Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Gundersen: Contamination levels that would be considered radioactive waste in U.S. were ubiquitous on Tokyo streets when I visited — Niigata’s river sediment loaded with radiation as well (AUDIO)

Gundersen: Contamination levels that would be considered radioactive waste in U.S. were ubiquitous on Tokyo streets when I visited — Niigata’s river sediment loaded with radiation as well (AUDIO)

Published: January 1st, 2013 at 7:43 pm ET
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Title: The New Normal Is No Normal
Source: Radio Ecoshock Show via NEIS Conference in Chicago on December 12, 2012
Date: Jan 2, 2013
Nuclear Expert Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds Energy Education: I was in Tokyo in February. I was on the book tour and I brought plastic with me and every day I would walk outside and grab some dirt form where I was.
And I came back with the dirt, brought them through customs officials — you have to declare dirt when you bring it back — and then sent it to a lab.
And all 5 bags would qualify radioactive waste here in the country, and this was on the streets of Tokyo.
So, what we would have to ship to Texas and store by our standards in Tokyo was ubiquitous.
I was there again in August and I was overt in Niigata, which is on the opposite coast on the Sea of Japan. And it didn’t get nailed by the plume so much, but the mountains between Fukushima Prefecture and Niigata are contaminated. And now their sediment in their rivers is loaded with radiation as well.

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