Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Copenhagen Conference: The man-made climate change hoax falters

The Copenhagen Conference: The man-made climate change hoax falters
December 19, 9:57 AMClarksburg Conservative ExaminerJames Maropoulakis
A motorist is pushed back onto an Albany, N.Y., street, as the area gets its first winter storm of the season on Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2009.
(AP Photo/Mike Groll)The man-made global warming/climate change hoaxers have failed, for now. The much touted Copenhagen Climate Change Conference ended yesterday in a severe snowstorm, without a binding agreement. They did, however, achieve a minor propaganda coup by keeping the media snowed regarding the truth of the abject failure of the conference, as well as hiding the climate change email scandal and the fact that there is no such thing as man-made global warming or climate change.

Americans should pay close attention to these plans of the world elites to pass some sort of global “carbon dioxide” restrictions and tax, which will be discussed as part of this just finished Copenhagen Conference held in Denmark. President Obama attended.

Most Americans have always been conservationists, and are in favor of cleaning up the planet and guarding against real chemical pollution. Now, however, the “anti’s” have seized control of the issue, and have transformed it into yet another method of power-grabbing by the government; in this case, the United Nations. It is a power grab in at least three respects:

1. It permits the government to stick its nose into every aspect of our lives through regulation of carbon dioxide emissions (examples: outdoor burning, ATV emissions, vehicle emissions, composting, livestock farming, what color a car or house is painted, the price that one must pay for a car, how long someone leaves their lights on, what type of light bulbs are used, what temperature the thermostat is set at, how many children families can have, etc.).

2. It will increase the cost of coal and the cost of electric power, and therefore causing our electric bills to skyrocket, taking away our hard-earned money on a false premise.

3. It will allow less developed countries to transfer wealth out of developed countries like America through restrictions on CO2 emissions in the developed countries, especially the United States, hamstringing our economy. As part of this, President Obama has pledged $100 billion per year to these underdeveloped countries, most of which will come from your pockets.

The entire CO2 caused climate change hysteria, which was called the “global warming” threat until it became evident that the Earth was actually cooling, is based on the big lie that man-made carbon dioxide is somehow affecting our weather. It is not, and it never has. It is plant food, and essential to life. There is absolutely no provable scientific evidence that man-made CO2 ever has. The Earth’s warming and cooling are periodic cycles caused by solar activity, not by our exhalations or our ATV’s, or cow gas.

Recently, internal emails between the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU), the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), and NASA, three of the top players in the international climate change propaganda effort, were discovered that prove that these climate change hoaxers have been lying to us and hiding the truth. These emails are evidence of pervasive fraud by a very large and influential institution that has dominated news coverage of global warming. They indicate that the real evidence is that global temperatures have actually been in a downward trend since the 1960’s, and these people have hidden this truth from us so that they could continue to push their false “man-made climate change” agenda. As reported in the London Telegraph last year, 31,000 academics and scientists signed a petition that denied that man-made climate change exists. The major media has ignored this.

In spite of the fraud of the CRU, NCAR and NASA, and in spite of the truth told by the 31,000 academics who signed the petition, President Obama, Al Gore, and the Copenhagen group still intend to push on for government carbon dioxide taxes and controls. It is astonishing that this Copenhagen group continues to spew these lies, issuing dire warnings about the “global catastrophe” that they say will be caused by global warming, and the news people on the three major networks continue to uncritically repeat these lies.

Americans know the dangers of real chemical pollution, and we fight it on a daily basis. We must also fight against the big lie that carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant, and that man-made carbon dioxide is somehow changing the climate. And we must oppose those politicians who vote in favor of laws that perpetuate this big lie, like the Cap and Trade Bill that President Obama is trying to push through congress.


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