Sunday, September 26, 2010

The New World Order of Global Governance, It’s not just for Conspiracy Theorist Anymore
The New World Order of Global Governance, It’s not just for Conspiracy Theorist Anymore

Posted on September 23, 2010 by notalemming

The US Government and its benevolent dictator Obama have firm plans to change the way we in America have lived for over 200 years. The Constitution, they call a living document has by that term been slain and laid to rest. The elected governing council called Congress has been deemed irrelevant by the Executive Branchs usurping power through the EPA, FCC, FDA and DHS to take control of everyones lives through regulation and not Constitutional law.

Welcome to the elite’s framework for Global Governance. They have been pouring the foundation for 60 years and the concrete is solid and looks to be going nowhere while anchored to America through the United Nations in New York.

Global governance—the collective management of common problems at the international level—is at a critical juncture. Although global governance has been a relative success since its development after the Second World War, the growing number of issues on the international agenda, and their complexity, is outpacing the ability of international organizations and national governments to cope. Power shifts are also complicating global governance.

“At issue…it seems to me, is less the risk of conflict, but the danger of a loss of coherence and direction in the international system while the redistribution of power plays itself out.”

European Think Tank Participant

Source :

Mathew Burrows (pictured), Counselor, ODNI’s National Intelligence Council (NIC) and co-author Giovanni Grevi, former Senior Research Fellow, European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), presented key findings of their report “Global Governance 2025: At a Critical Juncture,” Sept. 20, at the Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C.

The report, issued jointly by the NIC and the EUISS, is a follow-on to the NIC’s 2008 report, “Global Trends 2025.” It posits that the growing number of issues on the international agenda, and their complexity, is outpacing the ability of international organizations and national governments to address these challenges. As a result, global governance – the collective management of common problems at the international level – is at a critical juncture.

“Global Governance 2025″ is the NIC’s first unclassified report jointly developed and produced with a non-US body. It includes fictionalized scenarios that illustrate potential trajectories of the international system as it tries to confront new challenges over the next 15 years. It is also the culmination of a highly inclusive process that involved consultations with government officials, media representatives, and business, academic, NGO, and think tank leaders in Latin America, Asia, India, Russia, South Africa, and the UAE.


The other thing you can count on is that the elite are steering the governments involved.

Nefarious orginizations funded by uber-elite like George Soros’s Center for American Progress are working tirelessly to promote this class rule form of Social Marxism disguised as Environmental Justice or Social Justice. Soros funds his puppet projects through tools like Robert Johnson. The Center For American Progress is a far left wing Marxist architectural framework building organization designed to make democracy look like a working political philosophy.

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