Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tom Hanks blames himself for Type 2 diabetes diagnosis knows he can reverse it naturally

Tom Hanks blames himself for Type 2 diabetes diagnosis - knows he can reverse it naturally
Friday, May 20, 2016 by: L.J. Devon, Staff Writer
Tags: Tom Hanks, type 2 diabetes, natural cures


(NaturalNews) Most people diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes believe it's a condition they will have for the rest of their lives. Convinced that there is little they can do to stop it, they accept their diagnoses and allow the pharmaceutical system to manage their condition for the rest of their lives. It's a helpless mindset, a thought process that gets imprinted into their minds by a clueless medical culture that has a hard time seeing and admitting the root causes of the metabolic problems associated with Type-2 diabetes.

Tom Hanks knows he can naturally reverse Type-2 diabetes
Type-2 diabetes can actually be reversed solely through natural lifestyle changes. Famous actor Tom Hanks knows this, and has spoke out about his problems publicly. "I'm part of the lazy American generation that has blindly kept dancing through the party and now finds ourselves with a malady," he said, as reported by Womanista. "I was heavy. You've seen me in movies. You know what I looked like. I was a total idiot."

"I thought I could avoid it by removing the buns from my cheeseburgers," he explained. "Well, it takes a little bit more than that."

Hanks has publicly remarked that he grew up learning very little about nutrition as a child, and this lack of knowledge has affected him as an adult. On The Late Show with David Letterman in 2013, he opened up about getting a diagnosis and feeling trapped with it. "My doctor said, 'Look, if you can weigh as much as you weighed in high school, you will essentially be completely healthy. You will not have Type 2 diabetes,' And then I said to her, 'Well, then, I'm gonna have Type 2 diabetes, because there is no way I can weigh as much as I did in high school.'"

Tom Hanks knows that the diagnosis can be entirely eliminated from his life, making way for an entirely new, healthy lifestyle. He has recently decided to stop compromising his health for movie roles.

"I've talked to a number of actors who have gained weight for roles, and just the sheer physical toll it puts on one's knees and shoulders—no one wants to do it again," Hanks said at the 2013 BFI London Film Festival. "I'm 57 and I don't think I'm going to take on any job or go on vacation again and see to it that I can gain 30 pounds."

The good news is that Tom Hanks knows that Type-2 diabetes is something he can overcome. He just has to change key areas of his lifestyle so he can naturally reverse it.

Important lifestyle changes for reversing type-2 diabetes
  • Eliminate endocrine disrupting chemicals from your life. The best place to start is by filtering your water using a scientifically-validated water purification system that removes pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, BPA and other plastic chemicals. Municipal water, bottled water and even well water is often a questionable soup of chemicals and metals that interfere with nutrient absorption and normal hormone activities in the body.
  • Eliminate processed meats containing sodium nitrite – a meat preservative that causes problems with the pancreas, leading to insulin resistance.
  • Stop consuming refined sugars and refined white bread products. This process takes time, but is important. High fructose corn syrup aggressively harms the pancreas and the metabolism, allowing the type-2 diabetes to persist.
  • Add hot peppers to the diet, such as cayenne, jalapeno and habaneros. These delights have shown promise for "jump-starting" the islet cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.
  • Add fenugreek seed to your diet. This hard, bitter seed is easier to consume as a powdered supplement, but nonetheless, is known for helping the body regulate insulin levels naturally.
  • Plunges and surges in blood sugar can also be controlled by including more polyphenols in the diet. Polyphenols are essentially plant medicines found throughout nature. One of the most abundant classes of polyphenols is tannins which are concentrated in various herbs, leaf tissue, bark, flowers and fruits.
  • Daily exercise is also a vital way to reverse diabetes, especially when that exercise is coupled with healthy sun exposure. Vitamin D, manufactured in the skin after sunlight absorption, is necessary for maintaining a healthy immune and endocrine system.
You do not have to be fooled by pharmaceutical advertisements into believing that you need medication to manage type-2 diabetes. Pathetically, popular TV psychologist Dr. Phil has partnered with AstraZeneca to promote weekly injections of a drug that causes possible thyroid tumors, including cancer. 

The bottom line is this: diabetes does not have to be a lifelong condition. You do not have to be dependent on pharmaceuticals that are only a death sentence.

Sources include:

