Saturday, February 21, 2009

Are Your Supermarket Plums Genetically Modified? Here's How to Find Out

Are Your Supermarket Plums Genetically Modified? Here's How to Find Out!
The little stickers on fruits and vegetables have digits that let you know whether they're conventionally grown or organic, and if they're genetically modified (GM). There are many benefits to knowing this information:
• The health risks -- GM foods have been in stores only since the 1990s, so the long-term health risks are unknown• The environmental risks -- Scientists are concerned that GMOs will reduce biodiversity• The taste benefits -- People all over the world agree that the range of possible flavors is greater without a few GM foods crowding out the many natural varietiesHere’s what you should look for:
• A four-digit number means the produce is conventionally grown• A five-digit number beginning with 9 means it's organic• A five-digit number beginning with 8 means it's GM
Ideal Bite January 30, 2009

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