Friday, January 1, 2010

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, Episode 3 — Secret Societies Controlling the World

Friday, January 01, 2010
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, Episode 3 — Secret Societies Controlling the World
by The Anonymous Physicist

This TruTV show, aired on December 30, 2009 was actually quite good. While the contrived reactions and simulated situations remain laughable, the information— as far as it went—was important and reasonable. (Next week’s episode will be on Intel agencies creating Manchurian Candidates.)

Most of the show focused on the Bilderberg Group, and several people who have investigated it for years— Daniel Estulin and Jim Tucker. Estulin’s Wikipedia entry states that his grandfather was a KGB Colonel, and that he gets his information from Russian, British (MI6) and American (CIA) Intel assets. In addition to lengthy interviews with Estulin and Tucker—about their tracking the annual Bilderderger conferences, Ventura also interviewed Alex Jones, David Icke, and Rima Laibow. As was shown last week, Alex Jones once again is touted as the only person who knows where all the other conspiracy experts are. Jones is shown handing a piece of paper to Ventura on how to contact Laibow in “the mountains of Panama.” To speak on the poisoning of the food supply, Stanley Monteith, M.D. was interviewed. Monteith spoke only about aspartame. I cannot be sure if the way the show focuses on only one aspect of a problem is a deliberate form of disinformation, or if the producers think that time constraints, or other matters, necessitates this form of minimalism; but there are many other toxins in food, many of them worse than aspartame— which is indeed a dangerous excititoxin.

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