Research on cell phone radiation safety
The Action Moves To Europe
Microwave News
February, 1999
The U.S. government is getting ready to bury the EMF issue (see p.7)—at the same time that the European Parliament is discussing prudent avoidance measures like ALARA (see p.1). The European Union is also likely to fund important studies on cellular phone safety – studies that the U.S.’s WTR has not carried out in six years, with a budget of over $25 million.
There’s no doubt about it. On power line EMFs, on cellular phone safety—the action has moved to Europe. But will Europe avoid the mistakes made in the U.S.? Right now it’s hard to say.
The debate in the European Parliament is encouraging: The issue of EMF health effects has been placed in a public health context. In America, it has more often been treated as a battle best left to individuals and their lawyers.
The U.S. is so averse to regulation of business activity that the standard response to an uncertain level of danger to public health is to do nothing. In America, industry is generally given the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately, this too often means that the public ends up serving as guinea pigs, even when low-cost precautionary measures are available.
The European Parliament holds out the possibility of a better approach. The substantial support for ALARA points to a different relationship between public health, private profit and uncertainty. Europe is at least considering a more intelligent response to an uncertain level of risk: “be careful,” rather than “do nothing.” Ironically, the idea of prudent avoidance was born in the U.S., at Carnegie Mellon University. But it seems to have taken firmer root across the Atlantic.
Uncertainties about health effects can only be resolved through more research. In the U.S., that research has been badly handled. Research on cellular phone safety, for example, has been left in the hands of industry. The result has been a lot of delay, little science and too much spin.
Unfortunately, Europe does appear to be flirting with one of the worst American errors. Two years ago an EC expert group called for a “fire wall” to prevent industry from influencing “the choice of research studies funded, the conduct or the outcome of such studies” (see MWN, M/A97). That is a good description of what is needed—but the idea has now been abandoned.
Instead, it has been left to industry to define what a wireless health research plan should cover. And even though half the funding will be public, corporations might be able to restrict researchers’ discussion of results prior to publication. Corporate PR departments could then be guaranteed advance notice of troublesome findings, the better to spin the news.
The phone manufacturers say they do not want industry to influence the course of research. They argue that their research agenda is based on that of the WHO, and point out that a WHO panel is to decide which labs will take part.
But the WHO’s EMF project has shown that it is not independent of corporations or the military. After a conference on mobile phone safety in Austria, an industry representative escorted the head of the WHO project, Dr. Michael Repacholi, to a meeting with the press at which he downplayed the concerns raised at the conference (see MWN, N/D98). The U.S. military has had too much influence on the WHO project’s deliberations (see MWN, M/A97 and M/J97). And when Repacholi himself found that mobile phone radiation was linked to an increased cancer risk, he gave the experimental results to his corporate sponsor, Telstra, several months before they were made public (see MWN, M/J97 and J/A97).
Concerned about this sort of coziness with vested interests, we urged the EC not to delegate its wireless research effort to the WHO. Repacholi responded that, “WHO has neither the resources nor the desire to run such a program” (see MWN, M/A97 and M/J97). But now industry is following the WHO’s lead on which studies to conduct, and the WHO will choose the labs to conduct them. True, the WHO is not “running” the program; that has been left to the cellular phone industry itself.
European citizens should be uneasy about this sort of corporate influence over research. When scientists receive public funds, private interests must not be allowed to restrict when or how results can be discussed. In each country and Europe-wide, health officials must define and support their own research agendas on non-ionizing radiation. It should not be left to industry to choose which studies are needed to assure the safety of the public.
The U.S. has fumbled the issue of non-ionizing radiation and public health. We hope that Europe finds a better way.

Banana Peels inside for Fast Acting Relief of Mosquito Bites

Fast Acting Mosquito Bite Remedy (That’s Probably Already in Your Kitchen)
My friend Kelli’s youngest child is a little girl adopted from China.  Kelli and her husband have 3 older children of their own, but since Sarah is their first child from another country, they have occasionally experienced challenges and adjustments based on the inherent cultural and genetic differences.
One such challenge is Sarah’s extreme reaction to mosquito bites which apparently is not uncommon for those of Chinese heritage.
Living in Florida and being very sensitive to mosquito bites can pose a challenge as mosquitoes can be a year round problem particularly if the winter is rather warm as it has been so far this season.

Telling a young child not to scratch is a losing battle most of the time, and Kelli has not found any of the Western style remedies for mosquito bites to work very well for Sarah.
As a result, just a few mosquito bites could send Sarah to the doctor for examination as they would sometimes get infected from her scratching.  The picture above is of Sarah’s leg after a recent run-in with a hungry mozzie!
Besides being a busy Mom of four, Kelli is also an Adoption Specialist and blogs about the adoption process, so with her international connections, she was able to consult with her Chinese friends about Sarah’s problem with mosquito bites.
Their suggestion?

An old Chinese mosquito bite remedy which is rubbing the bites with the inside of a banana peel!
I asked Kelli to let me know if the banana peel remedy worked the next time Sarah was bitten, and within a few days, Kelli reported back that the banana peel worked! The picture to the right shows Kelli applying the inside of a banana peel to Sarah’s bite.  The peel is folded over backwards which is why the inside of the peel is also facing the camera.
The banana peel not only worked, it worked FAST!

Here is Kelli’s email to me about her experience with this mosquito bite remedy:
Well, sure enough Sarah got 2 bites this evening….

They immediately began to swell and the area all around the bite was quite red, of course some of that was from her itching.

I applied the banana peel, as advised by my Chinese friends, and within 2 minutes the bite stopped itching. About 5 or 7 minutes later, the site was significantly less red. When I glanced at it again before bed, though I could still see the bite, her skin was no longer red. Best of all, she didn’t seem bothered by it.

Since she is so young it is hard for her not to scratch, and I will forward you a picture of a current bite which landed us at the doctor’s office out of fear of infection (we’re in the clear for now). She has been on antibiotics once before from a bug bite getting infected after her scratching it, and I try to avoid antibiotics so was not happy when this recent bite started looking so bad.

From now on, we will honor this Chinese remedy…I wish I had known this secret years ago!

The most interesting thing about this mosquito bite remedy to me is that it is fairly well known that eating bananas is a surefire way to be a prime mozzie target at sundown.  While eating bananas seems to attract mosquitoes, rubbing the bites with the inside of the peel heals them!
Does your child have problems with mosquito bites too?   The next time the mozzies leave their calling card on your child’s skin, skip the ammonia sticks and other chemical based remedies that will end up in your child’s bloodstream and simply try the inside of a banana peel!
Do you know another mosquito bite remedy that works well too?  Please share in the comments section.

Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist

Monday, May 30, 2016

1 In 5 People Unknowingly Have Fatty Liver Disease, Here Are The 10 Natural Remedies You Need To Know

Posted by Dusan Mitic on May 30, 2016

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People who have consumed alcohol heavily in their life are at an increased risk of suffering from liver problems, such as alcoholic liver disease.

