Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Stage 4 Cancer Gone With Baking Soda Treatment

Posted By admin On Friday, November 21, 2014 03:19 AM. Under Health, Health Tips  

At the time Vernon Johnston was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer, he was left with just a few options. According to standard therapy, he was supposed to receive chemotherapy, hoping that the toxic drugs that would be injected into his body would kill off cancer cells faster than they would destroy healthy and normal cells.
Chemotherapy is a drastic treatment, and oncologists gladly recommend it. However, patients have pretty good reasons to dread this solution. There is strong evidence showing that chemotherapy drains the body and damages the immune system.

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When it fails, which it often does, chemotherapy can reduce the success of any other subsequent treatments. Unfortunately, nine out 10 cancer patients choose chemotherapy.
Vernon had advanced prostate cancer and it had already metastasized to his bones. Obviously, chemotherapy would have lasted long and cost him a fortune, without any guarantee that the drugs would help him.
So Vernon decided to look for a solution on his own. He took his brother’s advice and decided to increase the pH value of his body in order to stop the cancer from spreading throughout his tissues. To achieve this, Vernon took cesium chloride.
Cesium treatment is a well-known protocol in cancer therapy. But this treatment is an option doctors don’t often give their patients.
Statistics shows that treating cancer with cesium has a 50% cure rate. When compared to both chemotherapy and radiotherapy, it gives better results. This cure rate is more impressive if you take into consideration the fact that most patients who receive cesium have already received chemotherapy, radiation and/or had surgery, of course, without any success.
Instead of going further with orthodox cancer therapies, Vernon simply asked for cesium chloride.
Unfortunately, he never got his cesium. But, Vernon did not give up his battle. He remained persistent with his decision to raise the pH level and make his body alkaline enough so the cancer cells could not spread. He kept searching for other alternatives, and found a cheap and easily available alkaline product  — baking soda.
Baking soda is something everyone has in their kitchen. It is often used as an antacid that neutralizes stomach acid, especially in the treatment of acid reflux and ulcers.
Vernon found a remedy and all he needed was some baking soda and maple syrup. But, he did not have any maple syrup on hand, and combined the baking soda with molasses.
It was as imple as that  — Vernon Johnston won the fight against his cancer using ingredients from his own kitchen. He documented his efforts and success on his blog, and he described this fight as his “dance with cancer.”
What is Baking Soda?
Baking soda is a white crystalized solid, often found as a fine powder. You can also find it as cooking soda, bread soda and bicarbonate of soda, and in chemistry, it is called sodium bicarbonate or sodium hydrogen carbonate.
Bear in mind that baking soda is not the same as washing soda (sodium carbonate), even though they both have a slightly salty and alkaline taste.
Baking soda is often dissolved in mineral water and it is also used as a leavening agent for baked goods or pastries. How does it work? Baking soda is a leavening agent that neutralizes the acidic components contained in butter. The neutralization process releases carbon dioxide and causes the “raising” or expansion of baked foods.
Baking soda is also used to soften vegetables and make meat more tender.
When it comes to household maintenance, baking soda is an excellent cleaning agent. For similar reasons, it is added to toothpastes, and it works as an antiseptic, acid-neutralizer, as well as whitening the teeth, removing plaque, and acting as a cleaning agent.
Deodorants and shampoos are other personal hygiene products that contain baking soda.
The Health Benefits of Baking Soda
In medicine baking soda is used to raise the pH value of the body by neutralizing the acidic environment.
To be more precise, sodium bicarbonate is used as an antacid that neutralizes stomach acid and treats ulcers, heartburn and acid indigestion. It is also used in the treatment of acidosis, which is an increase of the pH value of the blood when it reaches close to 7.0.
Sodium bicarbonate is also used as an antiseptic agent. It is applied locally to prevent any blistering and scarring. In addition to this, baking soda reduces itching which occurs as a result of allergic skin reactions caused by poisonous plants, such as poison ivy.
It is also used in cases of overdosing with acidic drugs such as aspirin and tricyclic antidepressants — thanks to its ability to neutralize stomach acid. As baking soda brings more sodium to the body, it is used in the treatment of hyperkalemia (high levels of potassium in the blood).
But keep in mind that excessive consumption of baking soda can result in high sodium levels in the body (hypernatremia) and hypertension. Excessive intake of baking soda can also causes metabolic alkalosis, congestive heart failure and edema triggered by high levels of sodium in the blood.
How Can Baking Soda “Cure” Cancer?
Simply said, malignant tumors are masses of cells that grow rapidly. The rapid growth of these cells is associated with cellular metabolism.
Cancer cells use a lot more carbohydrates and sugars to generate energy. This energy is in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
However, the process of energy production creates compounds like lactic acid and pyruvic acid. In normal conditions, both compounds are cleared and used right after they are produced. But, as already stated, the metabolism of cancer cells proceeds  at a much faster rate.  Therefore, the acids accumulate near the tumor.
High levels of acidity in the immediate environment of the tumor are one of the driving forces that stimulate the metastasis of cancer tumors.
In other words, cancer cells need an acidic environment, as this will enable them to grow and spread at a higher rate.
Some cancer experts strongly believe that by affecting the tumor microenvironment with certain alkalizing substance, the pH value of the tumor can increase high enough, which would starve the tumor, and eventually it will stop growing and spreading.
It is interesting how this simple solution to this modern plague has proven to be effective.
What is even more interesting is that there is no need for synthetic drugs that are supposed to decrease the acidity in the environment around the tumor. Sodium bicarbonate will be of great help, even though it is just a simple compound.
Sodium bicarbonate should be delivered as close to the tumor as possible, as its ability to increase the pH value is more than necessary in the microenvironment of the tumor. Therefore, injecting sodium bicarbonate directly into the tumor site would be more effective than taking it orally. But oral baking soda is safer and can be easily used at home.

