Monday, August 23, 2010

Forced brain implant MRI scan image, medical and investigative reports

Forced brain implant MRI scan image, medical and investigative reports
August 22nd, 2010 6:41 pm
Covertly Forced Brain RFID Implant MRI
Photo: James Walbert
Copyright © 2010 Deborah Dupre. All rights reserved. This article cannot be copied, posted, republished without author permission.

Proof that Targeted Individual, James Walbert, resident of Wichita, Kansas is experiencing torturous U.S. human rights abuses involving covertly forced, implanted RFID chips, including one in his brain, and subsequently kept under surveillance for the remote electronic injury is evidenced in his MRI scan and letters from investigators, health professionals and Representative Jim Guest (Missouri).

1 comment:

  1. To anyone who can help,

    My name is William Howard Wilder III and I am a victim of the same injustice that was done to James Walberg. This was done in Atlanta GA without my consent between 200 and 2002. I was beaten up badly outside a night club and when I went to the hospital I did not have insurance. They released me that night after showing me an X-ray which had only four fractures in my orbital bone.

    Well after laying around doped up for five days my insurance was pushed through on a fraud by a restaurant employee (management) who liked me. My surgery finally commenced. My surgery was scheduled for four hours took fourteen! The doctor claimed my bone was so shattered they had to pick out pieces but that wasn’t what the original x-rays showed. After that every time I do anything whomever it is considers to be morally wrong I am tortured and have been for over 12 years now. I have also been tortured about not being a christian and harassed about things I didn't do until they were satisfied that I was telling the truth.

    I even x-rayed my own head while working at a veterinary clinic and you could see something in it one med student who was about to get her doctorate told me (she disappeared suddenly and never came back to work after that day). That x-ray was stolen from my possession.

    I also have a 3 inch scar on the left side of my head exactly under the premotor cortex of the brain just as described in the second photo posted. Please refer to these photos of what I believe was done to me:

    Also, please refer to this company which is in GA and has been doing human trials since 1989:

    Please help if you can. I know what I know and I know that I am crazy but not crazy crazy and I cannot seem to get help without something or someone shutting me down.

    My contact information is:

    William Howard Wilder III.
    PO Box 5428.
    1092 Jupiter Way,
    Crestline, CA 92325.

    909-278-7467 Home
    909-782-1767 Cell
