Saturday, November 29, 2008

From the The Last Shout

Now Americans must suffer the same plight. The corporate fascist enabling laws, most of which took shape under executive orders issued by the Clinton and Bush administrations, are now the purloin of the international socialist Obama government. It is my suspicion that the CFR and the Bilderberg cliques have determined that Obama will be a two-term president; and under his auspices Americans will be left disarmed, without any freedom of speech and devoid of the civil liberties they enjoyed prior to the treasonous Bush junta.

It is hardly a surprise to me that Obama has chosen former Clinton insiders, Zionist communitarians, treacherous Israeli dual-citizens and "Common Purpose" advocates as his main advisors. It was a done deal months before his (s)election. Once again, Americans have foolishly allowed themselves to be ensnared by the serpentine hypnotic trance of the City of London and its Zionist overlords.

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