Monday, August 4, 2014

Antibiotics Food and Herbs

Pharmaceutical antibiotics have become one of the most over prescribed “medicines” today. Here are ten simple natural ingredients to get rid of infections without harming your body:

One of the biggest problems facing modern society is the overuse of prescribed antibiotics. This has resulted in people having ruined their digestive systems, and ironically, has lowered their natural immunity to many different infections thus making many bugs ‘drug-resistant’. Many medical experts are now even more fearful as these new “super-bugs” that are antibiotic resistant continue to develop at an increasing rate.
The Infectious Disease Society of America reports that germs resistant to one or more drugs kill more than 100,000 US hospital patients annually and the resulting cost to the healthcare system is estimated to be more than $34 billion.
However there are many proven natural herbs and foods that have antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties, all of which protect the human body safely without any of the associated damaging side effects of prescriptions antibiotics.

They have the added advantage that they do not kill good bacteria at the same time as targeting the bad bacteria. We should all be using these and avoiding the pharmaceutical alternatives.
Coconut oil has many well documented beneficial affects on many aspects of our health. It has powerful immune boosting properties acting as an anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-parasitic agents. These can have a particularly positive effects on skin, helping to prevent a variety of skin conditions such as dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema. It can fight effectively against harmful bacteria which can cause chronic indigestion, and fights fungal infections of the gut such as candida.

Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid which studies have indicated can inhibit the growth of pathogens in some of the most prevalent super-bugs like MRSA. When used together with oregano oil (see below) it has been more effective in fighting staphylococcus bacteria than other pharmaceutical alternatives and much less harmful on the body.
Chose organic, virgin oil and try putting it in a smoothie, stir fry dish or try as an alternative to butter in many recipes. Experts advise that 3 tablespoons daily for adults in the recommended doseage.

Oil of oregano kills the pathogenic bacteria without disrupting our essential and necessary beneficial bacteria. In addition it is also antiviral and anti-fungal which makes it an extremely powerful 3-in-1 combination but again without encouraging antibiotic resistance, thus making it an attractive alternative to the overused pharmaceuticals.
The key antimicrobial ingredient found in oil of oregano is carvacrol. To be effective the oil needs to contain at least 70 percent carvacrol content.
Oregano oil can be mixed with hand sanitizer, vaporized into the air, rubbed onto the skin, or taken in pill form. 600 mg a day is sufficient for the treatment of stomach parasites.
Manuka honey is one of the most palatable alternatives to antibiotics. When used topically it has been found to kill a wide range of fatal pathogens including MRSA and flesh eating bacteria. Research shows that the treated bacteria did not build up any resistance, which would have resulted in manuka honey eventually becoming ineffective.

Again please read labels carefully and buy organic natural manuka honey.
It can be rubbed directly on to a burns or wounds for optimal results.

(Note : This has been known to raise blood sugar levels or cause an allergic reactions in some people. Also seeks advice if you are undergoing chemotherapy as it can interact negatively with some medications).
Goldenseal is commonly grown across the US and gaining popularity as a natural and effective treatment for killing bacteria. It is most successful in the treatment of skin infections, digestive disorders, ulcers, eye infections and urinary tract infections. The active compound is berberine which completely destroys the bacteria and also some parasites. Berberine is also believed to help regulate blood sugar levels in diabetic patients and helps fight heart disease (i).
It can be applied to the skin directly or made into a skin wash. The underground stems or roots of goldenseal are dried and used to make teas, liquid extracts, and solid extracts that may be made into tablets and capsules.
Goldenseal is often combined with echinacea in preparations that are intended to be used for colds.

