Wednesday, February 1, 2012

On January 23, 2012 the San Carlos, California city council voted on whether to continue its involvement and membership in ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). Of course, this council with the exception of the Vice Mayor, Matt Grocott, voted to reaffirm its membership in the UN Agenda 21 program which is focused on ending private property rights; declaring these rights to property to be a “social injustice”. Using terms such as “green initiatives, carbon reduction, energy conservation, biodiversity,” and tons of other sustainable and smart growth catch phrases taken directly from UN Agenda 21 all of which are meant to hide the real intent of ICLEI, the Council sat quietly, looking somehow bored.

On January 23, 2012 the San Carlos, California city council voted on whether to continue its involvement and membership in ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). Of course, this council with the exception of the Vice Mayor, Matt Grocott, voted to reaffirm its membership in the UN Agenda 21 program which is focused on ending private property rights; declaring these rights to property to be a “social injustice”. Using terms such as “green initiatives, carbon reduction, energy conservation, biodiversity,” and tons of other sustainable and smart growth catch phrases taken directly from UN Agenda 21 all of which are meant to hide the real intent of ICLEI, the Council sat quietly, looking somehow bored.

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