Sunday, July 18, 2010

Three great unsolved mysteries of the BP oil spill:

Safe, effective solutions ignored

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Three great unsolved mysteries of the BP oil spill:

1. Why is BP and the Coast Guard (who claim to be in charge) NOT catching the oil when it is out to see and apparently letting it come to shore instead?

2. Why are they ignoring safe, proven methods of catching the oil which would allow it to be sold?

3. Why are they spraying hundreds of thousands of gallons of the extremely hazardous material Corexit which only "solves" the problem cosmetically?

You would almost think that:

1. They want the oil to be wasted and not recovered

2. They want the oil to hit beaches and create hysteria

3. They want to create a highly toxic environment in the spill area and beyond

I tend to watch what people do, not what they say,

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