Wednesday, March 6, 2013

“Plumes of radioactivity from Fukushima are migrating in the Pacific towards the U.S. West Coast” -Caldicott

“Plumes of radioactivity from Fukushima are migrating in the Pacific towards the U.S. West Coast” -Caldicott

Published: March 6th, 2013 at 4:48 pm ET
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USNewswire via Reuters, March 5, 2013: “Plumes of radioactivity from Fukushima are migrating in the Pacific towards the U.S. West Coast.” -Dr. Helen Caldicott
Reuters, March 5, 2013: [Fukushima Daiichi's] damaged reactors still seep radiation, although at a rate of 10 million Becquerel per hour for cesium versus about 800 trillion right after the disaster. Becquerel per hour measures the amount of radiation emitted or the rate of radioactive decay. As atomic isotopes decay, they spin off energized particles that can penetrate human organs and damage human cells, potentially causing cancer.

See also: More Fukushima nuclear pollution to hit U.S. starting in 2015 — Study: Impact strength of Cesium-137 on West Coast to be as high as 4 PERCENT

See also: Study: Contaminated water from Fukushima reactors could double radioactivity levels of US coastal waters in 5 years -- "We were surprised at how quickly the tracer spread" (PHOTO & VIDEO)

Published: March 6th, 2013 at 4:48 pm ET
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