Monday, January 4, 2010

Are Vaccinations Good For Children and Adults?

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The following quotes were made by members of HLN/VAIS – full sources are provided. You decide if these quotes make them “pro-choice” or “anti-vax”. Seems pretty straightforward to me which camp they fall in.

Roxanne Iwinski
As long as the general public continues to believe that a vaccine is a like taking a vitamin, childhood diseases will continue to complicate our lives. Toxic laden vaccines are not natural to the human body and only serve to compromise our immune system instead of support it. Until the Australian Government establishes a mandatory adverse reaction reporting system for every vaccine administered, and creates a compensation fund for vaccine damaged families, doctors will continue to parrot the flawed vaccine research funded by the very same companies who produce them. Ironic too that this 4yo child gets injected with this toxic cocktail, and then receives lollies (more toxins) for being such a good boy! Remember this is the same industry that once actively promoted cigarette smoking, DDT and thalidomide.(1a)

Now this one is easy. Vaccines “compromise our immune system”, are “toxic laden”, children injected with a “toxic cocktail”. Anti-vax or pro-choice? Hmm, don’t think you need much thinking time for this one.

But let us find one more, just to be sure.

The headline of this article has very little to do with the content. Another attempt at media and government to place the blame of illness upon those parents who are making an informed decision on this matter. If you investigate the true cause of this disease, any intelligent person would deduct that it has everything to do with the condition of the body and immune system – the germ theory has been long disproven, which is the only grounds for vaccines working. Wake up people, and think it through for yourselves, rather than accepting media/government propaganda as fact and subjecting another generation to the toxic experiment that it is.

Posted by: R. Iwinski of Brisbane 7:29am July 21, 2009(1b)

Oh dear, the “toxic experiment”. Ok, Roxanne, there is no longer any doubt which side of the fence you are on. The above is a testament to the duplicity, deceitfulness, and dishonesty of antivaxxers in supporting their delusional ideology – refer to the email sent by Roxanne on 3 January 2010.

I’ve saved the best for last.

Just got lucky with the email! They are out there all right – lots of them – the person in question has the following site – and there is no right of reply option – very frustrating as much of it is incorrect. We are determined to diffuse this site as best as we can, and although we suspect there is not much traffic to her site, we figured that having our information truly ‘pro-choice’ would deflate her agenda. We welcome any suggestions from members. (1c)

Well, at least she was honest about why they deceitfully present themselves as “pro-choice” to an uninformed general public.

Stephanie Bailey/Messenger/Messanger

Stephanie Messenger Lecture Series 2006

In the 1st part of this lecture, Stephanie Messenger, from VAIS, presents us with some compelling arguments against the use of vaccination. After reviewing some of the history of vaccination in Australia, Stephanie reviews many of the more recent side-effects and problems associated with this area of medicine.(2a)

Let’s see, “compelling arguments against the use of vaccination.” How is this pro-choice? What exactly are these “more recent side-effects”, and “problems associated with this area of medicine”? I don’t see the death and disabilities from measles and polio common in my parents’ day. I must be missing something.

Education and Your Responsibility
Sun, 23 Nov 2008 10:49:55 +0000 (60.0 Mb)

Welcome To Episode 29 of Your Story.
Today we talk with Stephanie Messanger who explains how, if we take the time to understand our responsibilities regarding our personal and family well being we can manage our health without the use of vaccination.
Stephanie has been more than an advocate against vaccination and big Pharmaceutical for years, having had a personal tragedy in her own life, she is more importantly promoting the self care and education that we should take for ourselves as the natural order of good health.
Stephanie helped to educate me to the increase in conditions such as Autism due to the the side effects of vaccination and the research that is underway to show the effects compared to non vaccinated communities.

