Monday, January 28, 2013

The Basics on How to Be Healthy – You Are What You Eat

The Basics on How to Be Healthy – You Are What You EatThe Basics on How to Be Healthy – You Are What You Eat

By: Jan Edwards
healthylifestyle 265x165 The Basics on How to Be Healthy   You Are What You EatDo you truly know how to be healthy? “Garbage in, Garbage Out” is a phrase coined to refer to the fact that putting bad data into a computer will produce bad results, or even damage its function. Though this phrase has been used for many other applications in addition to computers over the years, it has most recently been used to refer to what happens when poor food is put into your body. If you recognize that the human body is a living complex organism, not an inanimate manufactured creation like a computer, the phrase is even more applicable to your body than to your computer.

How to Be Healthy

What foods should be considered garbage? Let’s take a look at some of the items that would come under this classification.
  • Processed (nutrient dead) food
  • Fast food
  • Most commonly used sugars
  • Many dairy products
  • GMO Foods
  • Many animal products
  • And in today’s world, non-organic food (and especially non organic grains)
The chemistry of the foods you consume directly affects your internal chemistry, including the “happy” hormones responsible for a healthy mood. The following is a list of the top culprits you should stay away from at all costs, if you are battling, or wish to prevent depression and other mood disorders:
  • Preservatives
  • Prescription medications. Antidepressants have even been shown to cause suicidal thoughts and an increased suicide risk.
  • Meat from animals living in stressful, confined conditions, fed genetically modified foods, or injected with artificial growth hormones
  • Pesticide laden, chemically altered, or GMO produce
  • Flouridated Water
  • High fructose corn syrup
Artificial sweeteners, monosodium glutamate, and artificial flavorings deserve the most attention, as these highly toxic chemicals enter the brain and are shown to cause severe neurotransmitter imbalances, including serotonin disruption. Artificial sweeteners include: saccharin (Sweet and Low), sucralose (Splenda), aspartame (Nutrasweet), and acesulfame.
One Troco Study done in Barcelona in 1998 showed that aspartame accumulates in the cells, damages DNA, and toxifies the liver and fatty tissues of the body. The effects of consuming these cause symptoms including, but not limited to: migraines, irritability, anxiety attacks, fatigue, insomnia, and depression, and can trigger conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, brain tumors, mental retardation and more.
The artificial sweeteners in diet drinks were shown to increase cravings for carbohydrates and actually contribute to obesity in a 2005 study done by the University of Texas. So you’re eating LESS sugar, putting on MORE weight, getting depressed, and then prescribed fluoridated pills which cause more sickness and depression in the long term!

Battling for Health

A vicious cycle is going on in the lives of individuals everywhere. Emotional upheavals, negative thinking, and other psychological stresses can be both the cause and the effect of unhealthy food choices. The consumption of these foods causes chemical and physiological imbalances, which lead to foggy thinking, attention difficulties, and negative or low vibrational mental states. Alternatively, foggy thinking, attention difficulties, and negative mental states interfere in your ability to make educated, healthy food choices.
Many Human Biology experts work from the fundamental premise that the body’s most critical survival action is maintaining a pH balance between acid and base (also called alkaline). Without the proper balance, sickness, pain, disease, and mental/emotional difficulties occur. These experts know that the body has a natural ability to maintain a delicate healthy balance, provided it is fed the necessary “input,” or food. Lack of sufficient proper food, or input of “garbage,” results in an over acid pH, manifesting microforms, which are small micro organisms including yeast, molds, fungus, viruses, and bacteria.
The toxic waste produced by these organisms as they live off of and, thus, drain the body of nutrients, creates rapid drops in blood sugar (glucose) levels, causing a myriad of unwanted symptoms. These symptoms range from food cravings, hormonal imbalances, hyperactivity, irritability and mood swings to lack of sex drive, exhaustion, depression, anti-social behavior and even suicidal tendencies.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on one’s viewpoint, the human body is so accommodating, that it has a large capacity to consume and absorb quantities of improper foods and body products before reaching a level of malfunction, or non function. Meanwhile, your amazingly complex central nervous system and digestive system work 24/7, 365 days a year doing their best, under the circumstances, to process and absorb (or set aside for later examination) the onslaught of items considered “food”. But as the amount of garbage food piles up, you begin to pay attention to the cumulative symptoms of years of improper input.
Is there a connection between food and depression? The data is prolific. The findings are indisputable. “Garbage in Garbage out.” Break the cycle. The decision is yours.
Additional Sources:
GreenMedInfo - The Flavor Enhancer That Sickens
International Journal of Biological Sciences
“The pH Miracle” by Robert Young, Ph.D., and Shelley Redford Young
“The Detox Miracle Sourcebook” by Dr. Robert Morse ND.

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