Those who do not drink alcohol excessively may also experience a liver disease, known as a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
It may range in severity, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is the condition when there is an inflammation of the liver, which is really serious and might lead to cirrhosis and end-stage liver disease.
Statistics suggests that more than twenty percent of the population in the United States is affected by NAFLD, and 2-3 percent by NASH. In the case of NAFLD, patients do not have any symptoms or very little, such as weight loss, malaise, fatigue, and pain in the upper right abdomen.
NAFLD occurs in the case of fat accumulation in the liver, which is not a result of alcohol, but the reason may be malnutrition, insulin resistance, rapid weight loss, diabetes, high cholesterol, viral hepatitis, and some medications like aspirin, diltiazem, corticosteroids, amiodarone, tetracycline, or antiviral drugs.
The treatment of NASH and NAFLD tends to remove the potential causes, or risk factors, like weight loss, stopping the use of drugs, or diabetes control.
Drug treatments have been shown to fail to treat the issue but include ursodeoxycholic acid, glucagon, metformin, glutamine infusion, and metronidazole.
Moreover, there are natural treatments for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which have provided excellent effects, such as:

-Low-glycemic diet
In order to treat and prevent this disease, it is of great help to avoid high-glycemic-index (GI) foods, as they raise blood sugar levels, like brown rice, potatoes, watermelon, and processed foods such as beer,  chocolate bars, and sweetened cereals.
A 2008 study published in the Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology showed that sugar leads to NAFLD, and 80percent  of NAFLD patients consumed sufficient amounts of juices and soft drinks that equaled 12 teaspoons of sugar.
Therefore, you should consume low GI foods, like onions, apples, garlic, eggs, legumes, pears, artichokes, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, carrots, and green leafy vegetables.

One of the most effective treatments for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is weight loss. According to a systematic review published in the Journal of Hepatology in 2012, exercise is an inexpensive and effective therapy for NAFLD.
Namely, this review involved 12 studies that examined the effects of aerobic exercise and progressive resistance training in the case of a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in adults.
40 minutes of moderate to intense aerobic exercise for 5 days in a week effectively helps in the treatment of this disease, as it will enhance the liver quality and balance enzyme values.

Flaxseed contains phytoconstituents which effectively prevent harmful hormones straining the liver.
The journal Lipids in Health and Disease published a 2013 study which indicated that the mixture of flaxseed oil and alpha-lipoic acid improve the function of the liver and prevent fat accumulation and oxidative stress, so it protects from this disease.
For best effects, in order to preserve the freshness of flaxseed oil, and avoid rancidity, you should ground it using a coffee grinder. Then, you can add it to your salads.

Dandelion leaf or root (Taraxacum officinale) is an extremely beneficial as it enhances liver functions and cleanses it in the cleanses it in the case of NAFLD. It purifies and metabolizes the fat deposited in the liver.
The journal Food and Chemical Toxicology published a study which discovered that the extract of dandelion leaf prevent and treat obesity-related NAFLD, and efficiently reduces the accumulation of fat in the liver and lowers insulin resistance.
The tea of dandelion root is of great help in this case. You should add a teaspoon in a cup of boiling hot water, cover and steep for 10 minutes. Then, strain and drink a cup of it 3 times a day for 3 weeks.

Cilantro or coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is an effective herbal treatment, which is high in antioxidants and has powerful antihyperglycemic effects. It provides great effects in the case of liver issues, and conditions linked to NAFLD, especially diabetes.

-Amla or Indian gooseberry
Indian gooseberry (Emblica Officinalis), or amla, Amalaki fruit, is a popular herb in the Ayurvedic medicine, that has powerful rejuvenating properties and is extremely useful in treating fatty liver disease and diabetes.
It is rich in antioxidants which support the function of the liver, such as ellagic acid, vitamin C, corilagin, gallic acid, and gallotannin. It has also been found to help in the case of hepatotoxin-induced liver inflammation, which is a common symptom of NASH.

-Milk thistle
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is believed to be one of the most beneficial herbal remedies to prevent NAFLD and improve the function of the liver. Its flavonoids prevent liver damage, detox the body, and raise the levels of glutathione in the liver.
Glutathione is an essential component for a low function of the liver in the case of NAFLD.
Research has also shown that it is also beneficial for various other liver ailments, like cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis, viral hepatitis, and chemical toxicity. Experts recommend drinking of 900 milligrams twice daily with meals.

-Licorice root
Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is very useful in the treatment of NAFLD. It is also commonly used in the Ayurvedic medicine. The journal Phytotherapy Research published a double-blind, randomized study in 2012, who found that the extract of licorice root greatly reduced liver enzymes in 66 patients with NAFLD.
You should pour boiling water over a teaspoon of licorice root powder, let it steep for 10 minutes, strain and enjoy your licorice root tea 1-2 a day.

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum seylanicum) is a warming herb which aids digestion and supports liver health. Nutrition Research published a double-blind, placebo-controlled study in 2014, which involved 50 NAFLD patients who randomly took either two capsules of cinnamon or two placebo capsules daily, for 3 months. Researchers found that the consumption of 1500 milligrams of cinnamon on a daily basis improves NAFLD.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) has an extremely beneficial active component, curcumin, which effectively treats liver diseases and jaundice. This amazing spice also lowers the inflammation, oxidative stress, changes fat metabolism, and improves insulin sensitivity, so it reduces liver injury and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Moreover, it efficiently treats liver cancer, known as hepatocarcinoma, and liver fibrosis. You can prepare a turmeric tea, or simply add it to your meals, and enjoy its health benefits.
Here we will suggest some effective ways to prevent liver disease in a completely natural, and safe way. These tips will also be of great help in the case of a liver transplant:

Limit the intake of saturated fat: You should focus on a diet high in whole foods and nutrients, in order to strengthen the immune system and prevent liver disease.

Avoid alcohol: You should avoid alcohol consumption even if you suffer from the non-alcoholic variety of the disease. Note that some drugs and cough syrups also contain alcohol.

Avoid processed foods:  Processed foods and ingredients like corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) are extremely harmful. HFCS creates uric acid that leads to high blood pressure, liver damage, and gout.
Furthermore, GMO foods like corn damage the good gut bacteria and impede digestion, which destroys the proper function of the liver.

