Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Coming Food Dictatorship

The Coming Food Dictatorship

Submitted by admin on November 17, 2010 – 4:55 pmOne Comment39

ShareUPDATE: Cloture was invoked, 74-25. Post-cloture debate will move forward on the bill. There are still plenty of steps to continue fighting this bill before final passage. Keep those calls coming and stay tuned for updates! If you haven’t called your Senators yet, call the Capital Switchboard today (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your Senator or find their info here and call them directly!

Despite the delays, the so-called “Food Safety Modernization Act” (S.510) remains a major threat to local food networks and market-based food systems. S.510 empowers the FDA with totalitarian authority over the whole gamut of food, and would give the regulatory agency the ability to wantonly impose burdensome requirements on even the smallest of food processors, e.g. a local family farm.

Hoping to quell the concerns of liberty activists, proponents of expanding the government’s control over what we put into our own bodies point to the latest version of S.510, which includes a few provisions that recognize the difference in scale between large manufacturing plants and your local farms; however, the vast majority of these provisions are actually left to the FDA’s discretion. In other words, it will be up to whomever Obama puts in charge of the FDA to decide whether or not your local food network is crushed by federal regulations, or simply shut down if the G-men have “reason to believe” the food on the premises is contaminated.

Does this sound like America to you, or the Soviet Union?

Fortunately, the positive message of the decentralized food freedom movement is spreading. More and more documentaries like the one below are being produced; they highlight the war on family and local farms being waged by the federal government, and what we need to do to put an end to it. Aside from watching movie trailers, it would also be incumbent of you to contact your senators and ask that they oppose a food dictatorship by voting “no” on S.510.

Farmageddon Trailer from Kristin Canty on Vimeo.

One Comment »

Mara Williams says:

November 17, 2010 at 6:45 pm

Giving the FDA this kind of power over our daily lives is unconstitutional!!! That this is even being considered is beyond absurd. WE have a right to lcean and healthly food and nutritional supplements that cna actually heal a body and keep it healthy. Stop this bill. Keep it from ever coming up again!!!


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