Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Vitamin D Council news November 13, 2012

Vitamin D Council

September 13th, 2012

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Study links low vitamin D levels to longer lifespan: Did we hear that correctly?
November 8, 2012 -- Brant Cebulla
A new study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal reports that offspring who have parents living past 90 years of age (nonagenarians) have lower vitamin D levels than their spouses.

Noordam R et al. Levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in familial longevity: the Leiden Longevity Study. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2012.

You may have seen this study covered by the media in a few places:

While there may be a study or two that cast doubts on higher vitamin D levels, this is probably not one of them. We’ll explain.

The Leiden Longevity Study is a population of 421 families, consisting of nonagenarian (over the age of 90) white siblings, their offspring, and their offspring’s partners. Researchers gathered this study population to attempt to identify genetic and phenotypic (physical characteristics) markers related to longevity.

Families were only included if at least 2 nonagenarian siblings were still alive. Since it is difficult to match controls to people of this old of age, offspring were asked to participate because they have a propensity to reach that older age. And furthermore, researchers have the benefit of matching the offspring to spouses, who usually match well in age, BMI and exposures. Researchers are likely using these families to study and publish many findings, not just on vitamin D levels and vitamin D genetics.
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Vitamin D levels during pregnancy and infant brain development
November 9, 2012 -- John Cannell, MD
In a landmark study, researchers at the Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Spain wanted to know if maternal vitamin D deficiency has an effect on infant brain development. Continue reading (no membership required)
RCT: Vitamin D and Prozac
November 6, 2012 -- John Cannell, MD
Iranian researchers recently conducted a randomized controlled trial to see if vitamin D in combination with Prozac worked better than Prozac alone in improving symptoms of depression. Continue reading (membership required)

RCT: Vitamin D improves exercise tolerance in COPD patients
November 12, 2012 -- Brant Cebulla
A new analysis of a randomized controlled trial has found that vitamin D helps inspiratory muscle strength and peak exercise tolerance in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. Continue reading (membership required)

Vitamin D scientist fatality in the 30's
November 12, 2012 -- John Cannell, MD
In 1936, a scientist was apparently experimenting on himself to see if vitamin D could cure arthritis. Reportedly, he took 2,100,000 IU/day of D2 for 18 days and died. Continue reading (no membership required)

Vitamin D: Repair and maintenance
November 8, 2012 -- John Cannell, MD
Dr Cannell explains how vitamin D is involved in repairing and maintaining cells and ridding the body of toxins. Continue reading (membership required)

Low vitamin D levels increase risk of bladder cancer
November 6, 2012 -- Vitamin D Council
Research published last week in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that people who are vitamin D deficient had a significantly increased risk of developing bladder cancer. Continue reading (news)

Merkel cell carcinoma prognosis linked to vitamin D deficiency
November 8, 2012 -- Vitamin D News
Research presented at the annual congress of the European Academy of Dermatology reports a link between vitamin D deficiency and Merkel cell carcinoma. Continue reading (news)

Vitamin D deficiency contributes to pain in African Americans with osteoarthritis
November 9, 2012 -- Vitamin D News
A study published in Arthritis & Rheumatism reports that black Americans have higher rates of vitamin D deficiency and pain sensitivity when compared to white Americans. Vitamin D deficiency may be one of the many factors that account for increased pain in older black Americans with knee osteoarthritis. Continue reading (news)

Dietary supplements and nutrient insufficiency in children
November 7, 2012 -- Vitamin D News
Research published from the Office of Dietary Supplements in The Journal of Pediatrics reports shocking findings that more than one-third of children failed to meet calcium and vitamin D recommendations. Continue reading (news)

We need your input!
November 13, 2012
Please take a moment to take this quick survey regarding the Vitamin D Council's content! We rely on your participation and feedback to continue improving our organization. Click here to take the survey. Thank you for your time.

Have you voted today?
November 13, 2012
Remember to vote daily for Vitamin D Council in the FedEx small business grant contest! The contest runs until November 24th, so keep voting and help us be a finalist! Social media not your thing? Have your friends with Facebook vote and share with friends!

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