Wednesday, September 24, 2014


MIT Scientist: “Cholesterol Drugs Could Be Placing You In Mortal Danger” Here’s Why... HOT

Statin drugs are a class of prescription drugs often used to lower blood cholesterol levels. They can be used to block the action of a chemical in the liver that is necessary for making cholesterol. Although cholesterol is necessary for the body, many believe that too much of it can lead to plaque build up in the arteries and blocked blood flow. According to the theory behind statin drugs, by reducing blood cholesterol levels, one can lower their risk of chest pain, heart attacks and strokes. Recently, a lot of controversy has surrounded the claim that cholesterol levels are associated with heart disease. Whether they are or are not, some are suggesting that statins create more problems and aren’t necessary for people to use.
Although statins are successful in lowering cholesterol levels, they deplete your body of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10).(2)(1) CoQ10 is found in every cell of the human body, our body produces it and our cells use it to assist our themselves with growth. CoQ10 also acts as an antioxidant, which protects the body from damage.(3) In 1961 scientists said that people with cancer had little CoQ10 in their blood, some research even suggested that CoQ10 may be useful as a secondary treatment for cancer.(3) Statins have also been seen to impair the function of all sterols, which are necessary for good cell health.
Millions of Americans alone are taking cholesterol lowering drugs, many of which are statins. A few years ago, a government health survey found that almost 32 million Americans take a statin – that’s the equivalent of the entire population of Florida and Illinois combined. (4)

  • If you never eat these 3 veggies, You will burn belly fat every day

  • “Here are some things that you have a right to know about these drugs. Yes they lower cholesterol, but they don’t prevent heart attacks and they’re not safe. So if you’re taking a statin you are taking a drug to prevent heart attacks, if you are taking a statin you are taking a drug that does not prevent against heart attacks. You are taking a drug that is not safe, and does you harm. In fact, your statin drug could be placing you in mortal danger, setting you up for heart failure among other things, including a deadly form of kidney disease. Given that statins are useless and dangerous, why do doctors prescribe them? Because most doctors think that high cholesterol is a main proponent on heart disease, so they view these drugs as life saving drugs. This is fundamentally wrong. How do you explain the fact that half of the people who have heart attacks, have perfectly normal cholesterol. Statins cause heart disease” Raymond Francis
    MIT science graduate, and chemist by training, Raymond Francis has much more to say about statins. He is an internationally recognized leader in the field of optimal health maintenance. To hear more of what he has to say, please watch the video below. Alternative sources have been provided that correlate with the claims made by Francis.
    I think it’s important to keep in mind that for a number of years, prescription drugs have been known to be potentially harmful. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, two-hundred and ninety people in the United States are killed by prescription drugs everyday.(5) We are very quick to put drugs into our body, and many people administering them are convinced of their beliefs that they are safe, but there is certainly more to the story we need to consider.

    Alternative options for better heart health and protection of your cardiovascular system range in the many. Everything from exercise to diet , an abundance of fruits and vegetables have been shown to prevent and repair damage to cells. They help wipe out free radicals in the bloodstream, which protects the blood vessels. Often times the best approach to healing the body is adjusting lifestyle.

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