Thursday, April 29, 2010

Foods that Might Let You Live to See Your 100th Birthday

Foods that Might Let You Live to See Your 100th Birthday
Here’s where it gets really interesting, because contrary to popular dietary advice, one of the primary keys here is the elimination of starchy carbohydrates. In addition, the diet included “unlimited amounts of certain fats and oils,” such as:

•Raw nuts and seeds
•Olive oil
Participants that did not exercise limited their protein intake to approximately 1 gram per kilo of body mass per day, while those who exercised were allowed 1.25 grams/kg of body weight per day. (This equated to 50-80 grams of protein per day for most participants.)

Sources of protein included:

•Fish, sardines, and other seafood
•Chicken and turkey
•Wild game
•Cheeses like cottage cheese, ricotta and Swiss
•Veggie burgers
As for carbohydrates, only non-starchy, fibrous vegetables were allowed, such as:

•Lettuce and other greens
•Broccoli and cauliflower
Most of the participants ended up eating a diet consisting of 20 percent (non-starchy) carbs, 20 percent protein, and 60 percent fat, and as a result the participants lost an average of about 7 pounds over the course of about three months.

Now, I have to add that although this ratio of carbs/protein/fat did cause significant weight loss for the participants in this study group, it may or may not be the ideal ratio for everyone, especially long-term. We’re all different, and depending on your nutritional type, you may need more or less of each of these three types of nutrients. Additionally, some of the sources of protein on this list could do more harm than good.

For more information about nutritional typing and developing an individualized dietary plan, please refer to my free optimized nutrition plan.

However, the main point here is that the elimination of starchy carbs (grains) led to significant health benefits for all participants.

In addition to the above dietary recommendations, participants were also instructed to limit their beverages to 6-8 eight ounce glasses of water and/or herbal tea -- again, completely eliminating sugary drinks like sodas and fruit juices.

Nutritional supplements “to support fat metabolism and enhance insulin sensitivity” were also recommended, including:

•L-carnitine 2000 mg
•Alpha-lipoic acid 400 mg
•CoQ10 100 mg
•Cod liver oil 1tbsp
•Magnesium 300 mg
•Vitamin C 1000 mg
•Vitamin E 800 mg
•Multivitamin that included all essential B vitamins and minerals
Last, but certainly not least, lipid-lowering or sulfonylurea medications were discontinued before starting the diet, and those taking blood pressure medications had their dosages reduced or discontinued once their blood pressure normalized.

Now, in addition to significant weight loss, the participants also saw significant improvements in all the areas that impact longevity, including:

•Reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure (by about 10 and 11 mmHg, respectively)
•Reduced leptin levels (by about 48 percent)
•Reduced insulin levels (by about 40 percent)
•Reduced fasting glucose levels (by about 7 percent)
•Reduced free T3 (by about 10 percent)
•Reduced triglyceride levels (by 28 percent)
The average triglyceride/HDL ratio (a potent heart disease predictor) also decreased by approximately 50 percent!

The authors concluded that “in the context of an outpatient medical clinic, a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet with nutritional supplementation led to improvements in serum factors related to the aging process.”

No kidding!

I can’t think of any drug that can boast beneficial health results like these.

Leptin – As Important as Insulin for Health and Longevity
Of particular note is the fact that the above diet was able to reduce leptin levels by a healthy 48 percent in about three months! Because there’s evidence that leptin could possibly be even more important a factor for optimizing your health and increasing your lifespan.

Just like insulin, the hormone leptin has also been implicated in a vast number of chronic diseases that are typically associated with the aging process. Leptin is produced by your fat cells, and tells your body whether more energy is needed (thereby controlling your appetite) and what to do with the energy available.

Leptin also largely influences, if not controls, the functions of the hypothalamus in your brain, which impacts your:

•Thyroid function
•Adrenal function
•Sympathetic nervous system
So just like your insulin levels, if your leptin levels become elevated, your body systems will develop a resistance to this hormone, which will wreak havoc in your body.

Final Thoughts
The study above is a beautiful illustration of how you can significantly improve your health and extend your life by eliminating sugar and starchy carbs, and eating a diet high in healthy fats, fresh veggies and lean proteins – all in as little as THREE MONTHS!

No meds required.

How wonderful is that?!

So, what are you waiting for?

Related Links:
Insulin Gene May Affect Longevity

Insulin and Its Metabolic Effects

Reduce Grains and Sugar to Lose Weight

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