BONNIE BURSTOW: Bonnie Burstow! Few people are so enriched with so many gifts—spiritual, political, academic, scientific, literary and artistic; and among the gifted, even fewer choose to devote themselves lifelong to speaking truth to power to make this Earth a better, safer and more loving place.

Resistant Starch: Why Your Body Needs It

Resistant Starch: Why Your Body Needs It

Sugary and sweet foods are bad, right? We have reported on the hazards of sugar in the diet, especially for people suffering from mental health issues. The issue extends beyond the theoretical to the real life: days that are a rollercoaster of highs and lows, beginning with the bagel for breakfast, soda with sandwich lunch, and brownie after pasta dinner. Sugar disrupts our health by creating systemic inflammation, an underlying factor in most disease states. It dysregulates hormones, exhausts adrenals, and deprives the brain of important nutrients through the surge-first, crash-later cycles of insulin response.
But are all sweet foods created equal? What about starches and carbs? What about the glycemic index? Let’s examine the nutritional difference in a sweet potato (safe starch) and it’s caloric equivalent, four teaspoons of white sugar. The sweet potato contains these essential nutrients: B vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, chromium, vitamin E, beta carotene, C, calcium, potassium, zinc, and selenium. The white sugar? Zero nutritive value, causes insulin spikes, hyperactive adrenals, and interferes with vitamin and mineral availability. Not a difficult choice to make, especially when you add a little ghee and a drizzle of raw honey to the sweet potato. Delish!

All Carbs Are NOT Created Equal

Resistant or “safe” starches are specific carbohydrate foods that actually help restore blood sugar balance.
While some individuals opt to eliminate all carbohydrates from the diet in one sweeping motion, this can lead to discomforting side effects and energy deficits in some individuals. When I first kicked my serious sugar habit, I followed a strict ketogenic diet and felt great for about two months. Then I crashed HARD. Brain fog, lethargy, low vitality – all symptoms that my thyroidwasn’t getting proper dietary support. What I needed to restore the balance was healthy carbohydrates. That’s when I learned about resistant starch.
Safe starches are fiber-rich carbohydrates that are slowly digested by our gut bacteria, rendering them non-disruptive to blood glucose levels. Unlike simple carbohydrates that break down quickly in the stomach and small intestine causing blood sugar levels to spike, these carbs are processed in the large intestine where they remain partially undigested, or resistant to digestion. This undigested fiber undergoes fermentation in the gut, encouraging beneficial gut bacteria, and contributing to the health of the microbiome and large intestine. Resistant starches have been clinically shown to direct more blood flow to the colon,1 reduce intestinal fat deposits,2 improve mineral absorption,3 and bind with toxins so they can be excreted in stools.4

Prebiotics vs. Probiotics: Why You Need Both

Resistant starches behave differently in our digestive systems in important ways. The long, straight chain polysaccharides that comprise resistant starch remain in the curve of our intestines longer, providing short-chain fatty acids like sodium butyrate, a proven anti-inflammatory bridge between the gut and brain.5 Resistant starch boosts the number of good bacteria in the gut, while increasing these short-chain fatty acids that support overall intestinal and brain and brain health.6
Safe starches are prebiotic; providing fermentable fiber that feeds and supports the roughly 100 trillion cells that comprise 90% of our body mass – the microbes we play host to in our microbiome. Research shows that different types of fiber encourage different microbial colonies in the gut.7 Eating prebiotic foods supports the varying colonies of probiotic bacteria. Diets that include modest amounts of fermentable fiber are demonstrated to reduce the risks of irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, cardiovascular disease, and colon cancer.8 Adding safe starches can also lower triglycerides and LDL cholesterol,9 and improve insulin sensitivity, making them useful in diabetic and pre-diabetic protocols.10 Therapeutic uses for resistant starch have produced encouraging results in animal studies for reducing body fat deposits,11 increasing calcium absorption,12 and delivering a low-cost nutritional boost.13

