Thursday, May 29, 2014

10 Benefits of Celtic Sea Salt and Himalayan Salt by Dr. Josh Axe and Eric Zielinsk

Salt has been used as a natural flavoring for thousands of years and it’s so vital to our existence that we’ve even been created with a portion of our tongue designated to taste saltiness.
I did a Daniel Fast last year and eliminated salt from my diet completely for 10 days and everything I ate tasted completely bland. During that time it made me realize how essential salt is to our lives and caused me to spend some extra hours researching all of the many uses and benefits of celtic sea salt and himalayan salt.
As I’m sure you’re aware, salt is seen as negative and bad by many organizations like the American Heart Association. Now I’m not saying you should start shoveling salt into your mouth but I want to clarify there is a major difference between processed table salt and real sea salt.
Sea Salt vs Table Salt
Table “salt” is manufactured by taking natural salt (such as crude oil flake leftovers) and heating it to 1200° Fahrenheit. During this extreme process, the chemical composition is completely altered and all of the nutritional benefits are destroyed.
In the end, generic table “salt” ends up being about 97.5% sodium chloride and a 2.5% balance containing an array of ingredients including:
  • Anti-caking chemicals.
  • Iodine to prevent goiters.
  • MSG and/or white processed sugar to help stabilize the iodine.
  • And aluminum derivatives such as sodium solo-co-aluminate.
Trust me when I tell you that no one really knows what’s in this stuff and calling it “salt” is a complete mis-representation! Ultimately, this processed “fake” salt puts people at risk of developing cardiovascular events and chronic disease because of elevated blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.
So when the AHA says that salt is bad for you, this is correct only when referring to table “salt.” Unlike real salt, processed “salt” will cause your body to retain fluids and is so toxic that your body will operate in a sympathetic fight-or-flight response to protect itself from damage when you eat it.
Subsequently, it should be no surprised that people who use these products develop diabetes, gout and obesity more than people who don’t.
Additionally, most table “salt” is iodized and puts people at risk for over-iodization, which has been shown to abnormally enlarge the thyroid gland and cause thyroid-related autoimmune disorders.
Real Salt Benefits and Beyond
On the other hand, if we were talking about REAL salt like celtic sea salt or himalayan salt then I believe it has many benefits and should be used daily.
Because of the life-giving nutrition sea salt contains:
  • Contains 60 trace minerals which help you stay hydrated.
  • Sufficient sodium levels that help balance your sodium-potassium ratios.
  • Powerful electrolytes like magnesium.
  • Trace elements required for proper adrenal, immune and thyroid function.
  • Digestive enzyme enhancers, which help your body absorb more nutrients from the foods that you eat.
What is the best sea salt?
Himalayan Salt
It is claimed by many that Himalayan crystal salt is the purest salt available on the planet. With a history dating back to Earth’s creation, it is believed to be composed of dried remnants of the original, primal sea.
Known as “pink gold,” Himalayan crystal salt is actually a beautiful translucent pink and contains all of the 84 elements found in your body. Because of amazing nutrient load, doctors of functional medicine report that regularly eating Himalayan salt can help:
  • Regulate the water content throughout your body
  • Promote healthy pH balance in your cells (particularly your brain cells)
  • Promote blood sugar health and can help reduce the signs of aging
  • Assist in the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells in your body
  • Absorb food particles through your intestinal tract
  • Support respiratory health
  • Promote sinus health
  • Prevent of muscle cramps
  • Promote bone strength
  • Regulate your sleep
  • Support your libido
  • Promote vascular health
  • Regulate your blood pressure with sufficient water and potassium intake.
Celtic Sea Salt
Another ancient commodity, Celtic sea salt is comparable to Himalayan crystal salt in its composition and health benefits. Being of a grayish hue, it is naturally harvested in Brittany France near the Celtic Sea using a 2,000-year old Celtic method that is crucial to preserving its life-giving nutrition profile. Weber’s description of this process sums it up well:
The salt fields of Brittany are lined with a natural layer of clay and sand…. In order to harmonize the trace elements, the hand raking of the moist crystals is done by artisans with a skillful touch.
The method is followed by a dedicated group of professional natural salt farmers in Brittany, who perpetuate the traditional skills that have been passed down through generations from antiquity. When harvested in these ways, natural Celtic sea salts are highly beneficial to one’s health as they possess many therapeutic qualities.
It has been reported that Celtic Sea salt is powerfully beneficial for your health and can help:
  1. Alkalize the body
  2. Balance blood sugars
  3. Eliminate mucus buildup
  4. Build immunity
  5. Improve brain function
  6. Increase energy
  7. Provide electrolyte balance
  8. Promote restful sleep
  9. Prevent muscle cramps
  10. Regulate heartbeat and blood pressure
Interestingly, this salt will retain its moisture and will be moist to touch, in spite of how you store it. Think of this as a gentle reminder of its ocean-source and continual life-giving properties!
Do you use Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt? Can you taste the difference?

American Heart Association. Eating too much salt led to nearly 2.3 million heart-related deaths worldwide in 2010. [Internet]. Copyright 2014. Available at:
McCarron DA. Dietary sodium and cardiovascular and renal disease risk factors: dark horse or phantom entry? Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2008 Jul;23(7):2133-7.
Bagcchi S. Hypothyroidism is still prevalent in India despite promotion of iodised salt, study shows. British Medical Journal. 2013 Dec 24;347:f7693.
10 Key Health Benefits and Usage Celtic Sea Salt. Copyright 2010-2013. Available at:

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