As the HPV vaccine is rolled out under the brand name of Gardasil here in Australia and the rest of the world Stephanie explains the dangers of this long term experiment on our young daughters. There are many that feel that Gardasil is dangerous.
Stephanie’s Email is

Here is a selection of choice snippets from this interview:

•her purpose is to highlight the ignorance of pharmaceutical companies, medical industries, and government;
•All vaccinations are unnecessary; not one shred of evidence that vaccination works;
•no proof that HPV causes cervical cancer;
•smallpox has not been eradicated;
•polio is still here today;
•vaccinations are the cause of SIDS;
•a child’s lungs are stronger after suffering from pertussis, so pertussis is beneficial;
•vaccines cause autism; no autism in the Amish communities;
•anyone receiving Gardasil after already hosting HPV will have a 44% increase risk of contracting cancer.
You can listen to the interview here: Your Story Ep 29: Stephanie Messenger

Susan Lindberg
get real Robyn if you are fully vaccinated and you did not get immunity from the disease it is not the unvaccinated you should be angry against, it is the false hope that your doctor or vaccine administer promised. I am not vaccinated nor are my children and we have never had whooping cough or any other vaccine related disease. we are healthy and loving life, dont put the guilt on us, we have made an informed choice not to vaccinate, unlike you and who got sick?
Posted by: susan lindberg of brisbane 09:21am Saturday 2nd May
Comment 2 of 12(3a)

Doctors giving their patients vaccines are only providing a “false hope”. Only the vaccinated get sick. Fear-mongering rubbish.

Jane Fyne-Clintons article is emotive and fear mongering. There are numerous parents who truly believe their child has had a major reaction to the MMR vaccine and therefore have a choice not to continue the vaccine program or other parents have the right not to vaccinate their children. This right must prevail as vaccination is a medical procedure and like all medical procedure does come with risks. There are numerous studies completed around the world to suggest more research needs to be done to ensure this particular vaccine is safe, many reports clearly show it is not. What amuses me is that these children with mealses are all vaccinated, what protection I ask. susan lindberg manly west

Posted by: susan lindberg of manly west 2:49pm March 05, 2009(3b)

I would love to see where these “many reports” come from. Discredited researchers like Dr Wakefield? Conspiracy-laden websites like If proper scientific research or studies show that these vaccines really are not safe, please, I would love to be the first to know.

The following excerpt is from an article published on the Natural Parenting website, written by Susan Lindberg.

…and you are not a bad parent if your decision is to defer or refuse vaccines. You are infact one of the growing number of parents who are taking an active role in the health of their children and you should stand tall and feel proud.

Possible questions to ask yourself:
Do you know what is in the vaccine?
Do you know how the vaccine was made?
Do you know if the vaccine has been stored correctly?
How do I know my baby won’t react?
If my baby reacts to the vaccine what support will I be given?
What are the manufacturer’s results of known reactions?
Do I believe that vaccines truly protect?
What are my options if I don’t vaccinate?
Have you read the product insert?
Is there any family history of vaccine reactions and chronic diseases?

Possible Questions to ask the doctor or health nurse:
Do you keep up to date on the vaccination issue? If yes, how? Could you supply some of the latest information on vaccinations to take home and read?
What are all the reactions to vaccines you want to administer? Could you have a copy of the product insert to read at home?
Dr Michel Odent has linked asthma to the whooping cough vaccine? Have you read his research and what do you think?
Professor Wakefield has linked autism to the measles vaccine. What do you think?
Why is the same dose of vaccines given to a two month old baby as is given to a 5 year old?
Are you aware that Japan changed the start time for vaccinating from 3 months to 2 years and straight away their SIDS rate plummeted?
Do you believe in herd immunity? If so, how is it that in the U.S.A. which has a 98% vaccination rate, they still have major outbreaks of these diseases and mostly in the vaccinated children?
Some doctors are telling people that if an unvaccinated child gets a disease, they get a more severe bout, than a vaccinated child who gets the same disease. Do you believe this? Please supply scientific proof to back up your opinion.
If vaccines do harm my child, where will you report the reaction and will my child be compensated for the damage done?(3c)

Whilst some of the questions are quite reasonable, the usual misleading and fear-mongering questions appear, such as making parents’ doubt herd-immunity, connecting SIDS with vaccinations, etc. It is utterly shameful.

As you can see, they adopt the usual measures of presenting a moderate, and reasonable, front to the general public. But as demonstrated above, that face is a deceitful and dishonest one, much like how cults operate to indoctrinate new members.

1c: email sent by Roxanne Iwinski, 3 January 2010

January 4th, 2010 in HLN/VAIS | tags: anti

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