Saturday, September 7, 2013

September 7, 2013 This sweet food can stop heart disease, cancer, and diabetes

September 7, 2013
This sweet food can stop heart disease, cancer, and diabetes

Scientists know that eating sugar can fuel heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. But new research shows how a very sweet food can help fight all three of these diseases.
The first study appeared in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. It shows how strawberry extract decreases the proliferation of both colon and breast cancer cells. It inhibited colon cancer cells 53% more effectively than the placebo. And the extract stopped breast cancer cells 43% better. What was very interesting about this study was that the researchers found that organic strawberries had higher anti-carcinogenic characteristics than conventional varieties.
The second study looked at the impact of strawberries on diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In this study, researchers gave participants 50 grams of freeze-dried strawberries every day during an eight-week randomized, controlled trial. They found that the strawberries lowered high blood pressure, hyperglycemia, circulating adhesion molecules, and inflammation.
But that's not the only study showing these results. Another study from the University of Warwick in the U.K. found that strawberries prevented heart disease and the vascular complications of diabetes.
Lead researcher Paul Thornalley said, "We've discovered the science behind how strawberries work to increase our in-built defenses to keep cells, organs, and blood vessels healthy and which can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular problems such as heart disease and diabetes."

All of these studies and many more show that strawberries show enormous benefits for anyone with blood sugar problems, heart disease, or cancer. In fact, the more you eat the better. Most studies don't show benefits until you eat at least two to three servings of strawberries per week.
Why are strawberries so effective when they contain natural sugar? Strawberries, along with most berries, actually carry a very low glycemic load compared to most fruits. They won't make blood sugar spike, thanks largely to their high fiber content. And they're packed with nutrients. So it makes sense that this sweet and tasty fruit can fight so many diseases.
Make sure you're eating plenty of strawberries. And eat as many as you want. If you can't eat enough strawberries, consider using Advanced Greens Formula, which contains ample amounts of dried strawberries, along with many other beneficial whole foods and nutrients. I love to combine strawberries and Advanced Greens Formula in my morning smoothie.
Your insider for better health,

Steve Kroening

Olsson, Marie E;Andersson, C Staffan;Oredsson, Stina;Berglund, Rakel H;Gustavsson, Karl-Erik. "Antioxidant levels and inhibition of cancer cell proliferation in vitro by extracts from organically and conventionally cultivated strawberries," Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2006.
Basu, Arpita;Fu, Dong Xu;Wilkinson, Marci;Simmons, Brandi;Wu, Mingyuan;Betts, Nancy M;Du, Mei;Lyons, Timothy J. "Strawberries decrease atherosclerotic markers in subjects with metabolic syndrome," Nutrition Research (New York, N.Y.), 2010.
Pinto, Marcia da Silva;de Carvalho, Joao Ernesto;Lajolo, Franco Maria;Genovese, Maria Inés;Shetty, Kalidas. "Evaluation of antiproliferative, anti type 2 diabetes, and antihypertension potentials of ellagitannins from strawberries using in vitro models," Journal of Medicinal Food, 2010.

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