Saturday, January 31, 2015

Detox Lemon Shot to help detox the Liver and Stimulate the Gall Bladder

Detox Lemon Shot
on September 5, 2012
Admittedly this is not a scrumptious, mouth-watering recipe. However, in the interest of healthy living, it is also important to take an occasional reprieve from all the eating we do. I like to fast 1 day per week and aspire to do a 4-7 day cleanse every few months. This eye opening shot will help detox the liver and stimulate the gall bladder. Since the liver is the major detoxifying organ of the body, debris often accumulates in the gall bladder. A daily shot like this one, may help  keep that gall bladder running more smoothly. Bon Appétit?????   
1 organic lemon
1 ounce Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tbs. extra virgin olive oil
6 ounces of clean water
Add a sprinkle of cayenne
If you need to, sweeten with a bit of stevia
Chop up the lemon and add the remaining ingredients.
Blend at high speed for 30 seconds. Filter with a sieve and enjoy!

Do not eat for 60 minutes after your shot. If you have gall bladder problems, you may want to start slowly and only sip a few ounces.

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