Avoid harmful drugs: Your liver may also be damaged by the use of excessive amounts of acetaminophen (Tylenol).

Pregnancy precaution: It is recommended that women who had a liver transplant should avoid pregnancy for at least 1 year after it, and should avoid breastfeeding due to possible risks of the baby to be exposed to immunosuppressive medicines through the milk.

Undergo liver enzyme tests: It is advisable that you do liver enzyme tests if you have fatty liver disease.
Avoid receiving live virus vaccines: Note that people who have undergone a liver transplantation ought not to receive live virus vaccines.
Moreover, there are also some natural remedies which have proved to be extremely helpful in the case of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, including carnitine, green tea, folic acid, betaine, bile salts, choline, vitamin E, papaya, vitamin B6, grape seed extract, vitamin B12, barberry, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), ginger, pine bark extract, S-Adenosyl methionine (SAM-e), cascara sagrada, southern ginseng, and goldenseal.
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How to maintain a healthy liver

October 25, 2014   Natural Remedies   0 Comments

– A balanced blood sugar levelHow to maintain a healthy liver
The liver is the largest gland in the human body.It helps with detoxification, glycogen deposition and
production of blood proteins.The liver produces bile.If there is a problem with your liver,you will for sure
fell it.However, there are plants that help maintain healthy liver.
If your liver is functioning well, you probably have:
– Normal levels of cholesterol
– Healthy weight
– Healthy digestion without the formation of gas, bloating, diarrhea or constipation
– More power, morning or afternoon, you will not feel tired
– Healthier muscles
– Good conditions for maintaining good memory
– Clean complexion and youthful skin
If you have problems with liver you should use these foods :
1.Root of turmeric
Turmeric root extract is one of the best natural sources for cleaning the liver and generally has an anti-inflammatory
propertis.For centuries, was used to relieve inflammation in muscles and joints,heart,the digestive tract and especially to the liver.Why is the root of turmeric so special?It’s ability to protect you from the accumulation of excess fat and thus prevent dangerous infections.Studies have shown that eliminates many digestive disorders,and it only need seven days for that.

2.Dandelion root
Dandelion root improves digestion and cleanses the liver.Specifically, it contains a powerful antioxidant tannins. These natural compounds have been found to cleanse the liver of toxins. But this is only the beginning. Dandelion root maintains healthy levels of potassium,which regulates blood pressure and blood sugar levels. This is great for your muscles because potassium is the main protector with painful muscle cramps.

3.Artichoke leaf
Artichoke leaf is one of the oldest natural remedies. In ancient Egypt was used for regulating digestion.Today we know why.Artichoke leaf enhances the production of bile.Bile is a natural compound that is essential to the digestion and utilization of fats and thus prevents the occurrence of fatty liver.That means better treatment of fat that promotes a balanced level of cholesterol. Not to mention that there
are no more constipation, gas or bloating after the rich and fatty meals.

Alcohol – poison for the liver
The liver plays an important role in the breakdown of food , fight infections , regulating blood flow and
removal of toxic substances,including alcohol.
Prolonged use of alcohol damages the liver in three phases :
1st Fatty liver
Ethanol decomposition slows the breakdown of fats,so that they accumulate in the liver.This disorder is called
steatohepatitis or fatty liver.
2nd Hepatitis
With time it comes to chronic inflammation of the liver or hepatitis.It appears that alcohol may also reduce the
body’s resistance to viruses hepatitis B and C.If the inflammation is not treated,the liver cells begin to die.To make
matters worse,it appears that alcohol activates a natural mechanism of programmed cell death,called apoptosis.
3rd Cirrhosis
The last stage is cirrhosis.Due to a series of severe inflammation and cell destruction,that leads to permanent liver
damage.Eventually,the liver ceases to be a sponge and becomes full of nodules,which prevents normal blood flow and leads to termination of the liver and death.


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How to Prevent Gout From Affecting You

