Friday, January 1, 2010

NASA's confirmed 2012 prediction - Deterioration of Earth's Magnetosphere during Sun's Polar shift in 2012 :

Monday, April 27, 2009
NASA's confirmed 2012 prediction - Deterioration of Earth's Magnetosphere during Sun's Polar shift in 2012 :

Scientists have now accepted that the intersection of 2 problems - the deterioration of Earth's Magnetosphere during the Sun's Polar shift in 2012 (as recently discussed) will be the real concern as we approach 2012 :

Now here's the reason why: Scientists have found two large leaks in Earth's magnetosphere, the region around our planet that shields us from severe solar storms. Now in 2012 the suns poles will reverse (not the earths as wrongly said on many 2012 sites - see below!) , during this time a massive solar storm will reck havoc on earth - usually this is no problem - but now due to the 'cracks' in it, Earth's protective Magnetosphere may fail us, so the violent solar and electromagnetic radiation will make it through and cause many problems to life as we know it (eg: disabling communication satellites, mobile phones, effective sleep patterns, & radiation poisoning of humans) Also as earth has to absorb extra radiation & energy this will cause possible changes within the earth's core - with energy being re-dissipated from the earth with new volcanoes formed and crust movement.

As mentioned in the Video below - The leaks are defying many of scientists' previous ideas on how the interaction between Earth's magnetosphere and solar wind occurs: The leaks are in an unexpected location, let in solar particles in faster than expected and the whole interaction works in a manner that is completely the opposite of what scientists had thought:

Important Note: many websites say Earths Poles will shift during 2012 but this is not true. According to NASA, Planet pole reversals (not suns - which like ours can reverse poles quickly in a few years) take a few thousand years to complete, and during that time--contrary to popular belief--the magnetic field does not vanish - "It just gets more complicated" -so this is probably why our Magnetosphere is going weird at the moment. (Another controversial idea is that the Earth's magnetosphere could be influenced temporarily by our current position in the solar system in the Milky way as we past by a big black hole, however theories of the 2012 galactic plane alignment are heavy disputed at the moment ) - Either way its true that Earths Magnetosphere is very weak at the moment and yes this is a sign of initial pole shifting but not complete pole reversal of Earth - this won't happen in 2012 as its a slow process and is predicted to take another 1200 years to complete. What is of major concern overall is how strong the Magnetosphere will be during the solar storms of 2012.

NASA Themis Confirms Massive breach of Earth's Magnetosphere detected:

NASA Extends mission - worried about 2012?
On May 19, 2008 the Space Sciences Laboratory at Berkeley announced NASA had extended theTHEMIS mission to the year 2012 (strange co-incidence right?). In addition a new mission that would send twoTHEMIS probes into lunar orbits was provisionally approved by NASA, pending a technical review before February 2009

rated 4.69 by 27 people [?]


  1. scary. What happens to man then?

  2. I take a vow to plant 100 trees in this year 2011..... i am sure its a contribution and a constructive contribution

  3. I take a vow to plant 100 trees in this year 2011..... i am sure its a contribution and a constructive contribution. matter is not what is going to happen to man but the matter is what have we done with nature......ah..

  4. Human beings are like germs that we have in the mouth, that damage the teeth, dig holes, forming cavities, causing toothache, to cause tooth decay, and then leave us with nothing in the mouth. That's what we've done to the planet.

  5. Read the comment left by Edmi.In my opinion anyone who thinks as this author apparently does should,nt even be living on Earth.They should go live on the Moon,Venus or maybe Pluto.Then we would,nt have to put up with them!

  6. I have more of a question, than a comment. Knowing something of black holes, not much, but some theory, they suck in everything and compress it with an unimaginable force. With the solar events that are going on now and expected to increase in activity, as we pass the existing black hole, wouldn't the possibility be very strong that a great deal of that solar plasma and energy will be sucked into the black hole? I am not sure, but I think the black hole will offer us some small amount of protection. The solar event we are expecting happens every 26000 years.

  7. Personally I hope something epic happens, and I mean something like 5.5 billion people are put in a microwave oven, I hope it is even me...It may be the only way to save the planet...I am hopping for a kick ass ride...pray to the sun god raj that she will not be to much of a bitch.
