Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Codex Poisoning Begins: Latest Codex Meeting To Allow Tolerable Melamine Levels

May 22, 2010
The Codex Poisoning Begins: Latest Codex Meeting To Allow Tolerable Melamine Levels
Posted by Barbara Peterson under Codex Alimentarius, food contamination | Tags: food contamination, depopulation, codex, melamine |
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Barb’s note: Remember the contaminated food that was killing dogs? And remember the contaminated baby formula that was sickening the babies it was supposed to nourish? Well, the contamination was melamine. Guess what? Instead of ruling that there should be no melamine in our food supply, Codex has decided that it worked so well for killing off the dogs and making babies sick that they decided to include it in everyone’s food. You’ve got it folks. These mass murderers have determined that it is okay for everyone to eat the very product that kills dogs and makes babies sick. I’ve got an idea. Why don’t we take these scoundrels and force-feed them the very same melamine tainted food they are trying to force down our throats? READ MORE…

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