Thursday, January 16, 2014

Structured “Glacial Milk” Clay Water Additive

Natural and Alternative Cures… from the Earth, the Wind and the Seas…
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Back during an extended stay in the Death Valley, CA region, I discovered that I could greatly increase my heat endurance while hiking by taking along a liter of clay water to drink.  During the day, temperatures that year were often between 108 degrees F. and 114 F.  During the heat of the day, the area I was exploring offered no shade, and a constant supply of clay water greatly assisted my stubborn efforts to stay outdoors and complete my explorations.
I originally thought of this idea thanks to Weston Price’s observation that tribal runners would often travel with very small “balls” of dried clay, and would stick them in the mouth and suck on them while travelling long distances between tribes.
After experiencing the benefit first hand, I started adding small amounts of clay to my drinking water supply.  However, drinking clay-rich water all of the time isn’t necessarily enjoyable.  Eventually, I learned how to extract the smallest clay particles in a stable colloidal suspension, and create a water additive that I could add to all of my drinking water.
Not only did this method produce amazing tasting water, it was water that tasted like it should:  Water.
Patrick Flanagan, among others, noted that pristine natural river waters born from a glacial source helped keep local populations healthy, and this type of water, rich in substances like minute amounts of clay and very small amounts of particulates such as silver, often thus became known as “glacial milk”.  Researchers such as Patrick Flanagan, based on this type of research, developed chemical additives to try to mimic the effect of this structured water.
Myself?  I decided to stick with the real deal, and used pristine and natural colloidal clay to make my water additive.
In fact, Nostradamus once said:
“The rock holds in its depth white clay which will come out milk-white from a cleft. Needlessly troubled people will not dare touch it, unaware that the foundation of the earth is clay.”
– Quatrain 21, Nostradamus
Occasionally, a visitor would come by to talk about clay.  Once in a while, the exchange would go something like this:
“So and so said that you know how to use clay for detox.  I can’t imagine actually drinking mud.  Blech!”
I would reply something like:  “It takes some getting used to.  Some people don’t like the texture, while others are instantly drawn to drinking clay-rich water.  These days, I however, I often just take a tablespoonful of clay gel and wash it down with water, without even a thought.”
Shaking the head, visitor replies, “I just can’t wrap my head around it.   It just doesn’t seem natural. Do you have some drinking water?  It’s hot out there!”
I would likely reach for a gallon container of drinking water, and pour the individual a glass.  The individual would no doubt eye it for a moment before drinking it.  “Ahhhh, this water tastes fantastic.  It’s funny how water tastes better than anything else when you’re out in the desert!”
At which point I’d smile to myself.  “You know, you just drank a tall glass of clay water.”
Enter:  Look of shocked confusion.  “But that water was crystal clear, and I didn’t taste any dirt at all!”
“Here, look.”  I’d pull out a laser pointer and shine it through the water.  “You can see the colloidal-sized clay particles in the water via the Tyndall effect; they are too small to see with the naked eye at this concentration.  While this method of drinking clay is not actually clay therapeutics, I guarantee that you’ve probably just consumed the healthiest water you’ve ever drank in your life.”
There are three morals to this story, and all have equal value.
Moral Number One:  Be careful what you touch when you’re around me, because I’m a living, walking laboratory.  Of course, this one is for my family and friends, who are well aware of this moral. (of course, this is only comical, an immense amount of research goes in to the things I practice, and I wouldn’t jeopardize the well-being of those around me).
  • Discover Natural Supplements to Improve Age-Related Health Issues!

  • Moral Number Two:  Don’t ever drink the water unless you’ve made it yourself!
    Moral Number Three:  Things sometimes are not what you imagine them to be, and a quick demonstration can often be mind-blowing.  Live with an open mind, and you’ll experience a completely different world.
    In my last water article, Water, the Universal Solvent, I promised to write a follow-up article on a formula to structure water without having to spend a fortune on questionable water additives.  What follows is a do-it-yourself formula that can be as simple or as complex as you’d like!
    The Clay Water Additive
    Start off with your favorite edible clay.  I recommend using a volcanic-origin alkaline smectite, or an ultra-ventilated illite mica.
    For your beginning water source, the water you will use to make your “concentrate”, try to use a clean water source, such as 12 stage RO filtered water, distilled water, or at least a very healthy, chemical free water, if possible.
    Fill a tall glass with water (10 ounces is fine; although any size can be used).  Take 1/4 teaspoonful of clay water, and add it to the water.  Mix thoroughly, so that all of the clay is aqueous, and cover.  Leave overnight.
    The next day, carefully decant about 1/3 of the clayish water on top, transferring it to a second glass.  Leave the surface water (the very top) undisturbed (you can use a simple plastic syringe to extract the concentrate, if desired).  The largest particles will settle on the bottom of the glass.  The heavier colloidal particles will occupy the lower portion of the glass.
    If you desire perfection, use a laser pen to gauge the Tyndall effect and extract only the top portion of the water where the laser light is visible through the entire glass of water (horizontally).  I don’t bother, and simply extract the top 1/3rd.
    The water in the second glass is your concentrate.  Simply add about one tablespoonful of this concentrate to one gallon of drinking water.  Use a laser pen to check your drinking water.  There should be a slight Tyndall effect.

    The Finished Water – Ready to Drink – Tyndall Effect Reveals Clay Particles in Clear Water

    Clay Water Additive / “Glacial Milk” – Pour 1 Tbs of Concentrate Into 1 Gallon of Drinking Water
    Additional Options
    Additionally, those interested can magnetize the water additive (by adding magnets to the concentrate storage vessel), and/or signal process the water with up to four frequencies using a Rife or EMEM device.

    Place a “water stone”/crystal in the concentrate storage vessel.  Use a small, clean amethyst or quartz crystal, for example.  Before adding any crystal to the concentrate container, place the crystal in clay gel/magma for 24-72 hours, then rinse.  Alternately, one may choose to use an “Effective Microorganism” ceramic water stone.

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