Thursday, August 21, 2014

Immune Boosting Nutrients for Healing After Chemo

7 Immune Boosting Nutrients to Repair Your Body After Chemo
on March 24, 2014
It would be wonderful if our “Healthcare System”  would focus on true prevention and healing the body with non-toxic, plant-derived products. But the reality is that the majority of women still undergo the traditional treatments of radiation, surgery and chemotherapy. We have a ways to go before integrative oncology can have a bigger impact on shifting the paradigm of the cancer industry.
In the meantime, the best way to be supportive of women with Breast Cancer, regardless of their treatment choice, is to keep educating and giving proof of the power of Natural Medicine. Granted, while undergoing chemotherapy treatments, most oncologists will warn against taking any supplements because they are unsure of the effect this may have on the toxic treatment.
I am not an oncologist or medical doctor and make no claims to be one, but common sense tells me that if your body is suffering and is toxic, food-derived nutrients can certainly support the body nutritionally without having a detrimental effect. Keep in mind that cancer cells are very resistive to dying because they manufacture specific proteins that prevent them from dying. But, we are blessed with an array of amazing plant compounds that display selective toxicity that kill only cancer cells, and at the same time boost our Immune System.
If my best friend was doing chemotherapy, this is what I would recommend to her, to help repair her body before, during and after treatment.
1.)  Broccoli Sprouts
There are over 100 research articles on the plant compound Sulforaphane that is found in cruciferous vegetables. However, there are 20 – 50 times more Sulforaphane in a sprout compared to the mature vegetable. Sulforaphane is a potent inhibitor of Breast Cancer, induces Breast Cancer cells to die and boosts your Natural Killer Cell Activity.
2.)  Curcumin
There are over 200 studies in the US National Library of Medicine that specifically addresses the effect of curcumin on Breast Cancer. Curcumin has many anti-cancer properties such as prevention of tumor development and inducing cancer cell death. But it has also even been shown to be beneficial against multi-drug resistant Breast Cancers.
3.)  Salicinium
Salicinium (Orasal is the product name) is a plant based glyco-nutrient that alters cancer cell fermentation and weakens cancer cells. It is non-toxic and can be used orally and intravenously. Dr. John Forsythe, a board certified Homeopath and Oncologist has found an 85% success rate with Breast Cancer patients. (in combination with Poly MVA and other nutrients)  
4.)  Poly MVA
This is a unique liquid formula of specific minerals, amino acids and vitamins that support normal cellular energy production by increasing oxygen pathways inside the cell. We know that cancer cells “breathe” though sugar fermentation and don’t like oxygen because it interferes with the cancer cells’ metabolism.
5.)  Beta Glucans
If you want to supercharge your Immune System, this extract from medicinal mushrooms is very powerful. It increases the activity of the immune cells that gobble up cancer cells and affects the expression of important genes in Breast Cancer cells.
6.)  Melatonin
More commonly known as a “sleep-inducing” hormone, Melatonin is actually a very powerful cytotoxic hormone. It displays anti-estrogen effects on estrogen receptors and causes Breast Cancer cells to

commit cell suicide. Many clinical studies have shown the benefits of Melatonin for cancer patients.  
7.)  Vitamin D  
The Canadian Cancer Society has now endorsed the use of Vitamin D as a cancer prevention therapy. Higher levels of blood serum Vitamin D are associated with a reduced risk of post-menopausal Breast Cancer, reduced Breast Cancer cell growth and stimulation of the macrophages to attack cancer cells.
There are many, many more Immune Modulating products and foods that strengthen your Immune System and weaken cancer cells at the same time. In order to truly heal the body, you must address the cause that brought you to the cancer journey in the first place. You must be willing to change your diet, your lifestyle and your attitude towards your life. Since the average success rate for chemotherapy alone is 2.1%, I would encourage you to provide your body with powerful nutrients that may improve your body’s ability to heal.
If you would like more information on these 7 nutrients, follow these links:
2.)  Curcumin
3.)  Salicinium
4.)  Poly MVA

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