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Stage 4 Cancer Gone With Baking Soda Treatment
Posted By admin On Friday, November 21, 2014 03:19 AM. Under Health, Health Tips  
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Clinical Evidence for the Efficacy of Baking Soda in Cancer Therapy
Two Studies
In 2009, the journal Cancer Research published a study which was among the first to explain how the alkalinizing effect of sodium bicarbonate is able to stop the cancer growth.

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Scientists injected sodium bicarbonate into laboratory mice, and this helped them to determine how increased pH levels of the body affected with cancer can affect tumor growth.
The results showed that baking soda significantly raised the pH levels and affected metastases in mice with breast cancer.
The group of researchers also found that sodium bicarbonate raises the pH level outside the cells and not only within them. This is quite important, because it explains that sodium bicarbonate does not affect the cellular metabolism — even in conditions where it makes the microenvironment unsuitable for tumor growth.
Research also showed that baking soda:
  • Reduces the involvement of lymph nodes in the transport of cancer cells
  • Lowers the level of circulating tumor cells
  • Reduces the involvement of the liver and thus, prevents the spread of tumor cells to other vital organs
  • Inhibits the colonization of circulating tumor cells in other organs
The researchers also noted that direct injection of baking soda in other laboratory animals can inhibit the spread of prostate cancer, but unfortunately, this didn’t work with melanoma.
Taking into consideration these results, scientists are testing to determine whether the combination of sodium carbonate with cancer drugs can produce even better results.
In 2011 the journal BMC Cancer published a study conducted by a group of researchers who studied the effects of dichloroacetate and the combination of dichloroacetate and a bicarbonate salt on laboratory mice with metastatic breast cancer.
Dichloroacetate is a selective cancer drug that works in a similar manner to sodium bicarbonate. It increases the pH value of the environment around the cancer cells. It inhibits the breakdown of sugars and the production of acid in these cells.
The results showed that the combination of dichloroacetate, and the inexpensive household remedy, baking soda, did not show any reduction of the metastasis or tumor size.
This study proves again that sodium bicarbonate is a safer and much cheaper cancer remedy, and it is also more effective than dichloroacetate.
The Use of Baking Soda in Oncology
Although most oncologists do not recommend the use of sodium bicarbonate for their patients, they actually include it in  chemotherapy, for the very same reasons. The combination of this alkalinizing agent and chemotherapy drugs protects the vital organs from the poisonous effects of those drugs.
Sodium bicarbonate increases the pH level around these organs and prevents the cancer from growing and causing any greater damage initiated by the drugs.
Dr. Mark Sircus, the Director of the International Medical Veritas Association, thoroughly explained the connection between cancer and pH values, and he also detailed the use of baking soda as a powerful anti-cancer agent in his book, Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment.
Dr. Tullio Simoncini is an Italian oncologist and he regularly uses baking soda in the treatment of his cancer patients.
His experience confirms that oral, intravenous and aerosol delivery of sodium bicarbonate are amazingly effective in the treatment of breast and prostate cancers. These treatments are effective for many other types of cancer, except cancer of the brain.
Even though Dr. Simoncini believes that oral sodium bicarbonate is most effective in the treatment of cancers that have affected the digestive system, many other oncologists and patients, including Vernon, provide strong evidence in the effectiveness of oral sodium bicarbonate for the treatment of cancer in other vital and deep-seated organs.
Dr. Sircus also supports and strongly recommends oral administration of sodium bicarbonate. His patients often debate whether they should combine baking soda with maple syrup, molasses, honey, water or any other drink. The normal and healthy cells are practically starved, so oncologists recommend using healthy energy sources such as honey, black strap molasses and maple syrup.
For the very same purpose Dr. Simoncini applies glucose intravenously, along with the sodium bicarbonate.
The Baking Soda Formula for Cancer
For the baking soda home remedy make sure you have some maple syrup, molasses or honey to use in the preparation of this remedy.
In his book Dr. Sircus documented the experience of one of his patients who combined baking soda and blackstrap molasses to fight prostate cancer with metastasis to the bones. At the beginning of the therapy, or Day 1, his patient combined 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of molasses. He also added a cup of water.
He continued with this dosing for 3 days, and he already noted some changes in the pH value. The pH of his saliva was 7.0 and his urine pH read 7.5.
The patient was encouraged by the results, and on day 5 he took the same solution twice a day instead of taking it once. From day 6 to day 10, the patient took 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 2 teaspoons of molasses twice a day.
By Day 10, his pH was 8.5. Headaches and night sweats were the only side-effects he had, which are similar to the side effects of cesium therapy.
The next day he had a bone scan and other medical tests. The results showed that his PSA (prostate-specific antigen, a protein that determines the aggressiveness of prostate enlargement and prostate cancer) level was down to 0.1, and  when he was first  diagnosed with cancer, his PSA level was 22.3.
Another way to prepare this baking soda remedy is to mix 90 teaspoons of maple syrup and 30 teaspoons of baking soda.
To ease the preparation, heat the maple syrup so it becomes less viscous. Add the baking syrup and stir for 5 minutes, or until it is completely dissolved.
This dosing is enough for about 10 days. Cancer patients should take 5 – 7 teaspoons per day.
However, be careful when using this baking soda remedy in the treatment of cancer. By sustaining high pH levels you can experience metabolic alkalosis and electrolyte imbalance. This may result in edema, and can even affect the heart and blood pressure.
Always consult your doctor before beginning this baking soda regimen. The advice of an oncologist who is familiar with these type of treatments would be a great help.
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