Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sugar proven more addicting than Cocaine

Sugar proven more addicting than CocaineSugar proven more addicting than Cocaine

We all hear horror stories involving Drugs, Every day we turn on our news and see somebody has murdered someone else, robbed a store or house, or just went completely insane. Drugs directly affect the lives of every single person; it doesn’t matter if they are doing the drugs themselves, or if they have family or friends involved in the addictive lifestyle. That being said, did you know that sugar has been proven to be more addictive than intravenous drugs?
  • Chemist teaches how to divorce sugar forever without willpower

  • Sugar gets you hooked through invoking in a feeling of euphoria triggered by dopamine, the pleasure- inducing chemical in our brain. Have you ever wondered why when you eat sugar, you want more of it? The answer is simple we need calories for survival, so we are more likely to respond to high-calorie foods. Sugar causes a dependence, so when abstaining, it is difficult and creates severe physical and mental reactions.
    Dr. Mark Hyman has been researching the effects of sugar in the human body for 20 years and has collected all his findings into his new book,” The Blood Sugar 10-Day Detox Diet.” He claims, “Sugar is the new nicotine. Sugar is the new fat- except fat is not addictive in the way that sugar is. And worse sugar even causes diabetes and obesity.”
    On the book’s website, Dr. Hyman says 600 people took part in the diet, which encourages healthier eating habits. Together, they lost more than 4,000 pounds, and their average blood pressure fell by about 10 points.

    To top it all off a study was done on rats to see it Oreo cookies were just as addictive as drugs. The results showed that The Oreos were more addicting than the specific drugs used for the study; Heroin and Cocaine. The cookies activated even more neurons in the brains ‘pleasure center.’
    “If you overeat sugar on a regular basis, it causes changes within the brain. Basically, it blunts your reward region response to the food, so then you eat more and more to achieve the same satisfaction you felt originally.” Dr. Sanjay Gupta
    Sugar causes many health problems and is directly linked to the obesity epidemic going on in our country today. It is marketed directly to our children to cause a dependence later in life. Furthermore, up to 80% of food items in U.S. grocery stores are spiked with added sugar. So Break the chain now, and kick the ongoing national sugar habit

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