(Note: Ask your doctor before taking goldenseal if you’re currently on any other type of medication. It may cause irritation of the skin and heighten it’s sensitivity to sunlight in some users. Avoid use if you have high blood pressure. It should not be given to children)
Garlic has been involved through the centuries by many cultures medicinally. In the 1700′s garlic was used to ward off the deadly plague. It possesses powerful antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial properties. Research has shown that it helps protect good bacteria and eliminate unfriendly bacteria. It is extremely high in natural antioxidants that are found to destroy free radicals, which in turn supports a stronger immune system. It is the active ingredient allicin that is the vital component to destroying as well as warding off the harmful bacteria.
Use crushed to activate these compounds, and eat it raw, in a warm tea, or in lightly cooked food. There are also garlic oils, extracts, and freeze-dried tablets available.
Tea tree oil should be in everyone’s medicine cabinet. It is extracted from the Melaleuca Alternifolia tree, native to Australia, and has a huge range of beneficial uses as a natural remedy. It is a proven treatment for healing cuts, acne, dandruff, athlete’s foot, fungal toe infections and lung infections to name but a few. The active compounds within this oil are known as terpenoids which have a super charged anti-microbial effect. They are now being widely studied for their anti-bacterial properties also.
Tea tree oil is readily found in everyday products such as shampoos, soaps, toothpastes but is also very useful as the pure essential oil.
(Note : Do not ingest the oil orally and test a small patch of skin in case of allergic reactions prior to use).
Echinacea has been used to successfully treat a vast array of infections over hundreds of years. Traditionally, this potent herb was used to treat open wounds, blood poisoning, diphtheria, and many other bacterial related illnesses. These days, echinacea is widely used for treating colds and flu, due to its ability to destroy the some of most dangerous forms of bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus, which causes deadly MRSA. It has been shown to lessen pain, diminish inflammation, and act as an antiviral as well as an antioxidant.
Echinacea is available in many forms including ointments, tinctures, pills, and extracts. It’s readily available in capsule or tablet form mixed in with other natural health supplements. The root can also be made into hot tea.

(Note: Seek advice if you suffer from diabetes, HIV, liver troubles or multiple sclerosis as it may interact with other medications).
Ginger has long been recommended as an effective way to ward off nausea brought on by motion sickness or pregnancy. The phenol compounds known as shogaols and gingerols are the active component in the root that contribute to the anti-inflammatory benefits as well as lowering cholesterol.
It is easy to incorporate ginger in our daily diets. It makes a very healthy addition to juices and smoothies or made into a tea. You can also find ginger extracts, tinctures, capsules and oils in natural health stores.
(Note: Ginger may also interact with certain prescription medications. Please seek advice if you have a bleeding disorder or take blood-thinning drugs).
Turmeric is also known as curcuma and is related to the ginger family. It truly is a wonder spice. It is native to India and Asia predominantly, and has been widely recognized by natural health professionals as one of the world’s healthiest foods (ii). Curcumin is believed to be the main active pharmacological agent in turmeric.
In many studies, curcumin’s anti-inflammatory effects have been shown to be comparable to the potent drugs hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone as well as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory agents such as Motrin. Unlike the drugs, which are unsurprisingly associated with significant toxic effects (ulcer formation, decreased white blood cell count, intestinal bleeding), curcumin produces no toxicity in our bodies.
Studies have shown it to be a powerful anti bacterial, anti viral, anti fungal and antiseptic agent and has so many additional rich health benefits that everyone should really find a way to incorporate it into their daily diets.
The root can be consumed raw, just like ginger, but is most commonly dried and powdered. The powder can be added to a tasty smoothie, used in curries and casseroles, sprinkled onto salads or simply found in a capsule. There are also tinctures dissolved in alcohol and liquid extracts of turmeric.
Colloidal silver has also been used as an effective antibiotic for centuries. It was Alfred Searle, founder of the Searle pharmaceutical company, who discovered in the early 1900′s that it could kill the some of most deadly pathogens. Searle stated that “applying colloidal silver to human subjects has been done in a large number of cases with astonishing results”. He highlighted that its main advantage was that it quickly destroyed microbes without having adverse toxic reactions on its host.

More recently it has been documented that colloidal silver can destroy antibiotic resistant microbes such as MRSA, bird flu, and SARS.
There are many more natural antibiotics, but these are a great start for an all-natural pharmacy. Also consider raw apple cider vinegar, reishi, pau d’arco, olive leaf extract, cayenne, cloves, and even lemons to strengthen your antibiotic alternatives. Natural is always best.

If you think others should know about natural, herbal antibiotics, share it with others by clicking one of the share links below. Thank you for reading!

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