Gout is common among older people, particularly in men between the ages of 40 and 501 and in women in their post-menopausal stage. But just because you don’t belong to any of these groups, it doesn’t mean you’re safe from the disease.
It’s never too early to start combatting the potential effects of gout, and you can do so through these strategies.
It’s Time to Get Physical
Constant movement is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle, and since gout attacks the joints and leads to inflammation, exercise or physical activity can stop flare-ups from happening. A regular exercise program can increase circulation and normalize your insulin and uric acid levels.
Take note that there are exercises that may not be suitable for gout patients or those experiencing gout symptoms, as they can worsen joint pain or strain significantly unstable joints. Here are tips if you’re a gout patient and want to incorporate physical activity into your routine:
  • Refrain from exercising when your joints are painful.
  • Slow down or choose another type of exercise if you feel pain for more than an hour after a workout
  • Use assistive devices to reduce joint pressure while exercising
  • Enlist a professional physical therapist or personal trainer who can develop a safe range of workouts for you
If you’re keen on working out, make sure to incorporate any or all of these three techniques.They’re modified but more beneficial versions of routines that most people are already familiar with:
High-intensity interval training (HIIT): HIIT requires 30 seconds of all-out effort followed by 90 seconds of rest. This exercise improves muscle tone, enhances your energy levels, boosts production of the human growth hormone (HGH), and burns more calories
Strength training: strength training workouts come in many different types suitable for various lifestyles, but what they all have in common are their benefits for you, such as:
◦ Slowing down aging
◦ Forming strong connective tissues, tendons, and ligaments
◦ Improving muscle tone
◦ Getting rid of excess fat
Contrary to popular belief, strength training exercises will not make you bulk up since muscle growth is restrained mostly by genetics, food intake, age gender, body type and other biological factors.
Active isolated stretching (AIS): developed by Aaron Mattes, AIS involves specialized repetitive stretches performed in a particular order targeting muscle and connective tissue injury and restriction. The tissues then elongate without initiating the body’s protective systems that would hinder safe and effective stretching and overall flexibility
Increase Your Vitamin D Levels
Vitamin D is beneficial not just for gout patients, but for everyone in general. Research has shown its importance in maintaining overall health, as it stimulates over 2,000 genes in your body and plays a role in various bodily processes. Vitamin D also has a major role in preventing diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer to name a few.
If you want to raise your vitamin D levels, the best way to do it is via sun exposure. Make sure large portions of your skin are exposed to the sun for a few minutes, at a period closest to solar noon. This permits your body to naturally create vitamin D3 sulfate, a water-soluble vitamin that’s able to move freely in your bloodstream. You’ll know that you have accomplished this when your skin turns into the lightest shade of pink.
You need to get approximately 5,000 to 6,000 IUs (international units) per day to maintain ideal levels of 40 to 60 ng/ml. However, if you live in an area where sunlight isn’t abundant, you can take a vitamin D3 (25-hydroxyvitamin D3) supplement along with a vitamin K2 supplement.
Suppress Your Stress
Stress is inevitable when you’re diagnosed with a painful disease like gout. However, this does not mean that you should let it get to you. If you do, your immune system’s sensitivity to cortisol (a stress hormone) weakens, leading to heightened inflammatory response. This results in out-of-control and worsened inflammation, increasing your chances of being affected with chronic disease.
Your body is placed in a “fight or flight” mode when it makes cortisol. This increases heart rate, blood flow and oxygen intake, and temporarily suppresses parts of your immune system. When this happens, there’s a decrease in your body’s inflammatory response to pathogens and other foreign invaders. This is why combatting stress is vital in maintaining good health.
If you’re not sure where to begin, try the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). EFT works in the same way as acupuncture, but instead of using needles, you use your fingertips to tap and stimulate certain energy meridian points on the head and chest while reciting positive affirmations to yourself. EFT works well to remove emotional “scarring” and realign how your body reacts to emotional stressors in order to make diseases and ailments improve or disappear.
Be Down-to-Earth, Literally
Walking barefoot and connecting your body to the earth, makes you engage in a process called grounding or earthing. When you do this, you permit the free electrons from the earth to go into your body and exert their antioxidant properties to combat and counteract free radicals residing in your tissues.
What’s more, grounding makes your blood thinner and lowers your risk for cardiovascular disease. This is what makes it such a good technique for fighting illnesses like gout.
If you want to try grounding, you can start by exercising outdoors. If you live near a beach or somewhere close to a body of water, you’re in luck, as these locations are ideal for walking barefoot since seawater is a great conductor. A dewy and grassy area is also a nice place to begin grounding.
Get Enough Shut-Eye
It’s unfortunate that there are people who take sleep for granted. Making sure you get enough sleep per night benefits your health, since sleep deprivation increases your risk of catching disease and impairs production of your growth hormones, leading to premature aging.
How much rest should you get per night? Dr. Charles Czeisler of Harvard University, together with a panel of experts, examined 300 studies between 2004 and 2014 to come up with ideal recommendations.
What they found out was that young adults aged 18 to 25 and adults aged 26 to 64 needed seven to nine hours of sleep, while seniors aged 65 and older required seven to eight hours of sleep. Unsurprisingly, more sleeping time is essential for newborns, infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.

Ultimately, the amount of sleep that you should get depends on you. Take into account your sleep needs, stress levels, and current health status. There are indicators that show that you might not be getting enough shut-eye: the tiring feeling you get even after you wake up in the morning or the constant urge to take a nap or two during the day.