Incorporating Safe Starches in Your Diet

In the depression-treatment protocol presented in A Mind of Your Own and the companion online course, we recommend a one month elimination of grains, dairy, beans, and white potatoes so that you can LEARN your relationship to these powerful foods…not because they are “bad”. This is the slate-clearing phase where you reset your body to a neutral, non-reactive state. As a part of a strict elimination diet designed to rid the body of most known sources of inflammation and allergic response, the month Reset is not intended to support the body’s energy needs, long-term. Most individuals, especially women, will need to incorporate more starches into their diet to enjoy optimum energy and focus. The key is to integrate the right kinds of starches so that your now-healthy body ecology can be maintained.
After your month Reset, here are some of the foods to mindfully introduce, one at a time:
Safe Starch List:
  • White potatoes, cooked and cooled*, and/or potato starch
  • White rice, cooked and cooled*
  • Amaranth
  • Muesli
  • Millet
  • Unprocessed oats
  • Soaked beans
  • Chickpeas
* It’s important to note that allowing white rice and potatoes to cool before consumption is what turns these particular starches into resistant starch.
Reintegration of these foods after a dietary reset should be approached slowly, to see how your body responds to each type of starch. I recommend consuming only one starch at a time, up to three servings in a day, and then waiting for two to three days before trying any others. See how you feel under the influence of each individual starch. Do you have gas, bloating, brain fog, or intense fatigue? Any reactive foods should be eliminated again for thirty days, then the reintroduction process can be repeated.
Understand that not everyone can tolerate all of these foods. Given the fundamental differences in each person’s gut ecology, extreme care is needed in the reintegration phase to ensure that individual sensitivities are identified and respected. If you suffer from a bit of gas, this can be alleviated by easing back on portions and reintegrating more slowly. A full system reset is a great way to establish your baseline so that you can begin to identify your own optimum dietary habits. Ultimately, it’s your inner compass that will guide you to the foods that work best for your physiology. Tune-in and listen to what your body and mind are telling you during this process. Wellness is your birthright, and now that you are armed with the facts of good nutrition, the only thing left is to claim it!
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  • Bacteria in the gut linked to arthritis and joint pain, study reveals

    Bacteria in the gut linked to arthritis and joint pain, study reveals

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    gut-bacteria(NaturalHealth365) It has long been assumed that osteoarthritis, in obese people, was only caused by excess wear and tear on their joints. However, new research out of the University of Rochester Medical Center reveals that a gut microbiome imbalance – including a deficit of Bifidobacteria – is the likely culprit.
    The evidence shows a high fat, Western-style diet alters gut microbesincreasing inflammation in the body and speeding up joint deterioration. Fortunately, a common dietary supplement was found to overturn gut microbiome imbalances in mice.
    And, although it did not help – in terms of weight loss – it does suggest that maintaining a proper balance of gut bacteria (even without a low fat diet) can help to avoid painful joints.
    Editor’s note: Even though this study suggests that eating fatty food is not the issue in terms of avoiding joint issues.  We, at NaturalHealth365, do not believe that ‘all fats are created equal.’  Maintaining a healthy gut and diet is always the best strategy to avoid health problems.

    Osteoarthritis joint pain affects 31 million Americans, yet Western medicine fails to see the obvious solution. (hint: it’s not more toxic drugs)

    The University of Rochester Medical Center has found compelling links between an imbalance in gut bacteria -which is directly affected by diet – and osteoarthritis. In the research, scientists found obese mice showed increased levels of harmful gut bacteria compared with lean mice.
    This led to a chronic state of inflammation, throughout the body, causing rapid joint deterioration.
    Keep in mind, this condition is no small problem: Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of disabilities in the U.S., affecting an estimated 31 million people and widely accepted (within the conventional medical world) to be a byproduct of obesity. (the point is: we can fix this.)

