Saturday, November 10, 2012



by Jon Rappoport
November 10, 2012

Lying down on the road in front of a truck isn't the best way to end a political campaign, but that's what the YES ON 37 forces are doing.

In an email sent out on Nov. 9, the PR people for 37 wrote: "They [the leaders of YES ON 37] assume these [millions of uncounted] ballots won't be in our favor. For this reason the campaign does not want to get involved in the pressuring for counting the remaining votes."

I guess everybody is a vote-projection expert these days. Wow.

No need to do the actual count, we already know what the score is.

Excuse me while I go out of the room and and scream for a few minutes...

And a few minutes more...

In that email, we learn the brilliant reasoning behind this abject projection of a defeat. Buckle up: "Our understanding of the situation is that the campaign believes these [millions of uncounted votes] are early ballots that were sent in during the beginning stages of the barrage of opposition commercials [by NO ON 37]. These ballots tended vote against Prop 37. They assume the ballots won't be in our favor."

I was sure the most insane thing that happened during this fiasco was the early projection of a defeat for 37, by the networks, on election night, with maybe 15 million votes still uncounted. But I was wrong.

This analysis by the YES ON 37 people takes the cake.

But really, what's going on here is an incredibly naïve approach to politics. YES ON 37 is playing the game by the rules while their opponents are cheating at every turn.

The phrase, "planted the seeds of their own destruction," comes to mind.

We know that NO ON 37 made numerous false statements in their campaign ads. We know they illegally used the seal of the FDA in those ads. That's a felony. We know the mainstream press torpedoed YES ON 37 in the waning days of the campaign, by diverting the whole issue of GMO labeling into a non-story about whether the FBI had really opened a full-blown investigation into NO ON 37. We know the networks made a criminally early call against 37 on election night. We know millions of votes are still uncounted. We know that computer rigging in vote-counts is easily done.

But YES ON 37 is just folding up their tent and going away.

They played fair and they got destroyed.

This is the time for multi-front attacks. This is the time to bring on the lawyers. This is the time to bring on some real PR people who can fire real bullets. This is the time for a counter-media attack. This is the time for a 24/7 circus. This is the time for the kind of theater that will make NO ON 37 look like the sick joke it is.

Instead, we get abject surrender.

"Well, folks, be sure you have clean underwear on when you lie down in the street in front of those oncoming trucks. Don't yell when they rumble over you. Be polite. Make sure your hair is combed. If some of you would like to set yourselves on fire, as a sign of protest, please don't. Those big trucks are carrying lots of gasoline and they might explode."

Wanting to know whether the food you eat is shot full of insect genes? It isn't just nice. It's essential. It's about survival.

But YES ON 37 turns out to be a bunch of rainbow people.

They're doing New Age politics against high-level evil bastards with very deep pockets and major clout.

Fraud wins and goody-good loses.

I'm going to add a coda, because I know I'm going to get lots of emails asking, "What do we do now?" So I'll tell you here and now.

I've been here before. I didn't like it then and I don't like it now. In 1993, when the forces for health freedom in America were on the move, trying to get a bill passed, in Congress, that would keep the FDA's soiled hands away from our nutritional supplements, I sat in on meetings and I told the leaders of the movement:

"It's not enough to get a bill passed in Congress. We have to attack the bad guys. We have to attack the FDA. We have to publicize all their crimes. I have a list of the crimes.

"Here is what we need. We need somebody on our side, a guy who has the money to bankroll a real PR agency for the truth. For the long term.

"I'm talking about a bunch of real PR tigers who work for us. Who can get the truth out there in the press. Who have connections. We need to do this kind of PR night and day.

"The principle is simple. You make the bad guys play defense. You back them up against the wall. You take them out of their game. You destroy them over and over. You show them to be the criminals they are.

"This strategy is as old as the hills. Take a page out of a little thing called the Declaration of Independence. Ever read it? It was a bill of particulars against the Crown. It was an attack. It was specific. It didn't just say, 'We're nice so we deserve freedom.'

"When we launch this super-PR agency, we also include people who can do theater. People who can use their imaginations. Artists. People who can present the criminals in all their naked horror, and do it in such a way that everybody will see, will become outraged, will point fingers, will laugh.

"This PR agency of hungry tigers will not rest. They will be on the move day and night. They will overwhelm the opposition by laying bare scandal after scandal.

"Here is the downside. If we don't do this, we'll always be the ones who are on defense. We'll always get ambushed. We'll always fall back on the pseudo-religious baloney that 'we're right and good.' That doesn't even get you a token to ride the subway, my friends."


That's what we have to do.

And if anybody out there is ready to write me and say, "But that makes us just as bad as the bad guys, that makes us nasty," don't bother writing.

There is one thing that distinguishes us from the bad guys. We aren't bad.

Knowing that is our immortal ace in the hole.

Jon Rappoport
The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Jon Rappoport

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