7 Signs of Testicular Cancer (and How to Prevent It) By Tony Isaacs

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Testicular cancer is a highly curable cancer that develops in the testicles. Located inside the scrotum, the testicles are a loose bag of skin underneath the penis and are part of the male reproductive system. Typically, this cancer develops in one or both testicles (the testes) in young men, but it can occur in older men as well and in rare instance, in younger boys. The odds for getting testicular cancer are estimated to be about 1 in 200, with about 80,000 cases being diagnosed each year in the United States alone. Although testicular cancer is considered to be rare, it is the most common cancer in American males between the ages of 15 and 35.
Knowing the signs of testicular cancer will help with early detection of the disease. The good news is that testicular cancer is notable for having among the highest cure rates among all cancers. It has an average five year survival rate as high as 99%, depending on how early the cancer is detected.
The even better news (especially for those who do not want to subject themselves to the dangers of chemotherapy or radiation) is that testicular cancer is also highly curable through natural alternative means. There are also several measures that can be taken to help avoid testicular cancer from developing in the first place.
The Two Kinds of Testicular Cancer
There are two main types of testicular cancer: seminomas and nonseminomas. These cancers grow from the germ cells that make sperm.
Seminoma is a slow-growing form of testicular cancer which is most often found in men in their 30s and 40s. The cancer is usually limited to just in the testes, but it can spread to the lymph nodes.
This more common type of testicular cancer tends to grow more quickly than seminomas. Nonseminoma tumors are often made up of more than one type of cell, and are identified according to these different cell types:
  • Choriocarcinoma (rare)
  • Embryonal carcinoma
  • Teratoma
  • Yolk sac tumor
A stromal tumor is a rare type of testicular tumor. They are usually not cancerous. The two main types of stromal tumors are Leydig cell tumors and Sertoli cell tumors. Stromal tumors usually occur during childhood.
7 Signs of Testicular Cancer
Common signs of testicular cancer include:
  • A swelling and/or lump in one or both of the testes. There may or may not be pain in the testes or scrotum
  • A heavy feeling in the scrotum
  • A dull pain or feeling of pressure in the lower belly or groin
Sometimes these symptoms can be caused by other problems, such as a hydrocele or epididymitis.
Testicular cancer that has spread (metastasized) beyond the testicles and regional lymph nodes to other organs may cause other symptoms depending on the area of the body affected. Symptoms of late-stage testicular cancer may include:
  • Dull pain in the lower back and belly
  • Lack of energy, sweating for no clear reason, fever, or a general feeling of illness
  • Shortness of breath, coughing, or chest pain
  • Headache or confusion
Note that not all lumps on the testicles are tumors, and not all tumors are malignant (cancerous). There are many other conditions, such as testicular microlithiasis, epididymal cysts, and appendix testis (hydatid of Morgagni), which may be painful but are non-cancerous.
Testing for Testicular Cancer
A physical examination will typically reveal a firm lump (mass) in one of the testicles. When the health care provider holds a flashlight up to the scrotum, the light does not pass through the lump.
Other tests for testicular cancer include:
  • Abdominal and pelvic CT scan
  • Blood tests for tumor markers: alpha fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotrophin (beta HCG), and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH)
  • Chest x-ray
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum
Causes of Testicular Cancer
The exact cause of testicular cancer is unknown. Anything that increases your chance of getting testicular cancer is a risk factor. Some of the top risk factors for testicular cancer include:
  1. Exposure to certain chemical toxins – Toxins are the top root cause of cancer
  2. Age – Most cases occur between the ages of 15 and 40, and testicular cancer is the type of cancer found most often in men ages 20 to 34
  3. Race – Caucasian men are 5 to 10 times more likely to develop testicular cancer than men of other races
  4. Family or personal history of testicular cancer – especially having an identical twin with testicular cancer
  5. Undescended testicle (cryptorchidism) in infants and young boys – Men with testicles that did not move down into the scrotum before birth are at increased risk. Men who had surgery to correct this condition are still at high risk of testicular cancer
  6. Abnormal testicular development
  7. Klinefelter’s syndrome – A sex chromosome disorder characterized by low levels of male hormones, sterility, breast enlargement, and small testes
  8. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or AIDS
  9. Previous treatment for testicular cancer
  10. Viral infections of the testicles, such as occurs with mumps
  11. Injury to the scrotum
  12. Activity which may regularly put pressure on or irritate the scrotum (think cyclist Lance Armstrong)
It’s important to note that there is no known link between vasectomy and testicular cancer.
Testicular Cancer Prevention
Like all cancers, there are several steps one can take to help prevent testicular cancer. Such steps include:
  • Addressing and eliminating the toxins, which are the root cause of most cancers, from your body and environment
  • Building up your vital immune system − the body’s natural first line of defense against cancer and other illness
  • Eating a very healthy, cancer-fighting, and immune boosting diet and avoiding unhealthy foods.
  • Including a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise or physical activity, stress management, and plenty of regular direct and indirect sunshine
  • Making sure that you get daily optimum nutrition through both diet and, as needed, supplementation. Note: Contrary to mainstream medical advice, optimum daily nutrition cannot be obtained from diet alone. As a matter of fact, it is almost impossible to even get minimal RDA amounts of the handful of vitamins and major minerals on the RDA list on a daily basis in a 2,000 to 2,500 calorie per day diet
  • Paying special attention to cleansing, restoring, and protecting your vital liver − the body’s natural toxin removal organ. The great cancer pioneer Max Gerson observed that he never found a single cancer patient who did not also have an impaired liver
  • Generally making your body as inhospitable to cancer as possible
Conventional Testicular Cancer Treatment
Mainstream medical treatment of testicular cancer depends on the type of testicular tumor and the stage of the tumor. Unlike other cancers, where sample cells are removed through a technique known as biopsy, doctors use a unique procedure when testicular cancer is suspected. The entire testicle is pulled up out of the scrotum through an incision in the groin and is examined under a microscope. The doctor can then determine if cancer is present, as well as the type of cancer cell − seminoma or nonseminoma.
After the presence and type of testicular cancer is determined, the next step is to determine how far the cancer has spread. This is called staging.
Stage I cancer has not spread beyond the testicle.
Stage II cancer has spread to lymph nodes in the abdomen.
Stage III cancer has spread beyond the lymph nodes (it could be as far as the liver, lungs, or brain).
Three types of conventional testicular cancer treatment are generally used.
Surgical treatment removes the testicle (orchiectomy), usually as soon as the presence of cancer is determined. Nearby lymph nodes may also be removed via a process known as lymphadenectomy.
Radiation therapy using high-dose x-rays or other high-energy rays may be used after surgery to prevent the tumor from returning. Radiation therapy is usually only used for treating the less common form of testicular cancer, seminomas. Seminomas are very sensitive to radiation therapy.
Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells. This treatment has greatly improved survival for patients with both seminomas and nonseminomas. However, like radiation, chemotherapy has side effects which are not only unpleasant but which may lead to further problems, including second cancers, down the road.
Notably, both radiation and many chemotherapy drugs are themselves considered to be carcinogens − meaning that they can actually cause cancer.
Alternative Treatment for Testicular Cancer
Natural treatment for testicular cancer or any other type of cancer should incorporate all of the things one would usually do for cancer prevention and much more. It requires a comprehensive natural anti-cancer protocol which leaves no stone unturned. After all, even though testicular cancer is highly curable, it can nevertheless be fatal. When your very life is at stake you don’t want to go into the fight with only one or two bullets in your gun.
Take cancer fighting and immune boosting supplements such as oleander extract, turmeric, a potent medicinal mushroom supplement, inositol/IP6, colloidal silver, and more.
To discover more about steps to help ensure victory over cancer (including more detailed information about eliminating toxins and the other steps recommended above), see A Good Cancer-Fighting Foundation Will Ensure Victory Over Cancer.
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Article Summary
  • Although testicular cancer is considered to be rare, it is the most common cancer in American males between the ages of 15 and 35.
  • The good news is that testicular cancer is highly curable through natural alternative means and measures can be taken to help avoid testicular cancer from developing in the first place.
  • There are two main types of testicular cancer: seminomas and nonseminomas. These cancers grow from the germ cells that make sperm. A stromal tumor is a rare type of testicular tumor that is usually not cancerous.
  • Common signs of testicular cancer include:
    • A swelling and/or lump in one or both of the testes (There may or may not be accompanying pain in the testes or scrotum)
    • A heavy feeling in the scrotum
    • A dull pain or feeling of pressure in the lower belly or groin
  • Symptoms of late-stage testicular cancer may include:
    • Dull pain in the lower back and belly
    • Lack of energy, sweating for no clear reason, fever, or a general feeling of illness
    • Shortness of breath, coughing, or chest pain
    • Headache or confusion
  • Not all lumps on the testicles are tumors, and not all tumors are malignant (cancerous). Tests for testicular cancer include:
    • Physical examination
    • Abdominal and pelvic CT scan
    • Blood tests for tumor markers: alpha fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotrophin (beta HCG), and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH)
    • Chest x-ray
    • Ultrasound of the scrotum
  • Like all cancers, there are several steps one can take to help prevent testicular cancer. Such steps include:
    • Eliminating toxins from your body and environment
    • Building up your vital immune system
    • Eating a very healthy, cancer-fighting, and immune boosting diet and avoiding unhealthy foods.
    • A healthy lifestyle that includes physical activity, stress management, and regular direct and indirect sunshine
    • Getting optimal daily nutrition through both diet and supplementation as needed
    • Paying special attention to cleansing, restoring, and protecting your liver
    • Making your body as inhospitable to cancer as possible

