, they never have. I've looked for it. I've emailed them. There is no repeat of Price's work. Further, current research supports Price’s assertions that bacteria from root canal teeth DO travel to distant sites in the body.”
More Information
To learn more about root canals, and/or to help educate your dentist, I strongly recommend picking up a copy of Dr. Kulacz' book, The Toxic Tooth: How a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick. If your dentist is honest and sincere, he or she will likely come to the same rational conclusion as Dr. Kulacz. Granted, in many cases, you're likely to meet with resistance. This seems to be the norm before changes in thinking finally shift to the majority. In some cases the resistance can be severe.
Dr. Kulacz ended up losing his practice after the New York State dental board drummed up a series of charges against him, including "gross misconduct" for extracting root canal treated teeth. The dental board initially wanted to pull his dental license, but backed off when the prosecuting attorney admitted no dentist had actually reviewed the reams of data he'd sent in defense of his treatment—a case of misconduct on behalf of the dental board.
“I called the chancellor of the board of regents in New York State and said, 'Your dental board is corrupt. The prosecutor admitted to me that my case was not about justice. It was not about the truth. The dental board had an agenda. They already dismissed this patient’s file as a cause of action.'
Now, I’m not a conspiracy guy. I never thought that this kind of thing could happen. In fact, if somebody would have told me in the years prior that this could happen, I would’ve thought they were crazy. But it did happen to me,” Dr. Kulacz says. “The next day, the attorney from New York State called and said, 'The dental board is going to drop all charges if you will accept a records violation.' They had to have something, otherwise I could go after them for false prosecution.”
Considering it would have taken several years and a quarter of a million dollars to continue fighting, he accepted the records violation—not realizing this would effectively put him out of business... He kept his dental license, but he never realized accepting the violation would increase his malpractice premium ten-fold—from $8,000 a year to $80,000. After being shut down for a year because of the board's action, he made the painful decision not to reopen. Dr. Kulacz' story is yet another example of what can happen to a professional who bucks the trend.
It's not very different from the case of Ignaz Semmelweis, an ob-gyn and surgeon who, about 150 years ago, was vilified for his theory that microbes cause infection. Semmelweis was labeled "insane" by his colleagues for having the audacity to suggest they should wash their hands between deliveries, and they fired him.
He tried to continue his research but was ostracized by the medical community. His mental health eventually did deteriorate, leading to his death in an insane asylum.
Fortunately for us, Dr. Kulacz wrote a book instead of mulling on the pain and frustration of losing a two decades long career. It's a great resource, with the details necessary to convince most rational individuals that root canals are not in the best interest of your health. And, if you have a root canal tooth, to be cautious and consider having it extracted if indicated. You can also learn more on his website,, or contact him via email at:
Resources to Help You Find a Biological Dentist
The following organizations can help you to find a biological dentist specializing in mercury-free dentistry and other holistic approaches:

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Bladder Cells Regurgitate Bacteria To Prevent UTIs

  • Duke Medicine researchers have found that bladder cells have a highly effective way to combat E. coli bacteria that cause urinary tract infections (UTIs).
    In a study published online May 28, 2015, in the journal Cell, Duke researchers and their colleagues describe how bladder cells can physically eject the UTI-causing bacteria that manage to invade the host cell.
    This response is analogous to having indigestion and vomiting to rid the stomach of harmful substances.
    The finding suggests there may be a potential way to capitalize on this natural tendency in bladder cells to help treat recurring UTIs.
    UTIs are the second most common type of infection in the body, accounting for about 8.1 million doctor visits annually, the majority of which occur in women, according to the National Institutes of Health. Bacterial infections are the most common cause of UTIs, with 70 percent of infections arising from a particular type of E. coli bacteria.
    “The cost for managing UTIs in the U.S. is close to $3 billion annually,” said senior author Soman Abraham, Ph.D., professor in the departments of Pathology, Immunology, and Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at Duke University School of Medicine, and professor in the Program in Emerging Infectious Diseases, Duke-National University of Singapore.
    “Because E. coli are able to hide inside of the bladder cells, it’s especially difficult to treat UTIs with regular antibiotics,” Abraham said. “So there is increased need to find new strategies for treatment, including co-opting any preexisting cellular tactics to combating infection.”
    When E. coli first attack bladder cells, the cell’s surveillance machinery — known as autophagy — is the first line of defense against pathogens. The autophagy machinery encases the bacteria in a host membrane and shuttles them to the lysosome, a “capsular cauldron,” that destroys harmful pathogens in its acidic environment. But upon entering the lysosome, some pathogens have the capacity to neutralize the acidic environment and avoid being degraded.

