Wednesday, April 13, 2011

19 Foods to Naturally Detox Radiation

19 Foods to Naturally Detox Radiation

Submitted by Lois Rain on April 11, 2011 – 11:11 amNo Comment.276

ShareWhen disaster strikes, many rush out and buy the saving grace without exactly knowing its proper use or why they are buying it. We often don’t think of something like radiation exposure until there is a looming threat. But, there are steps we can take all along to minimize and reverse damage from the many forms of radiation we encounter everyday.

The following are some simple food choices that can help your body combat radiation exposure on a regular basis. Some of them aid your body in sweeping out toxins, while others are nutrient-dense in vital minerals. If you’d rather not memorize or print the list, then strive to add more raw, living foods and dark leafy vegetables to your routine, but there are even more useful choices below. You can also go to a website like All Recipes and type some of the ingredients. The site will create a recipe that contains those ingredients.

~Health Freedoms

With radioactive isotopes detected in rainwater in Minnesota and other states, some people are looking into iodine supplements and other ways to protect the long-term health of their families.

While there are a lot of drawbacks to using iodine, there are plenty of foods that naturally protect our bodies from radiation.

Here’s 19 of the best:

1.Brown rice






7.Bee pollen

8.Wheat grass


10.Blue-green algae




14.Alfalfa sprouts



17.Olive oil

18.Leafy greens

19.Apples and other sources of pectin

These foods protect the body from radiation in different ways. For instance, brown rice is high in fiber and phosphorous, which help remove harmful toxins from the body. Sea vegetables contain a polysaccharide that binds to radioactive strontium to help eliminate it from the body, as well as being high in natural iodine. Pectin has also been shown to bind to radioactive residues, and Cysteine (in onions) binds with and deactivates radioactive isotopes. Alfalfa sprouts and greens are high in chlorophyll, which has been shown to help protect against radiation damage, as well.Keep in mind that you should aim for organic and be aware of the sources. For example, fresh sprouted alfalfa sprouts from your windowsill are preferable to those shipped from thousands of miles away (and possibly doused with those isotopes).

For further reading and more suggestions, I recommend this article from Live Well Naturally: Protect Yourself from the Damaging Effects of Radiation and this Facebook list from Heal Thyself with dozens of natural supplements.

Alicia Bayer

Alicia Bayer lives in Westbrook with her husband and four children. She’s passionate about protecting our environment and enjoys organic gardening, all natural cooking, holistic health and living well on less. Follow Alicia on Twitter @magicandmayhem and on Facebook at All Natural Families.

1 comment:

  1. Great list! And here's how to water them before eating:
    With more radiation leaking and being deposited through the air by rainfall, one should know:
    How to protect your garden patch or field against radioactive fall-out