    Fact: Chronic gut bacteria imbalances will lead to joint pain and arthritis

    For the study, the mice that became obese had been fed a high-fat Western diet for 12 weeks, equivalent to eating milkshakes and cheeseburgers regularly. Naturally, within the 12 weeks, the mice became both obese and diabetic.
    Their colons were almost completely devoid of beneficial, probiotic bacteria like Bifidobateria. Instead, the colons of obese mice were dominated by harmful pro-inflammatory bacteria.
    Body-wide inflammation was found, including in the knees and other joints. The obese mice were much more prone to injuries like meniscal tears in the knee, a common injury known to lead to osteoarthritis.
    The condition of arthritis also progressed much more rapidly in obese mice.
    Just about all the mice had their cartilage disappear within 12 weeks of a meniscus tear. The implications are clear: for those that look to be more physically active, a poor balance of gut bacteria actually increases the risk of joint problems, unwanted surgeries and painful outcomes.
    Cartilage is both a lubricant and cushion, facilitating comfortable, friction-free movement. Without it, joints end up bone on bone and (in many cases – conventionally speaking) often get surgically replaced.
    The common prebiotic oligofructose was found to completely offset the effects of obesity on gut bacteria and inflammation. This allowed osteoarthritis to be completely prevented even when consuming a high fat diet.
    Oligofructose prebiotic is food for Bifidobacteria, enhancing gut bacteria balance and eliminating the threat of chronic inflammation
    Prebiotics like oligofructose are not digestible by humans or mice. However, they are feasted upon and greatly enjoyed by beneficial gut bacteria such as Bifidobacteria.
    When present in the gut, they crowd out bad actors such as pro-inflammatory bacteria. This assists in the preservation of cartilage and healthier joints. The oligofructose also made the obese mice less diabetic.
    Since there are currently no known (conventional) treatments that stop or slow the progression of osteoarthritis, these findings are particularly exciting. They set the stage for the development of new therapies to regulate the microbiome and reduce osteoarthritis symptoms.
    Meanwhile, you can adjust your diet to enjoy the benefits of prebiotics. Eat foods rich in prebiotics include raw chicory root, raw Jerusalem artichoke, dandelion greens, onions and garlic.
    Above all, never forget the healing power of the human body – especially when given the resources needed.
    Sources for this article include:

    Tuesday, May 29, 2018

    WATCH: Pediatrician ‘Kids Are Sicker Than Ever’

    FINALLY -- Comprehensive, authoritative information about vaccine exemptions you can trust, from Alan Phillips, J.D., a leading vaccine rights attorney with years of experience helping clients throughout the U.S. legally avoid vaccines in a wide variety of vaccine-refusal settings. Recommended By Dr. Tenpenny


    “I can tell you today, having been in clinical practice for over 30 years, that the children I see today are sicker than they were when I was a resident.”
    Dr. Franz, a practicing pediatrician with a 30 year history in the Orlando area, comes clean on her feelings regarding the state of children’s health. She says that children are now “sicker then ever” and that’s caused her to perform her own research.
    She says she began to see “truly vaccine-injured kids.” This was following the 1980’s when vaccine schedules began to ramp up.
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    They said, “My child was fine until they got this shot, and then within a week we lost them.” Not dead, but they quit having eye contact, they lost language…
    And I heard that so often, that I began doing research.

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    Which Supplements Actually Help Hashimoto's

    Which Supplements Actually Help Hashimoto’s?

    Over the years, I have researched, evaluated, purchased and tried a variety of medications, supplements and lifestyle changes to determine which would be most helpful in overcoming Hashimoto’s. Evaluating the safety, efficacy and cost of various treatments was a large part of my training as a pharmacist, and I have put my training to good use in overcoming Hashimoto’s!
    I have found that a combination of the right medications (when indicated), right lifestyle changes, and right supplements can make a tremendous impact on recovering from Hashimoto’s. I like to use technology to my advantage and have found that certain supplements are a great way to speed up the healing process.
    I have spent hours upon hours researching supplements. I have purchased and tried truckloads of supplements and often receive samples from various companies.
    I have found that some supplements make zero difference—despite their high cost. Snake oil anyone?
    Some supplements can be harmful if taken without proper lab testing and medical supervision. For example, spirulina and echinacea can cause new onset autoimmune conditionshigh dose iodine can increase the autoimmune attack on the thyroid; and adrenal hormones can cause breakouts, swelling, palpitations, joint pain, and brain fog (personal experience, ouch!).
    I have also found supplements that are safe and effective for most people.
    I covered many of these helpful supplements in my first book, Hashimoto’s The Root Cause, but have also found quite a few additional supplements since the book was published. If you are struggling with thyroid symptoms and looking for some support, there are six supplements that can help.
    In the following article, you’ll discover:
    • The medication that works like an immune modulating supplement when used at low doses
    • The types of probiotics that actually help
    • The best way to get selenium
    • Specific digestive enzymes that can reverse fatigue in a few days
    • A different type of enzyme taken on an empty stomach that can help reduce thyroid antibodies and food sensitivities
    • Immune modulating supplements