    Using mouse models of UTIs and cultured human bladder cells, the authors found that the host cells can sense when lysosomes have been rendered neutral and are malfunctioning. The host cells then respond by triggering the lysosome to eject its contents, including the bacteria.
    “When the cells have trouble digesting the materials in the lysosomes, a logical way to get rid of this potential hazard is to throw it up,” said first author Yuxuan Miao, a Ph.D. candidate in Duke’s department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology.
    The bacteria that are expelled out of the bladder cells appear to be encased in a cell membrane, presumably ensuring their elimination in urine and avoiding any bacterial reattachment to the bladder wall.
    “It was thought that lysosomes always degrade their contents,” Miao said. “Here we are showing for the first time that when the contents cannot be degraded, the lysosome appears to have a back-up plan which is to expel the contents in capsules.”
    The researchers hope these findings will aid in finding chemical targets that can accelerate and amplify the bladder cell’s ability to expel the bacteria.
    “A lot of women tend to experience recurrent infections once they have an initial bout of UTI,” Abraham said. “The reason for this is that there is bacterial persistence within the cells of the bladder. If we can eliminate these reservoirs using agents that promote expulsion, then we can potentially eradicate recurrent UTIs.”


    Raw Power Protein Balls Recipe (with Cacao, Hemp, Chia and Flax Seeds)

    Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
    This isn’t just any old high protein treat, it’s a superfood extravaganza – high in essential fats and antioxidants. In fact, it is so insanely healthy, I have to pinch myself when that decadent flavour hits my palate!
    I am a big fan of foods that not only infuse my body with an abundance of nutritional goodness, but taste good too. The modern world has been polluted with so many unhealthy, addictive foods to allure and diminish our health… so for those of us who have turned the tables and reclaimed our well-being with conscious cuisine – let’s show the world how delicious healthy food can be!
    Before we delve into the recipe below, let’s look at what all the fuss is about and explore what’s in this high powered protein ball…

    Hemp protein powder: hemp is one of the most complete proteins in the plant food kingdom, containing ALL 21 known amino acids, including the 9 essential amino acids required for health. Hemp protein powder is a protein superstar, whilst also helping to bind these delicious treats together.
    Flax seeds: an awesome source of omega 3 essential fats (omega 3 has been shown to have healthy heart benefits). Flax seeds also contain up to a whopping 800 times more lignans than other plant foods. Lignans are not only known for their antioxidant properties, but they also have powerful estrogen qualities, making them very supportive for hormone health.
    Chia seeds: one of the richest plant-based sources of essential fats; a high quality protein food and loaded with antioxidants; chia seeds are one of my favourite seeds and work as a warmly welcomed bonus to this recipe.
    Almonds: with an impressive line of up minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, almonds also come as a desirable addition to this medley of super-foods. They have a pleasant, nutty sweetness that works well here. I use freshly ground almonds, which helps to retain their awesome nutritional profile, whilst helping to hold all of the ingredients together.
    Raw Cacao: chock-full of antioxidants, healthy fats, protein, polyphenols, minerals and vitamins, cocoa brings yet another incredible line up of super-food nutrition to these protein balls. The theobromine in cacao helps to stimulate the central nervous system, relax smooth muscles and dilate the blood vessels. Chemicals naturally present also encourage serotonin and other neurotransmitters that help inspire a good-mood and relieve depression. Cacao (which is the raw form of cocoa) contains various components like alkaloids, proteins, beta-carotene, leucine, linoleic, lipase, lysine, and theobromine, that all work together to improve physical and mental health.
    Maple syrup: a natural, unrefined sweetener, much healthier than its distant, refined sugar cousins; used here to bring all the ingredients together with a gentle infusion of sweetness. This can be changed to your favourite healthy syrup sweetener if preferred.
    Vanilla extract: I’ve added the smallest amount of quality vanilla extract into the blend to add a little necessary liquid, and subtle treat like extra flavour at the same – just because I can.
    Raw Power Protein Balls Recipe
    These  super healthy raw protein balls with cacao, chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds and almond, sweetened with a little maple syrup, are  high in protein, essential fats and antioxidants.
    • Prep time:  5 mins
    • Total time:  5 mins
    • Recipe type: dessert, healthy snack
    • Cuisine: raw vegan, vegan, gluten free, dairy free
    • Serves: 7 bites sized balls
    • 2 teaspoons hemp protein
    • 2 tablespoons ground flax seed
    • 1 teaspoon chia seeds
    • 5 tablespoons ground almonds
    • 2 tablespoons cacao
    • 1 tablespoon maple syrup (or alternative)
    • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
    • Extra ground almond for rolling (optional)

    1. Grind almond and flax seeds with a nut mill or high powdered food processor (or alternatively if you don’t have a grinder you can purchase pre-ground versions).
    2. Add all ingredients into a small mixing bowl and then mix together thoroughly using the back of a spoon and a downward pressing motion. Keep pressing and mixing until everything is moist and evenly combined. This may take a minute or two, so do stay with it.
    3. Divide into seven teaspoon sized parts and roll into balls (either with or without the extra ground almonds to roll in as preferred).
    4. Pop in the fridge or enjoy immediately any time of the day.

