Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Does the FDA fear vitamins

Does the FDA fear vitamins? - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 8 January 2011

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Health Supreme - Does the FDA fear vitamins? - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 8 January 2011

USA: Now the FDA Is Going After Vitamin C!

The FDA has just notified small pharmacies that they will no longer be allowed to manufacture or distribute injectable vitamin C—despite its remarkable power to heal conditions that conventional medicine can’t touch.

Magnesium chloride and vitamin B-complex 100 are routinely added to intravenous C to make the “Myers Cocktail” - image found here

The government, instead of banning intravenous vitamin C, should instead be supporting research into it. Even though IV C is being used in burn units around the world, including in the US, and has been adopted by the military for this purpose, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) refuses to fund any studies using intravenous C in patients. There are privately funded studies currently underway, but of course these cannot continue if the FDA bans the substance.

With at least one of the pharmacies, the FDA seems to be banning injectable magnesium chloride and injectable vitamin B-complex 100 as well. These two substances are routinely added to intravenous C to make the “Myers Cocktail,” used especially for conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, and infectious diseases such as hepatitis, AIDS, mononucleosis, and flu. The FDA is not going after the Myers Cocktail directly, but is rather attacking each individual substance used to make the cocktail, and may conceivably be going after injectable vitamins and minerals in general, despite such injections being given under the care of a qualified physician.

So the agency that is charged with protecting people's health is trying to prohibit the sale of substances that are vital for human survival and health(that's why we call them vitamins) while approving and allowing on the market pharmaceuticals that kill an estimated one hundred thousand people a year in the US alone, when properly prescribed and properly taken.

The agency sure seems efficient about prohibiting something when it isn't one of their registered poisons that's being prepared and sold. Here you can see the warning letter they sent to a compounding pharmacy.

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