Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dr. Burzynski's Natural Cure for Cancer: One Family's Story

Feb-22-2011 01:50

Dr. Burzynski's Natural Cure for Cancer: One Family's Story

Karen Thygesen for

This article is a response to The Burzynski Witchhunt: Curing Cancer, Saving American Lives, and Dodging Political Bullets

The Hofsess Family: Kristie (Hofsess) Horn, Laura Jo Hofsess, Karen (Hofsess) Thygesen, Larry Hofsess. Picture taken the day the family flew Larry and Laura Jo to Texas for treatment at the Burzynski Clinic. Learn more: hofsessfamilyfoundation

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - My family has personally watched and experienced the miracles that come from the clinic and treatments provided by Dr. Burzynski.

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