    How to Make Kombucha

  • Guest Writer for Wake Up World
    I am a huge fan of Kombucha. It  has been brewed and enjoyed for over 2000 years all over the world. Many cultures have studied this amazing concoction and applied it to their health regiments, from Russia to China, and early Europe.
    I have been brewing Kombucha  at my own home for many years now. During it’s brewing, it naturally carbonates and creates a refreshing and fizzy healthy drink! I attribute drinking this fermented tea on a daily basis to many health benefits I have experienced. And it’s easy to make it at home!
    Benefits of Kombucha
    Kombucha is an all round natural, healthy fermented beverage full of amazing amino acids, probiotics and essential minerals. Probiotic literally means “for life”. Antibiotics kill ALL of the bacteria in your body, even the good stuff, but probiotics re-establish the natural ecology and order of the intestinal system. Probiotics are believed to boost immunity, mood enhancer, fight allergies, detoxify the body and rid the body of disease.

    However Kombucha is not  a panacea.  It doesn’t cure disorders,  it simply  brings the body back into balance so that it may heal itself naturally. That is the secret to how this beverage is able to do so much  —  it accompanies and supports your body’s natural immune system.
    For that reason, the Kombucha benefits you experience may vary  but it has is known for some of these great health benefits:
     Probiotics by the billions
     Helps to alkalize the body
     Helps in the detoxification of the liver
     Increases metabolism
      Improves digestion
      Relieves constipation
      Boosts energy
      Reduces the size kidney stones
      High in antioxidants
      Can be applied topically to soften the skin from eczema and other skin disorders
      Speeds up the healing of ulcers (kills  h.pylori  on contact)
      Helps clear up candida and  yeast infections
      Aids healthy cell regeneration
      Lowers glucose levels to prevent spiking after a meal
    Earthie Mama’s Kombucha Tea Recipe  ~ 1 Gallon

    Flavored Kombucha
    •  1 Cup Organic Sugar
    •  4-6 Teabags (Organic Green, Black or White)
    •  Kombucha Starter Culture ~ SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast)
    •  1 Cup starter liquid (from another Kombucha tea)
    •  Brewing glass jar
    •  Cloth cover
    •  Rubber band
    •  Bring 4 cups water to a boil.
    •  Turn water off , add tea bags ~ let steep for 10-20 minutes
    •  Stir in 1 Cup organic Sugar
    •  Let tea cool completely
    •  After it cools, pour in brewing jar
    •  Pour in starter liquid and SCOBY
    •  Cover with cloth and secure with rubber band
    •  Set in a dark place out of sunlight
    •  Keep undisturbed for 7 days.
    •  After 7 days try your kombucha with a straw or spoon.  If it tastes too bitter than it has brewed too long. If it is too sweet put cloth and rubberband back on and let sit for a few more days trying it every so often until it tastes to your liking.
    •  Drink as desired.
    •  Put it in fridge right away or fill up smaller bottles almost to the top and store for second fermentation for more carbonation.

    The SCOBY
    Other tips:
    •  You can flavor you Kombucha with organic frozen or fresh fruit, honey, ginger, herbs such as lavender or rose.
    •    If your Kombucha is too bitter, don’t throw it away! Use it for salad dressing in replacement or addition to vinegar.
    •    If your have too many SCOBY’s instead of throwing it away, compost it, worms LOVE SCOBY’s!
    •    If you have trouble finding a SCOBY, you can make your own by using some of a bottle of already brewed Kombucha and mix it with a cup of tea and sugar. A SCOBY  will form at the top.
    •  If you can’t find any Kombucha, you can just leave tea and sugar to ferment, it takes a while but a SCOBY  will form at the top.
    Earthie Mama
    ps. If you enjoy this recipe, check out my Kombucha Mojito recipe here on
    Previous articles by Earthie Mama:
    About the author:

    Alex is a true  Earthie Mama, helping others tune into their most natural state while bringing harmony and balance into all areas of their lives in order to thrive. Alex has a well known blog on health, wellness, conscious parenting, green living and getting off the grid to self sustainability: She also has an  MA  in Psychology, and is a registered Yoga Instructor, environmentalist, conscious mother,  green living expert  and birthing expert,  and  sells all natural products and her ebooks through her website.

