Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mercola On Vitamin D

"IGNORED for 35 Years --
Now Known to be Crucial to Your Health*"
Considered unimportant and even evil for decades… and suddenly scientists worldwide are talking about its incredible benefit to every part of your body. In fact, if you could only take one supplement, this MUST be it…
You’ve heard me rant about how important vitamin D is for many years now.

After thirty years of being vilified by the medical establishment and the press, vitamin D is gaining new popularity -- and even becoming a hero -- as a nutrient that supports your overall health.*

Recent discoveries suggest it has significantly more far-reaching effects than just your bone health*, contrary to popular belief.

In fact, vitamin D is known to support your body's health systems in a variety of ways...* So much so that it’s not a stretch to suggest your body literally cries out for vitamin D in many ways.

And now, with winter bearing down on the Northern Hemisphere with sleet, biting rain, and snow, you may not enjoy even the remote hope of getting vitamin D from natural sunlight… unless you live on the southern tip of Florida, in Hawaii, in Mexico,or the southern hemisphere.

So it’s critical to your well-being to consider your other options.

More on that in a moment…

But first, allow me to explain just what an astounding impact vitamin D has on your entire health…

“Let Me Count the Ways...”
Research suggests that up to 85% of people could be deficient in vitamin D without knowing it... leaving them with less-than-optimal health. In fact, some scientists call for urgent action.


Because current scientific research suggests that all cells and tissues in your body have vitamin D receptors -- and further concludes that every cell and tissue needs vitamin D for its well-being.*

Not only that, but vitamin D is responsible for the regulation of over 2,000 genes in your body!*

Vitamin D engages in very complex metabolic processes within your body.* Scientists believe that vitamin D serves a wide range of fundamental biological functions relating to many aspects of your health.*

Your skin naturally produces your body's supply of vitamin D from direct exposure to bright midday sun with a mere ten or fifteen minutes' exposure per day.

But for decades, you've been the target of a misinformation campaign from the media and conventional medicine that created a fear of sunshine. Therefore, most people either intentionally or unintentionally avoid the sun -- or smear on sunscreen that blocks the beneficial wavelengths that produce vitamin D in your skin.

Vitamin D is VITAL for You -- and for Your Family's Health, Too*
Having too little vitamin D may not have any outwardly obvious signs. Yet vitamin D (specifically the vitamin D3 form) impacts an incredible array of support for systems and functions in your body...

Heart health*
Cell formation and cell longevity*
Skin health*
Pancreatic health*
Aging process*
Sleep patterns*
Reproductive health*
Athletic performance*
Eye health*
Vascular system health*
Respiratory health*
Immune health*... Most people feel in better health during the summer sunshine months -- ever wonder why?
Healthy mood and feelings of well-being*
Weight management, including carbohydrate and fat metabolism*
Hair and hair follicles*
Strong and healthy bones, because vitamin D encourages calcium uptake*
Proper digestion and food absorption*
Since healthy levels of vitamin D protect and promote so many of your body's functions, a deficiency may mean your body lacks the tools it needs to keep you in optimal health*...

Making sufficient vitamin D a very important issue for you to address!

Because naturally, you want to be at your peak so you feel great, and accomplish so much each and every day.*

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