Sunday, November 11, 2012

Natural plant medicine for inflammation and cancer

Natural plant medicine for inflammation and cancer

November 9, 2012 by Blanche Levine
Filed under Natural Healing
Fri. Nov. 9, 2012
Safe Body Detoxification(NaturalHealth365) In Traditional Chinese Medicine, thunder god vine extract has been used to help those suffering with chronic inflammation and over active immune system conditions, such as, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, plus multiple sclerosis. It’s even been shown to have anti-cancer effects.
Nature is powerful. Do NOT take this plant extract without consulting a trusted healthcare professional trained in herbal medicine. The thunder god vine has been associated with side effects, like, diarrhea, upset stomach and skin rashes.
Can a plant compound cure pancreatic cancer?
New research from the University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Center, used thunder god vine extract on mice and found it to be “highly effective in reducing pancreatic tumor growth” and “shows promise as a potent chemotherapeutic agent against pancreatic cancer”. Naturally, more studies are needed and funding is always an issue. You think big pharma will help?
Scientists, working the project, were floored by the anti-cancer properties of this plant. Triptolide, one of the plants compounds is known to fight cancer and seems to be responsible for the plants anti-tumor action.
The head of the study is vice chairman of research at the cancer center and he has experience doing testing, so when he is blown away by its effect it says a lot. His statement was: “This drug is just unbelievably potent in killing tumor cells.”
The future looks bright for herbal medicine
Conventional science is (slowly) waking up to the truth about how effective herbal remedies can be against chronic disease conditions. Plant substances like, turmeric, garlic and ginger help us reduce inflammation; improve blood circulation and strengthen immunity. Mark my words, when enough people demand the use of these substances, western medicine (and corporations) will have to respond.
The team at the University of Minnesota has synthesized a water-soluble analog of triptolide, though a long line of processes which make this more effective at reducing tumors. Minnelide is the drug and is expected to be used for other types of cancer. The next phase will be to test on human beings and we’re excited to see the results!
Let’s put an end to politics and poor healthcare
It’s a known fact that nature provides all the basic components necessary for the successful treatment of most diseases. But, large pharmaceutical corporations are only interested in plants that can be synthesized (and “owned”). Natural substances like, ginger and turmeric are terrific disease-fighters but no company can patent that.
So, as the public wakes up and demands more herbal medicine, there is a world of opportunity for companies willing to take promising plants and make it easier, faster, and safer to use. The time is now.
Don’t be afraid – speak out and tell your doctor what you want
Simply put, the pharmaceutical industry and its partners at government health agencies are reluctant to report on natural remedies and their success. The old system of treating disease with toxic chemicals is dying fast. As consumers, we must demand that our physicians provide (natural) options for disease prevention.
Know the truth! There are thousands of studies which prove that herbal medicine is the best way to kill infection; detoxify the body and help eliminate cancer cells. We will continue to report on this exciting news!
About the author: Blanche Levine has been a student of natural healing modalities for the last 25 years. She had the privilege of working with some of the greatest minds in Natural Healing including Naturopaths, Scientist, and Energy Healers. Having seen people miraculously heal from all kinds of dis-ease through non-invasive methods, her passion now is to help people become aware of what it takes to be healthy.

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