Thursday, February 4, 2010

US Treasury Official Openly Serves on Council of Rothschild-founded “Earth Bank”

US Treasury Official Openly Serves on Council of Rothschild-founded “Earth Bank”
Thursday, February 4th, 2010

Senior US Treasury Dept. Official William Pizer, the current Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment and Energy is simultaneously a sitting council member on the Global Environment Facility ( ), one of the largest funders of projects to “improve the global environment” (i.e. push through fraud-based carbon cap-and-trade programs).

This ‘Facility’, while not claiming to be a bank, at the same time calls it itself “An independent financial organization” (see ).

Isn’t it illegal (or at the very least unethical) for a senior member of the Treasury Department to openly sit as a member of a huge foreign bank (oops – “facility)? illegal (or at the very least unethical) for a senior member of the Treasury Department to openly sit as a member of a huge foreign bank (oops – “facility)?

This is only one of dozens of questions that should be asked about this organization, but we as tax-paying Americans should find someone who can answer this question, because it seems to me that either:

1) We need a law passed to stop such a high official holding two such posts and potentially using their influence and position in the US Treasury to move untold millions into the coffers of what is effectively a foreign bank or . . .

2) There is a law and someone needs to file a federal lawsuit

Pizer’s name/contact info. appear on the GEF website here (just scroll down a bit):

This is no small matter: I found this organization while researching information given by George Hunt on an Alex Jones Show interview last January (see, and George Hunt claims this organzation was founded by Edmond de Rothschild and Maurice Strong (originally to be named the “World Conservation Bank”), and its purpose is to engulf all other banks.
In the interview, George played numerous audio clips proving Edmond De Rothschild, Maurice Strong, as well as former Treas. Sec. James A Baker III, and the then heads of the IMF and World Bank were involved in promoting this new bank at the Fourth World Wilderness Congress in 1987 in Colorado.

The very fact that you can’t find any information on who actually started this bank is suspicious in itself , given its size and massive UN backing: the Wikipedia entry on this organization merely parrots that which is on the ” ” website, and also does not explain its origin:

The Wikipedia entry states “The Global Environment Facility was established in October 1991 as a $1 billion pilot program in the World Bank to assist in the protection of the global environment and to promote environmental sustainable development”.

Established by who?

The GEF’s verbose and acronymn-laden 2008 annual report brags of the millions of dollars ostensibly transferred from 1st world nations to poorer nations to help clean up their environment, but it offers zero details on where the money came from other than simple pie charts showing broad categories such as “government”, “NGO”, etc.:

Everyone should contact their US senator or congressman, as well as the US Attorney General and demand an investigation into this obvious appearance of impropriety on the part of the US Treasury Department


Jeff in Tx

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