Thursday, May 27, 2010

Health Products Under Fire as FDA Attacks Walnuts, Cherries and More

Surviving the Middle Class CrashMay 26, 2010
Health Products Under Fire as FDA Attacks Walnuts, Cherries and More
Posted by tempestodimare under Global food control, Government out of control, Survival, health, war on small farmers | Tags: Big Pharma, war on health |
1 Comment
by Mike Adams

Dear NaturalNews readers,

According to the FDA, walnuts are unapproved drugs because they have been scientifically proven to lower high cholesterol. So the FDA has unleashed a threatening attack against a large walnut company to scare them into removing all scientific research about walnuts from their website and marketing materials.

The FDA, you may already realize, is waging a campaign of censorship, disinformation and consumer ignorance to try to destroy all knowledge of the scientifically-proven health benefits of healing foods and nutritional supplements.

Today we bring you a must-read story about how the FDA is trying to destroy knowledge much like the burning of the Library of Alexandria in the year 48 B.C.

But this is happening right now, today in America. Read more in my feature story that exposes the FDA’s agenda of ignorance:

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