Thursday, August 22, 2013

Anti-cancer agents shrink tumors and stop cancer

August 22, 2013 by Blanche Levine  
Filed under Stop Cancer Naturally
Thu. Aug. 22, 2013 by Blanche Levine 

(NaturalHealth365) Researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College reported in the journal Nature that these new ‘anti-cancer agents’, found in food, stop the process that cancer cells use to migrate. These new found anti-cancer agents come from more than 40 plant-based compounds.
The study, by pharmacology professor Gary Meadows, was the first to focus on metastatic-blocking foods and supplements. Professor Meadows said,
“We’re always looking for a magic bullet, well, there are lots of magic bullets out there in what we eat and associated with our lifestyle.”
Meadows saw substances like vitamin D, ginseng extract, the tomato carotenoid lycopene, the turmeric compound curcumin, pomegranate, juice, fish oil and others affecting gene expression in breast, colorectal, skin, lung and other cancers.
He noted these substances acted epigenetically, which is to say together they turned off the metastasis genes.
It’s about time the focus of cancer research is on its environment, which means the whole body – not just the tumor.
How do these foods block cancer?
All cancers have these common elements known as the ‘hallmarks of cancer’ – which are the ability to evade apoptosis (cell suicide), the ability to survive and thrive in a hostile environment, tissue invasion and metastasis, limitless potential to replicate and sustained angiogenesis (growth of blood vessels to bring nutrients to the tumor).
The anti-cancer agents in plant foods slow or stop every one of the ‘hallmarks of cancer’.
Research has shown that even a slight increase in acidic ph will make cancer cells more aggressive and invasive. Also, cancer cells proliferate when there are elevated glucose levels. Glucose is a necessary component of carcinogenesis.
All the foods – listed below – are ‘low glycemic’ and produce an alkaline state:
These cancer-fighting plant foods include: leafy greens such as spinach, arugula, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, celery, parsley, asparagus, tomatoes, beets, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, onions, leeks, shallots, mushrooms, lentils, peppers, oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes, apples, berries (especially blueberries), pomegranates, mango and tangerines.
Let’s not forget spices and herbs which have a place in any cancer-fighting diet especially turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, rosemary, curry, chive, garlic and basil.
Did you know that tangerine juice reduces the risk of esophageal cancer by 40%? In addition, squash has been shown to reduce the risk of lymphoma by more than 25%!
Carrot juice has proven to be so effective against cancer, an entire vegetarian food healing program is based on this magnificent vegetable. Naturally, I’m talking about the Gerson Therapy – known for using carrot juice as a basic component of their treatment plan.
The truth is all organic plant foods hold the key to vibrant health – which frees you from the fear of disease and helps you reach your highest potential.
What do recent studies tell us about natural ways to prevent cancer?
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has just published the findings of researchers from Saudi Arabia and the University of Arizona showing that there is a greater risk of breast cancer among women with deficient levels of serum vitamin D.
In JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers from the University of California and Harvard reported an association between vegetable fat intake and the ability to survive prostate cancer.
Researchers found that beta-Sitosterol, a fat abundant in vegetarian diets, enhanced an intercellular signaling system that stops cancer cells from dividing. It is a fat that is widely distributed in plants and abundant in pecans, avocadoes, pumpkin seeds, cashews, rice bran, wheat germ, sea-buckthorn, wolfberries and dandelion greens.
This is one fat that should only come from the food you consume as it works synergistically and interacts in a beneficial manner with the bioactive components in the plants.
More great news about vitamin C. The Vitamin C Foundation says, “Recently, exciting research has been published that documents the ability of vitamins C, E and selenium to prevent most cancers, and to decrease the mortality of pancreatic cancers, stomach cancers, prostate cancers and other cancers.”
There are a host of studies that have come to the same conclusions.
Just about all cancer patients are nutritionally deficient. There is clear evidence to support the use of organic plant foods to inhibit cancer formation and progression. Obviously, when it comes to treating cancer, it’s best to work with a qualified, healthcare professional.
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About the author: About the author: Blanche Levine has been a student of natural healing modalities for the last 25 years. She has the privilege of working with some of the greatest minds in natural healing including Naturopaths, scientist and energy healers. Having seen people miraculously heal from all kinds of dis-ease through non-invasive methods, her passion now is to help people become aware of what it takes to be healthy.

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