Sunday, November 30, 2008

Some Israelis in Mumbai remain unaccounted for

Last update - 18:07 30/11/2008

Terror in Mumbai

Some Israelis in Mumbai remain unaccounted for

By Haaretz Service

Tags: terror, Israel news, Mumbai

Nine people - most Israelis, some dual citizens but all of them Jews - were killed in an attack on the Chabad House in Mumbai, one of ten targets hit by terrorists in a series of coordinated attacks across the city that left at least 195 people dead, and hundreds wounded.

After checking hospitals and morgues in Mumbai, Foreign Ministry officials said on Sunday that there do not appear to be any more Israeli or Jewish victims of the attacks apart from those that have already been identified as victims from the Chabad House.

Still, a small number of Israelis believed to be in Mumbai still have not contacted their families, and there remain unidentified victims from the attacks. Specialists from the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute will leave for Mumbai on Monday to execute a final sweep of the area.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Sunday he was pleased with India's cooperation throughout the deadly Mumbai attacks, toning down criticism voiced by Israeli security experts of the Indian military's handling
of the standoff.

Olmert's comments appeared to be aimed at heading off tensions with India, an important Israeli ally.

Speaking at the weekly meeting of his Cabinet, Olmert said there had been
proper and correct cooperation with India throughout the crisis. Olmert said there was no doubt the attacks targeted Jewish institutions.

While noting that Israel had offered assistance, he said there was never any talk of sending in Israeli forces.

"I'm pleased with this cooperation and take this opportunity to thank the
Indian government for deciding to keep us updated throughout the events, he said.

In a statement releaed after the attacks, Olmert also said that symbols of Israeli and Jews motivate murder worldwide. "The hatred of Jews, the State of Israel and Jewish symbols are still a factor that spurs and encourages such murderous acts."

Olmert said the images from the Mumbai Chabad House, including pictures of the murdered victims wrapped in prayer shawls "are shocking and take us back to events that we pray never recur."

Olmert also vowed that Israel would work together with Indian authorities and "would be happy to provide any and all information or specific assistance that we might be asked to give."

Mumbai terrorist: We were told to kill Israeli

The only terrorist captured by Indian authorities following the Mumbai attacks told interrogators during questioning that he and his men were sent specifically to kill Israelis to avenge "atrocities" against the Palestinians, the Times of India reported Sunday.

Amir Kasab, 21, told investigators that this was why they targeted the Chabad House, also known as the Nariman House in Mumbai, an outreach center meant for local Jews and Jews touring India, including Israelis. Sources said Kasab's colleagues killed in the operation had stayed at the Nariman House in the past.

"They have stayed in Nariman house on rental basis identifying themselves as Malaysian students.'' said a source. Police were trying to determine why Nariman House rooms were given to non-Jews, the Times of India reported.

Kasab also revealed during questioning names and addresses of at least five people from the city who provided assistance to the terrorists in carrying out the attacks.

Joint commissioner of police Rakesh Maria said told the Times of India "we suspect there could be local assistants but it is subject to verification. It will be very premature to comment on this at this stage as our investigation is going on.''

Israeli embassy representatives and rescue personnel have identified six of the victims killed in the assault that began Wednesday night across India's financial capital, including its Chabad center.

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Defense Minister Ehud Barak decided on Saturday evening to dispatch an Israel Air Force plane with teams of medical and forensic experts to Mumbai on Sunday to aid in the identification of victims.

Authorities on Saturday named one of the Israeli victims as Yocheved Orpaz, 60, after her family identified her body on Saturday afternoon. Another woman was identified as a Jewish resident of Mexico, whose name has not yet been released.

The Chabad-Lubavitch movement confirmed Friday evening that an Israeli-born American rabbi, Gavriel Holtzberg, 29, and his wife Rivka, 28, were among the dead.

The Holtzbergs will be flown to Israel for burial, said Rivka Holtzberg's brother, Shmulik Rosenberg. A Chabad spokesman said they likely would be buried Monday.

Two other victims from the Chabad house who have also been positively identified are Bentzion Chroman, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen, and Rabbi Leibish Teitelbaum, a U.S. citizen who lived in Jerusalem.

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