    Please check out her website at  or find  Earthie Mama on Facebook page at

    SuperCharged Coconut Curry

    SuperCharged Coconut Curry:
    This recipe is from my friend Megan Kelly.  She has an incredible blog and is a Licensed Estheticain specializing in holistic nutrition, woman’s hormones, and spiritual health.
    SuperCharged Coconut Curry Ingredient:
    1 can full fat coconut milk
    1 ½ cup of organic chicken broth
    2 cups of stir-fry veggies:  broccoli, carrots and cauliflower
    1 cup of diced up bell peppers
    1 cup of diced up red onions
    ½ tsp of pink salt & taste of black pepper
    2 ½ tbsp. of red curry paste
    4-5 cloves of minced garlic
    Juice of one lime
    3 tbsps of grass-fed butter, ghee or coconut oil
    1 tsp of turmeric
    1 cup of kale or spinach
    2 cups of shredded organic chicken or grass-fed beef
    1 head of cauliflower to make cauliflower rice
    Servings:  3-4
    SuperCharged Coconut Curry Instructions:
    • Start by cooking the meat of your choice.
    • Remove the cooked meat and set a side in a bowl.
    • Add the coconut milk and chicken stock to a large pot along with the curry paste, butter, turmeric, lime, garlic. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
    • Then add the frozen or fresh veggie mixes to the pot, stir, and cover while cooking for 5 minutes. If you added sweet potato, cook until soft.
    • Remove the lid and stir in the chicken, beef, or beans. Cover and cook for the last 5 minutes.
    • Serve over a bowl of cauliflower rice or by itself.
    To Make Cauliflower Rice:
    • Place head of cauliflower in blender and pulse until it turns into the consistency of rice.
    • Either saute on low heat in coconut oil until soft, or steam until it becomes the softness you wish (does not take long)

    Megan’s Comments:
    Everyone needs a good curry recipe. The first time I tried curry, I was hooked. I have been obsessed with turmeric lately, and have been looking for ways to get it into my body whenever possible.
    A big bowl of savory, nutrient dense soup seems to do the trick.
    Curry can be extremely nourishing to your body and make you feel amazing from the inside out
    • Nourishing broth:Bone broth and homemade stocks are incredibly healing to the body. They regulate digestion, are amazing for hair, skin, and nails, and significantly boost your immune system. Read more about the incredible benefits of bone broth here.
    • Coconut milk:Full of medium chain fatty acids that fuel your brain, balance your hormones, promote energy, and keep you full for long periods of time.
    • Detoxifying vegetables:Cauliflower, garlic, onions, and spinach all are bursting with nutrients that will give you energy, prevent disease, promote healthy digestion, and clear skin.
    • Healing spices:Turmeric is one of the most healing herbs you can put into your body. It prevents disease, detoxifies your body, and is one of the most powerful substances to reduce inflammation in your body. Inflammation = disease, skin problems, anxiety, depression, and joint pain.

    Additional Notes:
    This is a dish to load the veggies in! Whatever you have on hand works great.  I typically use a head of broccoli, 4 full carrots, 1 large onion, green and red bell pepper, tons of kale and cauliflower rice.
    You can make this go faster by purchasing 2 bags of mixed frozen veggies in without the chopping involved!
    You can add sweet potatoes/butternut squash to make it more warming and grounding in the winter. I typically leave them out in the summer months.
    I love how you can make this dish with different protein options. Chicken is the traditional version, but I like it with beef/buffalo sometimes as well! If you do not want meat, try adding  some soaked black beans!
    Dr Jockers Comments:
    I am a huge fan of bone broth and when it is combined with other good fats like grass-fed butter/ghee and super herbs like turmeric and garlic.
    This is a fantastic low-carb, nutrient dense recipe that is full of superfoods and cancer fighting phytonutrients.  Kale and cauliflower have sulfuraphane, isothiocynates and indole-3-carbonyl which are powerful chemo protective nutrients.
    Bone broth contains high levels of proline, glycine, gelatin and collagen which help to rebuild the intestinal membrane (preventing and repairing leaky gut).  They also help to rebuild joints, reducing risk of injuries and joint degenerative processes.  They help improve complexion by strengthening the connective tissue in the skin and improving the shine of the hair.

    This is one of the best winter time recipes you can possibly find!  I keep a crock-pot full of bone broth soups and stews going throughout the winter!  Enjoy!