    1. Naltrexone

    Naltrexone is actually a medication, rather than a supplement, but due to its low propensity to cause side effects, many say that it actually acts as a supplement. The primary use of Naltrexone is to counter drug addiction, but it also has an off-label use as an immune modulator. When used in low doses, Naltrexone has been found to reduce the autoimmune attack on the thyroid.
    Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) helps reduce antibodies and stabilize immunity. It balances the immune system by increasing the amount of T-regulatory cytokines and modulating TGF-B. This leads to a reduction of Th17, which is a major promoter of autoimmunity.
    Many people have been able to eliminate their symptoms and reduce the dosage of their medications with LDN. I’ve also seen women with thyroid antibodies in the 1000s range that have been able to reduce them down to about 100. Some people have even been able to get off their medications completely!
    In the beginning of my journey, I used LDN for a few days but gave up on it after experiencing symptoms of irritability. I now know that LDN works best in combination with a leaky gut diet and in titrated doses so that it is better tolerated.
    LDN is only available through compounding pharmacies and is not commonly prescribed, so it can be difficult to get access to this medication. I recommend reaching out to your local compounding pharmacist to find out which doctors in your area are knowledgeable about prescribing LDN. Read more about LDN.

    2. Probiotics

    Intestinal permeability (leaky gut) is one of the three legs of autoimmunity. We know that eating gluten can cause a leaky gut, and many people have been able to reduce their symptoms and antibodies by following a gluten free diet. However, there are various other root causes of intestinal permeability, including an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut.
    We often use antibiotics to fight off bad bacteria and heal infections but, unfortunately, antibiotics also eliminate the good bacteria we need in our gut to help our digestion processes. If there aren’t enough good bacteria to keep the bad under control, they start damaging the gut walls causing leaky gut. Supplementing with probiotics is a natural way to put the good bacteria back in and help restore balance.
    Probiotics are known to help with anxiety, gut symptoms, extracting nutrients from our food, and balancing the immune system. They can also help with treating Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), which is present in over 50% of Hashimoto’s patients and causes leaky gut.
    When supplementing with probiotics, you want to make sure you’re getting enough. I recommend starting off with a low dose and building your way up. Many probiotics sold in stores have around 10 billion colony-forming units, but your gut has a hundred trillion unit colonies of bacteria. So, most commercial probiotics and yogurts don’t have enough to really make a difference.
    My favorite probiotics include VSL#3Pure Encapsulations Probiotic 50BKlaire Labs Ther-biotic, and the yeast-based probiotic, Saccharomyces boulardii. In addition to supplementing with probiotics, I also enjoy eating fermented coconut yogurt, fermented coconut water, and fermented cabbage. Read more about probiotics.

    3. Selenium

    Selenium is a natural antioxidant that provides support for the immune system and promotes healthy blood flow. It works in synergy with vitamin E to assist in healthy growth and fertility, protect normal cell function, and enhance the function of certain energy producing cells. (1) Selenium deficiency has been recognized as a trigger for developing Hashimoto’s.
    It is thought that when there is a depletion of selenium in the body, we are not able to neutralize hydrogen peroxide which is produced as a byproduct of thyroid hormone conversion. So, it begins damaging the surrounding tissue and may cause an influx of immune cells that tend to get confused and start attacking the immune system. The selenium forms selenoproteins to protect against hydrogen peroxide damage and acts as a catalyst for converting inactive T4 into biologically active T3.
    Selenium has been found to reduce thyroid antibodies and makes people with Hashimoto’s-induced anxiety feel calmer. People have also been able to improve their thyroid conversion by taking selenium. When the body is functioning at the optimal level, you feel good, and you’re able to process foods and detoxify naturally. This helps process stress, and life in general, and can lift your overall feelings of anxiety considerably.
    Thyroid antibodies have been shown to be reduced by 50% in three to six months with dosages of about 200 micrograms of selenium. However, I recommend consulting with your practitioner to determine what dosage is best for you. Read more about selenium.

