Thursday, December 26, 2013

Bitter Melon why one should eat it.

Sunday, 19 August 2012
AMPALAYA Health Benefits and Side Effects

Also known as Bitter Gourd or Bitter Melon is common in Southeast Asia, Amazon and in the Caribbean. Even before, folks believed and used Ampalaya as an effective cure to different illnesses. Fruits and leaves are both edible and is a good source of Vitamins. Good source for beta-carotene, Vitamin B, Iron, Calcium and Phosphorus.

In Southeast Asian countries such as the Philippines, the Department of health approved and endorsed Ampalaya as an alternative medicine for diabetes mellitus 2. The study has been certified by the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC).

Clinical studies shows that ampalaya contains hypoglycemic properties found greatly in its fruit which is very effective in lowering sugar level in the body. Its efficacy is equivalent to medicine used to treat diabetes. The study revealed that a 100 milligram per kilo dose per day is comparable to 2.5 milligrams of the anti-diabetes drug Glibenclamide taken twice per day. 

 Seeds and leaves can be pounded to treat wounds
 scalds and burns. Its powerful antibiotic properties is very effective in disinfecting cuts, scrapes, wounds and minor burns. Decoction of Ampalaya leaves and roots can be used as astringent for hemorrhoids.

Eating ampalaya can help prevent heart attack and stroke. It helps relaxing the vascular system walls helping blood to flow without restrictions from narrow passageways.

Its enzymes and nutrients can help to counter react the effects of alcohol and toxins to our body thus helps to maintain proper functionality of Spleen and Liver. Juice from ampalaya leaves and grounded seeds may serve as antiparasitic drug, it helps to expel intestinal parasites, can also be used in the treatment for dysentery,diarrhea,and chronic colitis.Grounded seeds can be taken 3x a day until ailments subsides.
It controls mucus build-up and the on-set chest congestion by restraining minor inflammation in the respiratory system making it effective to treat symptoms of colds such as coughing and fever.

By proper eating and including to healthy diet, it will help boosts immune system. It can help expel and regulates free radicals in the body and may prevent and protects us against diseases and certain cancers.
"Because of its purgative property large dozes of Ampalaya juice may cause pregnancy abortion" 
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