Sunday, December 30, 2012


By: Dr. John Fudens, D.V.M.

I would like to give you, the reader, the truth about the so called requiredvaccinations, particularly rabies. There are two basic forms of law. One is
the legal Constitutional and Common law that this country was founded on,
and the other is "colorable" law passed by Administrative
agencies/bureaucrats who have been given so called authority to pass laws.
Black's Law Dictionary 5th Edition defines colorable law as "That which is
in appearance only, and not in reality, what purports to be, hence
counterfeit, feigned, having the appearance of truth." Yes, I study the law,
am a paralegal, and have an extensive law library.

So any and all mandatory rabies vaccination programs are colorable law, in
that they have been passed and mandated upon the pet owning public by
certain vested interest groups. Who are these groups? First and foremost are
veterinarians, in general, and veterinarian medical organizations. Second
are the local animal control personnel, bureaucrats and politicians. What
a re their reasons? GREED, POWER AND CONTROL. Both these large powerful
interest groups stand to benefit greatly by having rabies mandated by
colorable law.

Veterinarians receive a large percentage of both their gross income and
profit from vaccines given in the office. On average vaccines cost 60 to 95
cents per dose and are charged to the client at $15 to $25 per injection and
substantially more in the large cities. Therefore, if veterinarians lobby to
have a colorable law passed to give rabies vaccine every year that enhances
their financial picture.

The veterinary medical societies, by working with other groups and area
politicians, are rewarded by increased prestige and professional standing in
the community. After all we are protecting you from the dreaded disease
rabies, whether it exists or not. Some areas of the country are more
enlightened and fortunate to have the rabies vaccine mandated every three
years. You can be assured the rise of rabies is never taken into account as
to whether the vaccine should be required or not. More on this later. The
local government personnel benefit by extending more control over our lives,
enriching the public treasury with fees, tags and fines, and giving the
appearance that local government is doing something about animal
populations, disease and risks to the public. Since rabies vaccines have
been mandated, what county or area has seen less dog and cat bites, better
animal control, more public awareness and educating of pet owning
responsibility, better birth control of unwanted animals, less euthanasia of
animals and decreased growth of animal control facilities?

These special groups and lobbies will use any argument, realistic or not, to
justify their position. They are excellent at using the media to spread the
lies and distortions. Examples: We have increased numbers of dogs biting
people, pitbulls attack ing and killing children are on the increase, more
dogs and cats are running loose terrorizing neighborhoods, killing wildlife
and other domestic stock, nausaem. The only thing rabies
vaccination is for is the protection from rabies virus, all other justifiers
for the vaccine fall under human control and exist because there are a
certain number of humans, connected to animals, who are irresponsible.
Rabies is spread by the bite of an infected animal. The number of dog/cat
bite cases in the U.S. that expose humans to rabies is as rare as shark
attacks. This low incident rate has nothing to do with mandatory vaccination
as the number of cases was low before the mandatory requirement.

Let me give you an example of Pinellas County, FL where my Affinity Clinic
is located. I secured information from Pinellas Animal Control through the
Freedom of Information Act. The record of animal control starts in 1964.
From 1964 to 1978 there were zero cases of dog rabies in the county.
Magically in 1978 rabies vaccine was mandated to be given every year and all
dogs tagged and licensed. WHY? Well it seems four veterinarians, with animal
control bureaucrats, pushed the county board of supervisors to pass a law
mandating rabies vaccination every year. There were three local vets and one
professor from the State Veterinary College who were behind this. It was
interesting reading their letters pushing this law and the minutes of the
county meeting. There was talk of dogs biting people (no actual figures
given), dogs running loose, animal overpopulation, rabies on the increase in
the U.S. (the increase was in wildlife, not dogs), etc.,etc. Not once was
the issue discussed that there was no rabies in the county in dogs. To this
date there still has not been one case of dog rabies, including the
population of dogs whose owners, GOD BLESS THEM, do not vaccinate for
rabies. Let's g o further.

From 1964 to 1989 there were no cases of rabies in cats in Pinellas County.
Magically in 1989 a law was passed mandating rabies vaccination, tags and
licenses for all cats. Same tired worn out excuses were used. Since the 1989
law there was one cat with rabies contracted from the bite of a bat. DO YOU
throughout the Country. No allowance is made for dogs/cats who never leave
the house or yard, could never be exposed to rabies under any circumstances,
or who are so ill, old or at the end of their life cycle that the rabies
vaccine would throw them over the edge. No, all dogs and cats are treated
the same because we have the bogeyman, rabies, stalking the streets waiting
to strike unprotected dogs and cats.

Is there rabies in this Country? You bet. Are there areas of this Country
that have rabies in their wildlife population and do some dogs/cats become
infected? You bet. But let's be realistic. Rabies has been on this earth
long before man walked here and will be here long after we are gone. The
only way to get rid of rabies is to remove mankind and the upper animals
susceptible to the virus. Then maybe the virus will die off. It is a self
limiting disease in the wild as it is fatal. So the virus has an extremely
hard time spreading far and wide.

What is wrong with targeting those areas of the Country that have a problem
with rabies using a realistic and specially formulated program that will
protect the population at risk? Too logical and the special groups don't
make any money. Why not educate the pet owner to the risks and dangers and
let them decide whether the immune system damage from rabies vaccination is
greater or lesser than contracting the disease. We do have a God given
Constitutionally secured right to LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF
HAPPINESS. Public health off icials always have the right to mandate
emergency health care procedures in case the public, in general does not
respond properly. But why should every day, month and year be as if an
emergency or crisis exists? And why should we have more and more control of
our lives taken from us?

The vaccines, particularly rabies, are a political and economic scam being
forced upon pet owners because they do not know the truth. Rabies,
nationwide, is nowhere near the problem the veterinarians, media,
politicians and bureaucrats would like you to believe. If you wish more of
the truth go to your local city or county government building and look up
the codes and statutes concerning vaccines and rabies. Get figures from
local animal control for rabies in dogs, cats and wildlife in your area.
Then you can start to fight back, take control of your life, and protect
your pet from the only dreaded disease that is important--special interest
groups p ushing their program leading to vaccine induced damaged immune
systems. Only you can set yourself free.

Current Veterinary Therapy by Kirk, the textbook bible for veterinarians in
general, has an article on canine and feline vaccines by two researchers.
Near the end of the article is a paragraph called Annual Vaccinations. It
states "The practice of annual vaccinations lacks scientific validity or
verification. There is no immunological requirement for annual vaccinations.
The practice of annual vaccinations should be considered of questionable
efficacy unless it is used as a mechanism to provide an annual physical
examination or is required by law." Sure, if we can't manipulate you with
annual vaccinations let's pass a law to get you into the office. Nice trick!

Well reader, it is your choice. I can only hope to stimulate you to look and
go further. You don't have to take this suppression. Fight back. The only
thing y ou have to lose is your freedom and you have already lost a great
deal of it. I can fight with you but I can't do it alone.


Wow! Does he tell it like it is or what! Dr. Fudens can be contacted at the
Affinity Holistic Clinic, 1171 Lakeview Road, Clearwater, Florida. Phone:
(813) 446-3603.

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