Monday, October 13, 2014

Healing Properties of Mulberry


Let us start with different order,first the treatments:
Put some bark from white Mulberry in a container.( Be cautious and gentle with the Mulberry tree) Soak with 40% alcohol and leave it in a dark place for 20 days. After that strain and use 3 drops of the liquid per day in the morning
 Black mulberry Leaf tea against diabetes:
Pour 4 tablespoons of mulberry leaves in 3 cups of boiling water and leave it for ten hours. Strain and drink it throughout the day instead of water.
Syrup against fevers, inflammations and constipation:
Mix 1 kg. of black mulberry in 1 l. of water and add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Leave to stand for 24 hours.
The next day, mix the mixture with 3 tablespoons of honey or other natural sweetener according to your wishes and cook until desired consistency.
Pour into sterilized bottles and drink several times a day diluted with water.



And now few words about this fruit.Mulberries are juicy, sweet, soft and delicious to eat. Contain natural sugars (mostly glucose) water,apple acid, tannin, vitamins C and a lot of other useful materials . Mostly contains minerals like iron, calcium. It has big role in preventing of the aging of the body and helps against many diseases.
The healing properties of black mulberry are indeed numerous.The black mulberry is used in folk medicine against urinary tract infections, diseases of the mouth and throat, epilepsy, depression, insomnia, dizziness, diabetes. Fresh immature mulberries are used against diarrhea and mature as a mild laxative.                                                         Leaves of black mulberry is known folk remedy for lowering and controlling blood sugar, and is widely used in tea blends for diabetes.
White mulberry has extensive application in cosmetics.Is a part of many cosmetic products for skin whitening.
It is also used in the composition of the preparation of anti-aging skin treatment for skin around the eyes.It was also noted that helps in arthritis, eye diseases, weakness of the body and relax the nervous system.
 White mulberry juice can help with throat cancer.
The bark of the mulberry.
Since the very past time,throw history bitter bark of mulberry is used as a remedy against intestinal parasites, especially tapeworms.
Bark treats bowel disease, stomach, dyspepsia and helps with food, alcohol and mushroom poisoning.
The powder obtained from the bark of mulberry is used externally as a salve for faster wound healing,and like cure against high blood pressure.

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