[+] Sources and References

Yikes a Spider Bit Me! Not to Worry When You Have Homeopathy

Crunchy little devils. They sneak around in the back alleys of closets and under garden rocks and rarely show themselves boldly. Their bites can range from a small annoyance to quite painful, even dangerous, depending on the species.
So while it may not prevent us from being bitten, owning a homeopathy kit can be one of best defenses against the pain and injury of a spider bite. Owning one of these nifty medicine boxes filled with antidoting medicines and knowing how to use it can put things right. Indeed, homeopathic medicines have a reputation for minimizing pain, swelling and poisonous effects from the bites of these creatures. It’s actually not unusual to note the soothing effect of the remedy within minutes and its curative ability to tone down the potential long-term sufferings as well.
Non-Poisonous Spiders
Most spider bites are not dangerous to one’s health but can be quite painful. A bite from a non-poisonous spider is best treated like any other insect bite or sting. If the wound appears bluish, with shooting pains and/or feels cool but then feels better when cold is applied, as with an ice compress, the remedy to pull from your kit is Ledum palustre 30. This may be administered every 10 to 30 minutes until the pain subsides. As the pain improves, reduce the frequency and stop once the bite is very much better.
If the bite is hot, swollen and red or looks like hives, try Apis mellifica 30c, administered in the same manner as Ledum, above.
Poisonous Spiders
Poisonous spider bites, on the other hand, while usually not fatal in adults, can cause serious harm and may be fatal in children, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. The venom can cause muscle cramping, blistering sores, nausea, chills, difficulty breathing and fever.
Brown Recluse
The brown recluse spider likes to live in dark, undisturbed places inside the house, such as under furniture, inside closets, inside heating vents and conduits, in cracks, and among old books, boxes, toys and clothes or outside under rocks or inside hollow tree trucks. This spider is nocturnal, shy and usually non aggressive. It can live up to six months without food or water, hiding in its lair during the day and roaming about at night.
People are most often bitten when they touch a spider that is caught between a part of the body and another surface, for example, hiding inside clothing or shoes or under furniture. Bites may also happen, somewhat rarely, to a sleeping person when the spider climbs up the bed sheets.
At first, the area around the bite appears swollen but may not become painful until hours later. The area then turns red and hardens. It can eventually turn into an ulcer with a dry bottom, blue or gray borders and a red center. Other symptoms include fever, joint pain, shivering, nausea and vomiting. Healing can take months and may leave a scar. In serious cases, surgery may be needed to remove necrotic tissue.
The primary remedy is Lachesis 30C, administered three times over 24 hours. If the wound becomes septic or develops red stripes extending from the wound site, Pyrogenium 30c may be administered every 10 to 30 minutes. If no improvement is seen with Lachesis, and the wound is cold to the touch, consider Ledum 30C.
Black Widow
The black widow is perhaps the most common poisonous spider in North America. It can be found throughout the United States but is mainly located in the southern and western regions of the country. It can be easily identified by its black body and the distinctive red hourglass pattern on its back. The female is also known for biting and eating the male after mating.
The initial bite may feel like a pinprick, but severe pain at the bite site and an overall numbness soon set in. Other symptoms include painful cramping, rigidity of the abdominal muscles, difficulty breathing, sweating, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. In pregnant women, the bite of the black widow may induce early delivery.
Again, the first remedy to consider is Lachesis, one dose every 10 to 30 minutes until improvement is seen. If no improvement ensues after several doses, the alternative choice is Latrdectus mactans 30C, a remedy made from the black widow spider.
If you live in an area where poisonous spiders abound or travel to areas that do, having these remedies in your homeopathy kit can save you and your family from considerable pain and suffering. And once you’ve discovered their therapeutic facility, you’ll likely be interested in learning how these little gems root out other illnesses as well.
P.S. ~Should you  like to learn how to be prepared for not just heat crises, but all types of first aid and even serious conditions, take a look at my new guide, The Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy.
Joette Calabrese, HMC,CCH, RSHom is homeopath, educator and mom who raised her now adult children using only homeopathy, nutrient dense foods and some herbs as their medicine. Today she teaches families how she did this on her blog at www.JoetteCalabrese.com and in her on line classes.
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How to Grow Your Own Organic Turmeric

