Sunday, June 8, 2014


  • The average American consumes two to three pounds of sugar per week, and all that sugar has a range of well documented harmful health effects (i). Insulin levels are affected leading to weight gain and diabetes. Our immune systems are weakened and our susceptibility to cardiovascular disease, hypertension and arthritis is all increased. Many experts feel that sugar feeds cancer cells too. Other damaging effects on our bodies include:
    • Sugar contributes to anxiety, depression and hyperactivity.
    • Sugar reduces HDL cholesterol levels and raises LDL cholesterol levels.
    • Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.
    • Sugar can cause kidney damage.
    • Sugar leads to tooth decay.
    • Sugar can cause mineral deficiencies.
    • Sugar can cause headaches and migraines.
    • Sugar can increase fatty deposits in the liver.
    • Sugar can inhibit your ability to think clearly.
    • Sugar can increase your risk of blood clots and strokes.
    Here are some ways to eliminate unnecessary sugar from your diets:
    AVOID PROCESSED JUNK FOODS: It has been said that the sugar in many processed foods can be as addictive to us as heroin. This may seem dramatic but research has shown that when we eat sugar our brains are artificially stimulated to release dopamine – a recognised pleasure neurotransmitter. The problem comes when the level drops giving us a ‘flat’ feeling. We learn that by eating further sugar laden foods the feeling will return, thus it becomes a cycle addiction. By cooking from scratch you’ll avoid the hidden sugars in processed foods. Many sauces in jars & ready meals have high sugar levels. In cutting down a lot of the hidden sugars in our diet in these processed foods we can eliminate this dependency and retrain our bodies and brains.
    BOOST SEROTONIN LEVELS: Often called the ‘happy hormone’ , serotonin is produced between the brain and the digestive tract. Some foods are rich in serotonin and others are rich in substances that increase the production of serotonin. Low serotonin levels can lead to insomnia, depression or both. Some foods are rich in serotonin and many are rich in substances that increase the production of serotonin. Adopting a low glycemic diet and regular exercise will help maintain a healthy level , which in turn reduces cravings for candies and sweet foods.
    USE NATURAL STEVIA TO SATISFY A SWEET TOOTH: All natural stevia is derived from the stevia plant native to South America. It has zero calories and is 300 times sweeter than sugar without raising blood sugar levels. If you need to sweeten your food then it is easily available in many forms.
    DRINK MORE WATER: We often misinterpret signals from the brain that we think are telling us to have a sugary snack, but it actually our bodies saying that it is dehydrated rather than hungry. Reach for a glass of water first. If you feel you need a sweeter drink dry drinking water with half a lemon squeezed in and a few drops of stevia to satisfy your craving.
    MAINTAIN A STABLE BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL: Eating the traditional three large meals a day leads to peaks and troughs in our blood sugar levels. It has been shown that by having five or six smaller but healthy meals throughout the day these drops are avoided so our need for sweet snacks is reduced. Meals should include protein and healthy fats. Swap white carbs for brown for example substitute brown bread for white bread, brown rice for white rice and wholegrain pasta for white pasta. Whole grain foods are higher in fibre leading to a feeling of fullness so you eat less and avoid the false sugar ‘highs’ described earlier. It is important not to skip breakfast either – but avoid sugar laden cereals.
    KNOW YOUR LABELS: Sugar is often disguised as many other names including sucrose, glucose, fructose, dextrose, lactose, maltose and corn syrup. Corn syrup in particular metabolised differently to sugar in our bodies leading to fat building up around our stomachs. The problem on a great many labels is that more than one of these names in the full list of ingredients meaning that there is an unhealthily high proportion of sugar in the food.
    We can retrain our bodies not to crave sugar in a relatively short period of time. It will have a huge impact on all areas of our health and wellbeing in the long term.

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