Friday, November 14, 2014

Diffuse Your Cancer Time Bomb – tic toc-tic toc

on April 2, 2014
Forty-three years ago a “war on cancer” was pronounced by President Nixon. Since that declaration, the U.S. government alone has spent over $100 Billion on cancer research. Countless lives have been lost as a result of toxic therapies and “experimental drugs” offering false hope.
According to the latest report from the WHO, cancer statistics are indicative of a future “human disaster”.  Cancer cases are expected to surge 57% worldwide in the next 20 years.
According to Christopher Wild, director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, “We cannot treat our way out of the cancer problem,” he said. “More commitment to prevention and early detection is desperately needed in order to complement improved treatments and address the alarming rise in cancer burden globally.”
One out of 3 women and 1:2 men are destined to develop some form of cancer in their lifetime. So how do we STOP this madness??
The answer lies with prevention through education and early detection.
Scientists now recognize that we have enormous control over our health through the use of specific nutrients that can actually turn our “good genes on” and turn our “bad genes off”.
Let’s take a look at some of the ways that Nature can help us diffuse our cancer time bomb.
1.)  Decrease Cancer-promoting Inflammation
Cox -2 is an enzyme that is responsible for increasing inflammation and promoting cancer. Here are a few natural anti-inflammatory nutrients (with the associated research studies) that may help prevent Breast Cancer:
a.)  DIM I3C  
b.)  Curcumin
c.)   Fish Oils
2.)  Prevent DNA Damage
Most cancers, including Breast Cancer, begin with some sort of functional or structural DNA damage which can trigger a cell to become cancerous. Sometimes a tumor-suppressor gene becomes silenced or a tumor-promoter gene gets turned on.  These nutrients have proven anti-breast cancer effects.
a.)  Sulforaphane form broccoli sprouts.
b.)  The trace mineral Selenium

c.)   Genistein from fermented soy
d.)  Curcumin
e.)  EGCG found in Green Tea
3.)  Block Abnormal Estrogen Production
Toxic aromatase inhibitors block the body’s production of estrogen and have serious side effects. If you are concerned with estrogen overload, Nature has provided us with natural estrogen regulators.
a.)  Lignans from Flax Oil
c.)   Pomegranate
4.)  Trigger Cancer Cell Death
Our normal healthy cells eventually go through a process called Apoptosis or cell death. Cancer cells turn a deaf ear to the signals that promote cell death. Thus they keep replicating. These nutrients cause cancer cells to self-destruct:
a.)  Curcumin
c.)   Melatonin
5.)  Stop the Growth of Blood Vessels that Feed Tumors
Once tumors begin to develop, they create their own blood supply to feed the tumor. This process is called angio-genesis. Many nutrients that can be found in a healthy diet block this process.
a.)  Curcumin
b.)  EGCG from Green Tea
c.)   DIM and I3C
d.)  Omega 3 Fatty Acids
6.)  Prevent Metastasis or Spreading of Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer is often associated with metastasis or spread to other organs such as the lungs, liver and brain. Specific nutrients can actually impair the tumor’s ability to spread by blocking the enzymes that cause the “seeding” of the cancer.
a.)  Sulforaphane from cruciferous vegetables and Broccoli sprouts.
b.)  Curcumin
c.)   Green Tea polyphenols
The few products that I have mentioned here are simply the tip of the iceberg. Organic, fresh food, herbs and spices contain a plethora of anti-cancer properties. Although Hippocrates had no scientific “proof” that food could heal the body, he innately knew that food was a prescription for health when he stated, “Let food be your medicine.”

You CAN diffuse your cancer time bomb by being proactive and by making conscious, informed decisions about your health. Most of these products can be easily ordered through my store. If you are confused and don’t know where to start,  let me guide you to take that first step. 

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