Here is How You Can Grown Your Own Organic Turmeric To Reverse Inflammation and Cancer!
May 28, 2016

History: Turmeric has been used in Asia for thousands of years and is a major part of Siddha medicine. It was first used as a dye, and then later for its medicinal properties.
The origin of the name is uncertain, possibly deriving from Middle English/early modern English as turmeryte or tarmaret. There was speculation that it may be of Latin origin, terra merita (merited earth).
The name of the genus, Curcuma, is from an Arabic name of both saffron and turmeric.
Herbal properties and uses: it has a  various medical properties. It is used for treat liver, ulcer, skin problems and etc. In general, it is a good anti-inflammatory agent. What is more, recent studies show that turmeric may help prevent colon, breast, lung and other forms of cancers.
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It is used its roots, as most effective part in whole plant.
SOIL REQUIREMENTS: Well drained, fertile soil
SUN REQUIREMENTS: Turmeric prefers warm direct or indirect sun.
Planting time: Late in spring.
Pollination: subsequent plantings.
Flowering/ seeding time: Shoots appear after 2 m planting.
Harvesting: When the plant has changed from abundant green to dry, dig up the entire plant, ensuring that you dig up the entire root (as this is the part that is used medicinally). Plan to harvest your turmeric root at the end of the summer growing season.
Plant yield: 700 grams of fresh root.
Essential oil use: For skin conditions, bruises, sprains, fungal infections.
How To Grow Turmeric Indoors
To grow turmeric indoors, just follow these simple steps:
Break a larger rhizome into a small rhizome piece that has two or three buds.
Fill your pots with rich organic soil, which is lightly moist but well drained.
Place it about two inches below the surface of the soil, with the buds facing up.
Water the container.
Watering:  Try watering it once every 2 days or misting with a spray bottle.
Storage and Use
Turmeric roots should be kept in a cool, dry place until use.
When you are ready to use them, follow these directions:
Boil the roots for 45 minutes.
Dry the turmeric for approximately one week.
Wearing gloves to prevent dying your hands bright yellow, peel the roots.
Grind the peeled rhizomes into the lovely spice that is used in so many recipes.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

10 Best Cancer Killing Phytonutrients to Eat

10 Best Cancer Killing Phytonutrients To Eat

http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/10-best-cancer-killing-phytonutrients-eatPosted on:
Thursday, September 3rd 2015 at 1:30 pm
Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder
This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2015

Thirty years of research reveals 10 of the best food phytonutrients to ingest to protect against and even treat the root cause of most cancers. 
A new medical model is fast emerging in line with ancient wisdom: one that aims to strike to the root cause of disease and resolve it permanently, and which some call "functional medicine." In cancer treatment, this highly rational approach involves targeting the cancer stem cells (CSCs) at the root of cancer malignancy. Because we now know that CSCs are resistant to chemotherapy and radiation treatment, and may even increase in number and invasveness when exposed to these outdated therapies, it is no longer ethical to continue with the conventional oncologist's "standard of care." Clearly, unless a cancer treatment is capable of selectively killing and/or inducing suicide programs (apoptosis) within cancer cells without harming non-cancerous cells, it is not going to produce a cure.  
In light of this, we are excited to report on a new review published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences titled, "Phytochemicals as Innovative Therapeutic Tools against Cancer Stem Cells," which evaluated the evidence for what natural compounds within various foods and spices make for the most compelling treatments for targeting CSCs.

According to the review of 30 years worth of literature on the topic, the following 10 natural substances have been demonstrated to be the most effective chemopreventive dietary agents against CSCs:
  1. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)green tea extract
  2. Curcumin: The primary polyphenol in turmeric root 
  3. ResveratrolA phytochemical found in grapes, peanuts, Japanese knotweed
  4. Lycopene: A red carotenoid found in watermelon, pink grapefruit, and tomatoes
  5. Pomegranate extracts
  6. Luteolin: A flavonoid found in peppers and various green vegetables
  7. Genistein: A phytochemical found in soy, red clover, and coffee
  8. Piperine: A phytochemicals found in black pepper
  9. β-carotene: An orange carotenoid found in various vegetables
  10. Sulforaphane: A sulfurous phytochemical found in Cruciferous vegetables
The researchers described the discovery that phytochemicals can selectively target CSCs as "a milestone in the improvement of cancer treatment because the synthetic anticancer drugs that are currently used are often highly toxic for healthy organs and weakens the patient's immune system."

They also pointed out that the phytochemicals or extracts identified above, due to their "low levels of toxicity for normal cells," can be used in combination with other phytochemicals, "yielding powerful synergistic effects."
They identified several key areas of focus for the future:
  • Finding a way to combine these compounds into "very active cocktails of phytochemicals" to address the multiple areas of treatment resistance often found in CSCs.
  • Compare the effects of natural phytochemicals with synthetic drugs, the latter of which they anticipate will be found to be less efficient.
  • Further research should be performed on CSCs to better understand the signaling pathways that govern their self-renewal and survival.
The authors concluded, "[T]he use of phytochemicals may be a true therapeutic strategy for eradicating cancer through the elimination of CSCs."
If you have followed GreenMedInfo.com, you know cover the complex terrain of modern cancer treatment and its failures in various exposes on cancer overdiagnosis, the misunderstood nature of cancer, the reality of chemo and radiation resistance, the sorcerer-like power that doctors have over the health destiny of their patients, and the corrupt pharmaceutically-driven medical system that sacrifices ethics for profit. It is clear that while this is a harrowing task and topic, often fraught with darkness, the discovery that natural substances are superior to highly toxic chemotherapy and radiation in selectively killing the root cause of cancer is extremely promising and should help to usher in a new era of cancer prevention and treatment that looks at our dietary decisions as the most important factor in our health destiny.

For additional resources and research use our Health Guide on Cancer Research.