    4. Betaine with Pepsin

    Betaine with Pepsin is a natural, gastric acid that helps with the absorption of calcium, B12, protein, and iron. It helps break down food for the body to absorb. This is especially significant in Hashimoto’s patients because many of us have a deficiency in stomach acid.
    The breakdown and digestion of protein requires stomach acid. If you’re not digesting your food properly, you’ll have more food sensitivities and symptoms of acid reflux. It makes you tired because your body is using more resources to try to digest food, and it can also lead to liver backlog because you won’t be excreting toxins correctly.
    Based on my survey of 2232 people with Hashimoto’s, 50-70% of people with Hashimoto’s are likely deficient in stomach acid. Symptoms that improved for participants included higher energy levels, reduced pain, and improved moods. One-fourth of respondents even reported weight loss. Betaine with Pepsin helped me to digest proteins and finally get my energy back after almost 10 years of fatigue!
    Betaine with Pepsin dosage needs to be individualized. The best way to find your target dose for Betaine is to start off with one capsule with a protein-containing meal. If you don’t feel anything, increase the dosage by one capsule with the next protein-containing meal. This rate of increase is continued until a slight burning sensation in your esophagus is felt. Then you know that you have too much stomach acid and need to decrease the dosage by one capsule. Read more about Betaine with Pepsin.

    5.  Systemic Enzymes

    Systemic enzymes help to normalize TSH and reduce or eliminate antibodies. They work by helping to break down circulating immune complexes, which can trigger autoimmune disease. Basically, an immune complex is where an antibody and antigen combine forces to damage our immunity. Breaking these immune complexes apart is very important in getting into remission because when they can’t attack the immune system, our bodies are given a chance to heal.
    One study found that when people took five capsules of systemic enzymes three times a day, they were able to improve the appearance of their thyroid on an ultrasound, normalize their TSH, and lower their thyroid antibodies. Participants in this study also reported improved symptoms.
    In another study, 40 people with Hashimoto’s who were on levothyroxine were given systemic enzymes for 3-6 months. Participants saw a reduction of thyroid symptoms and antibodies, as well as a normalization of their thyroid ultrasound. Many patients were able to reduce their dose of levothyroxine or even discontinue their medications!
    Systemic enzymes are best taken on an empty stomach, at least 45 minutes before a meal or 1 ½ hours after a meal. If you take them with food, they will be used for the digestion process instead of getting into the bloodstream to work against the immune complexes. I like Wobenzym PS by Douglas Laboratories. Read more about systemic enzymes.

    6. Moducare

    Our adrenals are critical to maintaining overall health. When the adrenals are out of balance, the rest of the body quickly follows suit. This is especially significant for Hashimoto’s patients because stress is often a major contributing factor, and the adrenals and immune system work so closely together.
    Moducare helps to promote a normal balance of the adrenal hormones, cortisol, and DHEA, and works as a safeguard against negative stress reactions. (2) It contains natural plant sterols and sterolins that balance Th1 and Th2 helper cells, which strengthens cellular immunity and overactive immune responses. People have been able to improve their adrenal function, as well as reduce antibodies to the thyroid and in other autoimmune conditions, with Moducare.
    One study found that participants taking Moducare maintained a more healthy immune response in comparison to individuals taking a placebo. The healthier immune response was thought to be related to cortisol levels, which did not increase in response to the exercise stress in those taking Moducare.(2)
    While these sterols can be found naturally in fruits and veggies, I’ve found that using supplements likeThorne Moducare works best because we don’t always know how much is in our foods. It may be helpful to try different amounts and work with your doctor to see what works best for you.
    Hope this information helps you on your journey!
    P.S. Be sure to sign up to my weekly newsletter to get a free book chapter, recipes, my Thyroid Diet Quick Start Guide, notifications about upcoming events, and my latest research.
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    1. Seo Y, Sweeney C, Smith M. Selenomethionine induction of DNA repair response in human fibroblasts. Oncogene. 2002;21(23):3663-3669. doi:10.1038/sj.onc.1205468.
    2. Pegel K. MODUCARE® – A Brief History And Mode Of Action.; 2002. Available at: Accessed September 5, 2017.
    Note: Originally published in February 2015, this article has been revised and updated for accuracy and thoroughness.