Thursday, January 9, 2014

Prevent and Treat Whooping Cough Naturally Without Drugs

Prevent and Treat Whooping Cough Naturally Without DrugsPrevent and Treat Whooping Cough Naturally Without Drugs

Editor’s Note: Joette Calabrese, author of today’s article, is currently in Kolkata, India serving her second fellowship at the Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation, the busiest clinic in the world.  Her first fellowship resulted in the development of her course – Good Gut Bad Gut. Her time in India will give her even more experience and knowledge to continue her work teaching moms and dads how to safely cure their families without drugs.
The 100-day cough.
Whooping cough.
Whatever you call it, it’s not nice.
It afflicts children and adults, whether vaccinated or not, and although it used to be assigned to early spring and summer, recently it’s rearing its spasmodic head at nearly anytime of the year. It’s a disease on a mission despite conventional medical efforts to corral it.
An Educated Consumer Is the Pediatrician’s Worst Customer
Allow me to step back for a moment. An underlying subject must be established before we continue the topic at hand. That is, the question of responsibility when making choices that affect ourselves and our families. Allow me to advance that I believe in the free trade system. What does this have to do with whooping cough? Let me explain.
Living in a free trade society is not always perfect. Undeniably, there is a price to pay, and that price is the effort required to be an educated consumer. If we don’t exert a little sweat in studying, then the market forces will carry us in the direction that is most likely to benefit others, not us. So, proper use of a free trade system demands doing thorough homework, not just in choosing the best mortgage or studying comps when buying a new car but, more importantly, when choosing a medical method. After all, medicine is a commodity, too.
When we approach life from a skeptical and well-informed posture, we learn to ferret out industry-promulgated information lest we be sold a sales pitch that doesn’t fit our needs.
Having said this, it is not uncommon for the pharmaceutical industry and their minions to capitalize on parental fears. And until parents carve out the requisite time to get the facts (and I mean all the facts), we’re often better off tucking in and doing nothing rather than doing something we later find out was misleading or, worse yet, dangerous to the well being of our brood.
Once you delve into the arena of childhood diseases and stop taking the doctor’s word for everything, you’ll likely be shocked at the juxtapositioned and contradictory information surrounding whooping cough. For example, while your pediatrician likely chants the praises of vaccines, there are other doctors who don’t. Dr. Joseph Mercola recently posted an article entitled 81% of Whooping Cough Cases Occurred in People Who Were Fully Vaccinated.
Meanwhile, the American Academy of Pediatrics condescendingly blames “uninformed parents” with unvaccinated children for whooping cough outbreaks. These contradictory messages should create a mindful pause in any intelligent parent.
Then there is Dr. Sheri Tenpenny, an MD who unquestioningly vaccinated other people’s children until one of her own was seriously harmed by a vaccine. Her research into the CDC created a 180-degree change in her position. Today, she warns parents of the inconsistencies and flaccid information that have led many to agree to vaccinations unwittingly.
“Uninformed parents,” indeed. After a comprehensive personal study, it shouldn’t take much to convince most parents to consider a shift in their opinion as well.
Ok, So Now What?
If I don’t vaccinate my children for pertussis, or in the likely chance that they get it in spite of vaccination, do I just let them suffer with this trying illness? Instinctively, many parents know there must be another way.
Enter homeopathy, a medicine used by more than 500 million people today, most of who do not live in North America. (There’s a reason for this, but that’s fodder for another story.)
Why homeopathy? Because it has no side effects, it’s inexpensive, and most importantly, it works!
Let’s begin with prevention. Homeopathy has a history of not only thwarting and/or minimizing the effects and shortening the rigors of whooping cough, but also treating it if the disease presents. When it comes to prevention, homeopathy has used homeo-prophylaxis on a small scale as well as on sweeping governmental scales.
Homeo-prophylaxis is a term that describes using homeopathic remedies to prevent disease before it occurs. Not unlike the optimism of vaccination programs but without the potential long-term side effects and additives of conventional vaccines. One of the largest efforts to use homeo-prophylaxis in contemporary times was performed in Cuba with 1.5 million citizens of that country. For more on that study and homeo-vaccine programs, go to
For prophylactic treatment of pertussis, many homeopaths suggest the following protocol: Pertussinum 200 one day every month until the threat of whooping cough is gone. One dose of the remedy is given one day on the first, third, fifth, and seventh months, while on the even months, three doses are given on that one day.
While no method of disease protection is guaranteed, if a child is exposed to pertussis, it has clinically been shown that the illness may be avoided or its virulence reduced by using this method.
But there’s another point of view to consider. When a childhood disease presents, it provides an opportunity. Does that sound strange? Until we understand that it is important to educate our children’s immune system, this method will certainly appear different than the outdated paradigm of the killing-every-bug-at-any-cost model. Measles, chickenpox, pertussis, rubella and mumps are all childhood diseases that can prove valuable in building our children’s immunity.
What if They Still Get It?
Preparedness is particularly critical because no conventional medical treatment exists for whooping cough other than antibiotics and only during the infectious period.
Consider the following remedies that have been used for more than 200 years. Nine main homeopathic remedies have been used to treat whooping cough: Drosera rotundifolia 30 and 200, Belladonna 30, Coccus cacti 30 or 200, Ipecacuanha 30, Bryonia alba 30, Antimonium tart 30 or 200, Cuprum metallicum 30 or 200, Kali carbonicum 30 or 200 and Pertussinum 200.
However, when I recently worked at the Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation in Calcutta, I learned a method that the Banerjis and their familial medical predecessors have employed for more than 150 years to treat whooping cough.
The Banerji Protocol is as follows: Cuprum metallicum 6 mixed with Ipecac 30, administered every 3 hours when the disease is in an intense state and twice daily for a milder version. This mixture can be made by adding 4 pills of the first remedy with 4 of the second in 3 ounces of clean water, allowing the pills to dissolve and giving it one gentle stir to incorporate. From this mixture comes the medicine. One teaspoon is considered one dose. This means that an entire family can benefit from this blend. As usual, the sooner the remedies are used, the better.
Be prepared. Own your remedies in advance. Frequently, it’s not until the first member of a family gets a severe cough that the disease is acknowledged to be whooping cough. For the one with the cough, as well as the rest of the family, neighbors and friends, having well-chosen homeopathic remedies in the medicine cabinet has a history of being able to shelter a family in the safe harbor of self reliance.
Discover the world of homeopathy to avoid drugs and angst for other childhood illnesses as well.
How easy. How inexpensive. How efficacious.
Indeed, how like homeopathy.

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