Saturday, November 10, 2012

Is there a connection between mummies and breast cancer?

Is there a connection between mummies and breast cancer?
I know Halloween was last week, but I just found some interesting information on mummies and breast cancer. No, mummies don’t cause breast cancer. It seems like everything else in our toxic world causes some type of cancer. But mummies aren’t one of them. If they did, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind avoiding them in an effort to prevent the disease. Believe it or not, though, there is an interesting connection between mummies and breast cancer.

Did you know that for thousands of years, the linens used to wrap bodies for burial was usually made from flax? In fact, the linen they wrapped Jesus in was probably made from flax. And, as you may know, the seed used to grow the plant that makes this “mummy cloth” has tremendous health benefits. One of those benefits, according to a new study, is the prevention of breast cancer. Flaxseeds are rich in phytoestrogens, which are co-factors that help modulate hormones. Modulate means to balance, so these phytoestrogens help balance out the hormones in your body, particularly harmful estrogens. When these estrogens are out of balance, they can lead to breast tumors. By keeping them in balance, the phytoestrogens can keep the estrogen from fanning these hormone-related tumors.
One researcher recently compiled the results of numerous studies and found that flaxseed does indeed protect against breast cancer. But that’s not the only cancer it prevents. According to the researcher, Sayer Ji, flaxseed can help prevent any hormone-related cancer, including prostate cancer.
Most oncologists will tell you that estrogen causes cancer, and it does. But it’s also a hormone your body needs to function properly. The problem comes when the estrogen is out of balance. Dr. Ji says flaxseed has Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulation (SERM). That means it down-regulates estrogen activity where it might harm your body. And it up-regulates estrogen in places where your body needs it.
Dr. Ji says flaxseed causes a “fermentive biotransformation” process in your gut. As I mentioned in Monday’s Nutrient Insider, fermented foods help keep the bacteria in your gut healthy. And back in August, I showed you how healthy gut flora can prevent breast cancer.
So if you’re looking for additional ways to build a healthy colony of bacteria in your gut and prevent breast cancer (and many other cancers as well), then eat plenty of flaxseed. You can grind it in a coffee grinder and add it to salads, smoothies, and just about anything else. It adds a nice nut flavor.
You can also use flax oil in your cooking (as a seasoning, not for frying) or take it as a supplement. You’ll find it in many health food stores and online. But my favorite brand, Advanced EFA Formula, contains flax and other plant-based oils that help fight disease.
Your insider for better health,

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