Sunday, October 14, 2012

How vaccines are used to reduce human population

How vaccines are used to reduce human population

October 13, 2012 by Blanche Levine
Filed under Vaccines
Sun. Oct. 14, 2012
(NaturalHealth365) Sounds like science fiction, but the efforts to slow human population growth is spreading throughout the world. This is not just conspiracy propaganda we are seeing; it is the strongest intention (and action) of the most powerful individuals and corporations on the planet.
You will be SHOCKED at what you’re about to hear! If you doubt the (hidden) agenda of vaccine programs – this video shows Bill Gates talking about the need to lower human population to “save the earth” and the use of vaccines can help! His presentation was given at a TED talk conference and it’s about as evil a 3-minute presentation as you will ever hear. Please help us spread the word about the intentions of the global elite – share this article (and video) with your family and friends.

The truth is vaccines contain many toxic ingredients that are damaging to fertility including detergents like, triton x-100, also known as octoxynol 10 – which is a known spermicidal used in experiments to strip sperm of their ability to fertilize an egg. In a 1977 study in the Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, triton X-100 was listed in a table of “most potent spermicidal,” which would produce 100 percent effectiveness in destroying sperm.
Stop and think before you inject yourself
Vaccines contain lots of chemical ingredients you wouldn’t consider safe to ingest. For example, the “MMR” vaccine has: measles, mumps, rubella live virus, neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin, chick embryonic fluid, and human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue. Many other vaccines contain disgusting ingredients like, formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide and thimerosal. (mercury) If you don’t believe this – try asking your doctor for a list of ingredients during your next office visit or look it up yourself.
Another ingredient besides triton x-100, which is problematic, is polysorbate 80 (also known as tween 80), which is in numerous vaccines including the Pediacel five-in-one vaccine given to infants and the gardasil HPV vaccine. Polysorbate 80 is a known sterility causing agent in rats. It caused changes to the vagina and womb, ovary deformities and degenerative follicles and this impaired the rats’ ability to reproduce. By the way, the Depo-Provera contraceptive shot contains polysorbate 80 and has been added to experimental animal contraceptive injections – as an ideal sterilizing ingredients.
Crimes committed against humanity – in third world countries
According to the World Intellectual Property Organization, which is part of the United Nations, scientists from the organization are developing vaccines specifically to damage fertility – as a method of contraception. A suggested ingredient for the vaccine is polysorbate 80. As a preferred ingredient, scientists are obviously aware of its ability to cause infertility.
In addition, Squalene (shark liver oil) is used in the H1N1, HPV and anthrax vaccines, as well as others that have been implicated in the devastating immune dysfunctions of the soldiers who suffered from Gulf War Syndrome and whom returned from the Gulf with infertility problems.
Vaccination programs are viewed as an effective bioweapon against the population
A single-dose of the much-hyped panacea for future pandemics may be all we need to limit population growth on a global scale. There is a newly-published study that looks at skin electroporation (EP) delivery systems as an “attractive” method for mass vaccination by decreasing dose levels, increasing tolerance of the vaccine, and in increasing the breadth of viable vaccine targets. (sounds like war against the people)
Even though our own government may be capable of achieving mass vaccination in the near future; vaccines are an unproven technology, which interact with the human system in ways we may not fully understand. The collaboration of government and drug companies to push vaccines is completely unethical – to say the least.
Fortunately, there are alternative approaches to healthy living – which are capable of offering broad virus protection and eliminates the threat of disease. The only reasonable way to solve global health problems is to promote healthy eating and living programs. Better living through nature – not chemicals. Post your thoughts below.

About the author: Blanche Levine has been a student of natural healing modalities for the last 25 years. She had the privilege of working with some of the greatest minds in Natural Healing including Naturopaths, Scientist, and Energy Healers. Having seen people miraculously heal from all kinds of dis-ease through non-invasive methods, her passion now is to help people become aware of what it takes to be healthy.

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