Monday, March 4, 2013

THE IMPORTANCE OF HYDRATION By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D. March 4, 2013

As more and more of us baby-boomers reach our senior years of life, there will be an increasing need for doctors to help us maintain good health, and an occasional IV for those who, for whatever reason, don't eat or drink enough, can greatly assist in that regard.
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THE IMPORTANCE OF HYDRATION By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D. March 4, 2013
Another two suggestions for senior citizens regarding hydration has to do with the outside of the body. A couple of times, I noticed my mother was becoming forgetful. I also remembered that she had not taken a shower in a while, letting the warm water run on her head. As soon as I got her to do this, her ability to remember returned. What happened? I believe the warm water dilated the blood vessels in her head, allowing better oxygen flow to the brain. You might recommend this to the elderly you know (including yourself if you haven't done so recently).
Also, I noticed my mother wasn't washing her face as frequently. Therefore, whenever she went to the bathroom, I would hand her a wash cloth rinsed in warm water and ask her to rinse her face. Or, whenever she sat at the table to eat, I might hand her a folded paper towel rinsed with warm water and ask her to rinse her face. This hydrated her dry skin and helped reduce her facial dermatological problems.
Hydration, internally and externally, is important for maintaining good health, and often the elderly need our assistance in that regard.

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