Friday, August 1, 2014

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is often dismissed as a hot spice with less kick than the popular habanero, but cayenne is extremely valuable as an herb in the medicine cabinet. Cheryl Forest, a master herbalist, says:

Cayenne is used to stop heart attacks by the time you can count to 10 taken at a level measuring tsp dose in a half glass of hot water. It will stop bleeding and hemorrhaging anywhere in the body in a matter of 2 or 3 minutes, (even with gunshot wounds, accidents with power tools, and child birth) sometimes less, It's taken internally or in the case of an open wound [sprinkled on] or packed right into the wound. Wounds have healed without scarring using this. I have had experience with both. It's nothing short of amazing.

Buying from health food stores or ordering bulk online from a reputable company is good. 4 capsules = 1 tsp is a rule of thumb. Herbs lose medicinal value after a year so you have to increase the amount you use for the same result. Remember not to cook cayenne as it makes it an irritant and kills the healing properties.

Even the University of Michigan found research of cayenne’s effectiveness in clinical trials: Take cayenne orally in a morning tonic or capsule to improve circulation, make other herbs more effective and boost your metabolism. Apply it as a salve for a topical pain reliever and to help arthritis.

If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper. It is more powerful than anything else.--Dr. Richard Shulze [END]

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